Once Upon a Time in the West: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Harmonica''': The reward for this man is 5000 dollars, is that right? <br />
'''Cheyenne''': Judas was content for 4970 dollars less. <br />
'''Harmonica''': There were no dollars in them days. <br />
'''Cheyenne''': But sons of bitches? Yeah. }}
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* [[Absolute Cleavage]]
* [[Accidental Public Confession]]: A chilling version occurs at the beginning of the movie. Frank and his men have just finished massacring a family, only to exit the house and find a small boy staring at them.
{{quote| '''Mook:''' [[Wouldn't Hurt a Child|What're we gonna do with this one]], Frank?<br />
'''Frank:''' [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner|Now that you've called me by name.]] }}
* [[Affably Evil]]: Cheyenne ''is'' a bandit, but he's fighting against someone much worse.
* [[Anti-Hero]]
* [[Badass Boast]]: In Harmonicas establishing scene, [[Showdown At High Noon|when three of Franks men are waiting for him]]:
{{quote| '''Harmonica:''' ''"Did you bring a horse for me?"''<br />
'''Frank's Man:''' ''"Looks like we are shy one horse."''<br />
'''Harmonica:''' ''"You brought two too many."'' }}
* [[Badass Longcoat]]
{{quote| '''Cheyenne''': That's a crazy story, Harmonica, for two reasons. One, nobody around these parts got the guts to wear those dusters except Cheyenne's men. Two, Cheyenne's men don't get killed.}}
* [[Batman Gambit]]
* [[Better to Die Than Be Killed]]: In the flashback, {{spoiler|Harmonica is kicked to the ground by his brother, who had Harmonica as a platform as he was being hanged by Frank and his men. Harmonica's brother would rather commit suicide that let his younger brother be responsible for his death.}} It all goes to show just how horrible Frank is.
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** ...Catholic priest, that is.
* [[False Reassurance]]:
{{quote| '''Morton:''' Tell me, was it necessary that you kill all of them? I only told you to scare them.<br />
'''Frank:''' People scare better when they're dying. }}
* [[Flash Back]]: Used to reveal why Harmonica pursues Frank.
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* [[The Gunslinger]]
* [[Hooker with a Heart of Gold]]: Jill is the most morally sound character in the film.
{{quote| '''Cheyenne''': You know, Jill, you remind me of my mother. [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|She was the biggest whore in Alameda and the finest woman that ever lived]]. Whoever my father was, for an hour or for a month - he must have been a happy man. }}
* [[Ho Yay]]: Cheyenne and Harmonica, especially in the tavern during their first meeting.
{{quote| '''Cheyenne''': You know how to play...but can you shoot? (While idly playing with Harmonica's gun, while gazing at him).}}
** They even go [[Riding Into the Sunset]] together at the end. {{spoiler|And then, Cheyenne dies. But Harmonica ''keeps his body''.}}
* [[I Have You Now, My Pretty]]: Subverted, as {{spoiler|Jill complies in order to save her life, even pretending to like it.}} There's also a bizarre scene near the beginning where Harmonica ambushes Jill in a barn, roughs her up a little and rips her dress... Nothing happens, though.
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* [[One-Woman Wail]]: "Jill's America."
* [[The Only One Allowed to Defeat You]]: Harmonica
{{quote| '''Jill''': "You {{spoiler|saved his life}}!"<br />
'''Harmonica''': "I {{spoiler|didn't let them kill him}}, and that's not the same thing." }}
* [[Post Modernism]]: See [[Deconstruction]] or [[wikipedia:Once Upon a Time in the West#Film references|That Other Wiki]]. French theorist [[wikipedia:Jean Baudrillard|Jean Baudrillard]] once deemed Once Upon A Time In The West the first postmodern film.
* [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner]]: "''When you hear a strange sound, drop to the ground...''"
** And referenced in a later shootout:
{{quote| '''Jill''': "I swear we're gonna hear that strange sound again."<br />
'''Harmonica''': "Right... About... ''Now.''" }}
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: Frank