One-Punch Man/Characters: Difference between revisions

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A cyborg who lost his family when a crazy cyborg massacred his home town. He later meets Saitama and becomes both his apprentice and roommate.
{{examples|Tropes exhibited by Genos include:}}
* [[Ascended Fanboy]] Of sorts, he was immediately in awe of Saitama's unlimited power, so he asked to become his apprentice, and eventually convinces Saitama to let him become his roommate. While living together, Genos is almost constantly taking everything Saitama says as though it were Gospel, and studies his actions {{spoiler|even him lounging about watching TV}} as though it were some sort of secret badass training regiment.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]] He pulls this at least twice. {{spoiler|First was during his initial appearance while fighting Mosquito girl, he gets badly damaged and was unable to win, so he was about to self-destruct until Saitama stepped in.}} {{spoiler|Then, during the fight with the Deep Sea King, he was doing pretty well at first, since technically speaking his powers DID have the capacity to weaken the DSK, but then a little girl yelled out how she believed he could win, which drew the attention and wrath of the DSK who spat a wad of acid at her. Genos was forced to throw his own body in front of it and take the hit which melts much of his body and leaves him (and everyone else) at the DSK's mercy. Had it not been for Mumen Rider and then Saitama's arrival, everyone present would have died.}}
* [[Nice Guy]] Initially he was just fighting bad guys to test his powers, but his time with Saitama has helped him become a better person and hero.
* [[No Kill Like Overkill]] When he spars with Saitama, he claims to be unleashing max output of his powers, and he wanted Saitama to do the same. Saitama then fakes him out and unleashes a single punch, but stops himself before touching Genos. The force of said punch obliterated the wall of the canyon they were standing in as well as parted some of the clouds in the sky. Leading Genos to realize he could never hope to reach the same amount of power Saitama has... No one could.
* [[Oh Crap]] His moments of this generally come from him being so impressed by Saitama's limitless powers.
* [[Pyromaniac]] His attacks and armaments all focus on unleashing intense flames.
* [[Reason You Suck Speech]] He tries to dish out one or two, but they tend to backfire.
* [[Too Dumb To Live]] Initially, he is very reckless when charging into combat. He usually underestimated his opponents or gets distracted which led to his defeat several times.
* [[What an Idiot!]] Despite having some of the best weaponry and technology in the world comprising his body, he still has many instances where he underestimates his opponents and gets beaten because of it. He also tends to be so wrapped up in how powerful Saitama is, that he considers everything he says or does as though it were Gospel.