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* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: In ''Let Us Cling Together'', Shelly is one of the sisters who started out on the evil side... and is the only one who's got that [[Absolute Cleavage]] displayed. Though she can turn good later.
** Deneb, Endora.
* [[Fridge Brilliance]]: Why is Shiven so [[Out of Focus]] if you take the "B" path in ''Knight of Lodis'', whereas the other mutually exclusive character (Orson) gets closure? It's actually a justified example of "[[Out of Focus]]", since he's a ninja who was hired to spy for Cybil - so he was actually ''intentionally'' off-screen.
** Why does Vyce have such drastic personality shifts depending on your participation in the Balmamusa massacre? Simple: because his jealousy is a two-way street, even when he makes the "good" choice not to join in on the massacre.
** Why can't you advance from Wizard to Mage in the original if your alignment is too low? Because wizardry is demonic magic, and [[Evil Is Not a Toy]]. If you hit rock bottom on the Alignment scale before you're ready to become a mage, you can't advance and negotiate a better [[Deal with the Devil]], because the demons control ''you'', not the other way around.
* [[Game Breaker]]: Princess+Lich. The Princess gets two White hit-all attacks, the Lich gets four hit-all spells that can be anything except White. Add a cleric class for a medic and a High Sky monster to carry the unit, and watch it tear anything and everything that opposes it to shreds. Just remember to watch your [[Karma Meter]].
** Alternatively, you can ditch the cleric for another lich/sorcerer/muse/doll master and put some undead in front of the unit to tank instead of the high flying monster. Undead are completely invulnerable to anything that isn't white magic or healing (although that kills them incredibly quickly), so the unit has a lot of survivability even without a healer. You do lose some maneuverability, though, but your [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|increased damage output]] would be worth it if there was anything that could survive the Princess+Lich combination in the first place.