Ah, at last you return. Or is this the first time we've met in this particular sequence of events? It's difficult for me to separate out what has happened from what could have happened, now that we are so close to the end.
Oh, not necessarily the end of you. That depends on what you do. Right now, you're looking for the Earth-bound half of The Tower, the great gateway I once worked with Eukrisal and the others to build, back when we had our old bodies, back 14,000 years ago. When the backlash of our hubris fell upon us, I suffered worse than those who were merely killed. My mind was split across every moment between then, and...
Well, very soon. As we tried to recover, the Mu captured our gateway, and hid it, and sealed it away in their deepest vaults. I do not know where it is now, but I will know where it is in the future and when I learn of it's location, I will be quite surprised. That is, until I remember that you know the location because I will remember where you found it in the future so that I can tell you know where to go. I will tell you where to find the Earthly half of our great project, deep within the lost vaults of the Mu.
Existing at all points of time across 14 millennia is difficult. I hope that you find the Tower, and build your new gateway, and reach your point of destiny. I cannot wait for the day when I can live one moment at a time.

Diviner Maros, City of Heroes