Nostalgia Filter: Difference between revisions

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* [[Candle Cove]] starts out playing this trope straight, but is later [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] as we learn about all the gory details.
* Pitchfork of Socks Make People Sexy is quite an example of this; responsible for his self started task of doing a Final Fantasy Retrospective, his retrospective eventually devolved into a self deluded and shaky self hating mess that started with his admiration for classics and then to.... Well, let's just say that ''[[Final Fantasy XIII]]'' didn't help. At all. This is an example of Nostalgia gone messy with an individual who is typing as if he would say what he wrote in such a fashion like a speech. Nonetheless, in fact, you can pretty much say this about [[EVER Yone]] on the site, really.
* [[Mr. Brilliant's Reviews|Mr. Brilliant]] is a huge fan of the original [[Dragon Ball]] and harshly criticizes ''Dragon Ball Z'' and ''Dragon Ball Super'' even they've improved ideas from the orginal Dragon Ball.
== Western Animation ==