Older Than They Think/Literature: Difference between revisions

A factoid that was overlooked.
m (trope=>work)
(A factoid that was overlooked.)
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* Many people think that Plato was the first to use the word "Atlantis". While most historians agree that Plato created the legend of the lost island of Atlantis, which first appeared in the dialogue ''Timaeus'', there was a book called ''Atlantis'' that predates the dialogue by about one hundred years. Only fragments remain of this book, which was written by Hellanicus, and there is no evidence that this book had anything to do with the legend of a lost civilization.
* Bumping into anything done by [[Rudyard Kipling]] is unavoidable even if you're not reading people as strongly influenced as [[Robert A. Heinlein]]. [[Tractor Beam]]? ''As Easy as ABC'' -- for that matter, one of the first Sci Fi as we know it, ''and'' the articulate re-introduction of [[Mundane Fantastic]] as an approach outside of mythology and its derivatives. ''[[More Deadly Than the Male]]'' -- [[Trope Namer]]. [[Stiff Upper Lip]], one of [[Trope Codifier|Trope Codifiers]]. [[The Vamp]] -- probably the [[Trope Namer]] (''The Vampire''). [[POV Sequel]]? Among the first known outside of Japan. [[Steampunk]]? Was predicted in the last few lines of ''The King''. [[Troll|Trolling]]? He got more advanced variations from XX century [[Trickster]] arsenal described (''Stalky'' series) and actively used them. Use of [[The Raj]] setting? Mostly have to either follow or dispute with him.
* [[Fanfic| Fan Fiction]] goes far back long before the Internet. In fact, the practice is [[Older Than Print]] when a poem called Troilus and Criseyde by Geoffrey Chaucer came out in 1380s inspired Robert Henryson to write The Testament of Cresseid.
** In 1740, Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded by Samuel Richardson inspired many fan-made sequels thanks to the early copyright laws weren’t easily enforced at the time.