Noble Demon/Professional Wrestling

Examples of Noble Demons in Professional Wrestling include:

  • Randy Orton's face run in 2010. The lyrics to his entrance music show that its no secret that he's extremely evil-minded. But the more his face gimmick goes on, the more he shows that he has standards regarding respect and earning your victories. Which was shown more than ever during the buildup to Survivor Series 2010, in which John Cena was the special guest referee in Orton's WWE title match with Wade Barrett. John Cena was a reluctant member of Wade Barrett's group, the Nexus, and Barret said that if Cena awarded Barrett the title, then Cena would be free from the Nexus, but if Randy Orton won, he would have Cena fired for violating Nexus orders. Orton was one of the first to point out that if Cena were to screw him over in the title match, while he would keep his job, it would make him the biggest phony in WWE and would be disrespecting everyone who ever won it by handing it over to a man who cheated to win it.
  • This is pretty much The Undertaker when he's a Face.
    • And his brother, Kane, as a Face.

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