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You'll notice that this trope sometimes overlaps with the [[Periphery Hatedom]]. Almost always, when people complain about how new stuff sucks, they bring up examples of things which were marketed towards the youth of their own generation as examples of "good" or even "classic" works in the genre. Never mind that 20 years ago, when it was being marketed towards them, the adults back then were saying the ''exact same thing'' we are today. It's a neverending cycle.
See also [[Nothing but Hits]] and [[Nostalgia AintAin't Like It Used to Be]]. Another reason for this trope is that [[True Art Is Ancient]]. Contrast [[Deader Than Disco]].
'''[[No Real Life Examples, Please]]''' Please limit examples to Nostalgia Filters worn in works. In short, pretty much any genre or form is subjected to this in [[Real Life]], so such examples aren't really necessary.
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== Live Action TV ==
* This was a story element in one episode of ''[[The Twilight Zone]]'', where a toy designer keeps lapsing into daydreams of his idyllic childhood while ignoring his slowly collapsing present. {{spoiler|In the end, it turns out he was repressing the memory of the day the other kids beat him up because they weren't invited to his birthday party, and he's forced to come to grips with the brutal truth that his childhood wasn't nearly the fairyland he wanted to believe it was.}}
* How the Doctor chooses to remember the Time Lords in the new series of ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]''. Of course, viewers of the original series know they weren't sweetness and light, and when they {{spoiler|do turn up for a moment in the new series}}, it's clear the Time War disimproved them. Such that {{spoiler|the Doctor takes up a gun immediately upon realizing their return}}.
* In ''[[A Game of Thrones]]'', King Robert is fond of reminiscing about the good old days. His brother Renly eventually gets sick of this and asks him exactly which days he's talking about - the time when the entire country was plunged into a bloody civil war, the time when [[The Caligula|Aerys]] roasted people alive because of the voices in his head, or the time when dragons went around burning villages to the ground.
* The show ''[[Mad Men]]'' does a lot to show how with all the awesome music and fashions of the '60s came [[Values Dissonance|rampant sexism, racism, and homophobia]], and how the values of [[The Fifties|the previous decade]] held over and were difficult to dismantle. Considering how saturated the culture was (and still is) with '60s nostalgia when the show first debuted, it was exactly what the doctor ordered.
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