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A common scenario in comedies. Expect one of the 'conversations' to be sex-related. Similar to [[Three Is Company]], but with the overhearing party actually being a participant. [[Mistaken Confession]] is a possible outcome if the conversation is an interrogation. The technical term in real life is "double illusion of transparency". This can also happen when a question is answered with a seemingly unrelated answer until one thinks about interpertation. Some theorize that when this happens often, it's the result of two souls being housed in one body with very distinct personalities, thus natural misinterpertation compared to how the issue would normally be addressed.
See also [[Multitasked Conversation]]. Not to be confused with [[One Scene, Two Monologues]], where no misunderstanding is possible because nobody listens anyway. Related to [[Digging Yourself Deeper]].
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* In ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'', Negi asks Asuna to accompany him on a trip to search for traces of his father, as his magic partner. Asuna misinterprets it as a love confession, as do Yue and Nodoka, who overhear it. [[Genre Savvy|Haruna doesn't]], but she does enjoy the ensuing hilarity.
** Happens in Chapter 25 of the Negima fanfic ''[[A Day Indoors (Fanfic)|A Day Indoors]]'' between Negi & Yuuna, when Yuuna misinterprets just what is required to form a Pactio. {{spoiler|(Negi: "We're supposed to kiss!" Yuuna (having just stripped nude): "Sounds like a great way to start!" (jumps him))}}
* A staple of ''[[Mitsudomoe]]''. Such as Shinya's fangirls mistaking a younger photo of the triplets' dad for their crush. Futaba being a [[DaddysDaddy's Girl]] leads to some awkward tension between them.
* ''[[Revolutionary Girl Utena]]''. In episode 27, Nanami thinks she has laid an egg. The rest of the episode is full of this trope whenever she tries to talk to someone about it.
* In ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (Manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'', The Elric's begin talking to Maria Ross when she mentions {{spoiler|Hughes's}} death. However, due to Mustang telling them that he retired to the countryside, they think Ross is talking about his ''retirement''. {{spoiler|It's then subverted when she mentions that he received a double promotion. When the Elrics question the flawed logic of somebody retiring and receiving a Double Promotion, both parties realize what happened.}}
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* Done in a totally non-comedic fashion in ''[[Shutter Island]]'' when Teddy Daniels finds George Noyce. {{spoiler|Noyce actually gives away the entire, cruel [[Twist Ending]]: that Teddy is actually [[Tomato in The Mirror|Andrew Laeddis (who Teddy believes is responsible for his wife's death]]... [[Prophecy Twist|and he's right)]], that he's an inmate of the asylum, and that the entire "investigation" is just a game for Teddy's benefit. Teddy, however, is so wrapped up in his delusions that he can't understand anything Noyce is saying (except for the bit about experiments in the lighthouse, which, ironically, are ''Noyce's'' delusions), and the audience is so trusting of Teddy's subjective point of view that they can't appreciate Noyce's words [[Fridge Brilliance|until the movie's over]].}}
* Applied liberally in Roberto Begnini's ''Johnny Stecchino'', where many, many people converse with Dante on the actions of his [[Identical Stranger]], the titular mob informant which he is unwittingly playing [[Body Double]] for, while Dante himself is talking about something much more innocent, like the banana he stole.
* Les Grossman's [[Cluster F -Bomb|infamous]] exchange with Flaming Dragon in ''[[Tropic Thunder]]''. They're a group of warlords trying to ransom a hostage, and he thinks they're a rival talent agency trying to sign his biggest star. Possibly subverted in that I doubt Grossman's approach would have been any different had he known they were warlords.
{{quote| '''Grossman''': "Take a step back and literally '''FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!''' I don't know what kind of Pan-Pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull on me, but Asia, Jack, is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you better think again! Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an ungodly fucking firestorm upon you! you're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I'm talking about scorched earth motherfucker! I will massacre you! I WILL '''FUCK YOU UP'''!"}}
* ''[[Juno]]'': when Mark and Vanessa are painting the baby room, the actual lines they have about the shades of yellow is neither here nor there.
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{{quote| '''Dr Fischer''': But you've gotta know, I never made the first move.<br />
'''JD''': That's a lie! You bought me a latte! }}
* ''[[Thirty30 Rock (TV)|30 Rock]]'', in an episode where Liz was having trouble with her boyfriend and Jenna was thinking of getting an [[Important Haircut]]. More a jab at Jenna's self-centeredness than anything:
{{quote| '''Jenna''': Liz, you seem really stressed out. You want to talk about what's going on?<br />
'''Liz''': I just hope it's not a mistake.<br />
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* This trope is the basis of the ''[[Whose Line Is It Anyway]]'' game "Press Conference", where one of the players plays a certain person holding a press conference, but has no clue who he is or what he's done, whereas everyone else playing reporters does, and must try to clue him in on it.
* Done for rare dramatic effect on ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''. Buffy and Xander go to talk to Spike, who seems distracted and occasionally says things that don't make sense. Since he's been a bit nuts since getting his soul back, we don't think anything of it. Then we see that Willow is also there, having unconsciously cast a spell that prevents her and the other Scoobies from sensing each other at all.
* A dark, [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism|*dark*]] variant in the last episode of ''[[BlakesBlake's Seven (TV)|Blakes Seven]]'', and a {{spoiler|literal}} example of [[Poor Communication Kills]]. [[The Hero|Blake]] assumes he's explaining the situation. His second in command, [[Sanity Slippage|Avon]], assumes he's {{spoiler|confessing to a betrayal}}. It doesn't help that his behaviour towards Avon's fellow crewman Tarrant has been equally open to misinterpretation. The conversation goes something like this:
{{quote| '''Avon:''' Stand still! Have you betrayed us? Have you betrayed *me*?<br />
'''Blake:''' Tarrant doesn't understand.<br />
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== Newspaper Comics ==
* In one ''[[Zits]]'' comic strip, teenage Jeremy is explaining to his friend Hector how he's Googled everybody he knows. Hector is somewhat startled (perhaps at the fact that Jeremy now knows everything he'd need to know about everybody), as Jeremy goes on: "Friends, teachers, neighbors... you name 'em, I've Googled 'em." All the while, Jeremy's dad is standing behind them with an increasingly alarmed look on his face, until he runs over to Jeremy's mom to learn that Google is actually an internet search, and not, [[Is That What TheyreThey're Calling It Now?|well]]...
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'''June''': Nothing... I'm not going to do anything to you. I'm just saying that that's what happens. It's a psychological reaction to what you're experiencing...<br />
Was...was that really how it happened? It occurred to Junpei that perhaps that was how it worked... Perhaps he'd been mistaken all these years. Had he misunderstood life so gravely? The thought terrified him. June seemed to be entirely oblivious to Junpei's mounting confusion and terror. }}
* ''[[Da Capo]]'' ([[Visual Novel]]): As Junichi and Nemu set off for school, they start talking about who should get married first, and Junichi decides that they should get married at the same time. Nemu immediately assumes he means to ''[[Brother -Sister Incest|each other]]'', and the practical-thinking Junichi doesn't understand why Nemu's getting so flustered. And just a moment later as Nemu threatens to deliver a [[Megaton Punch]], Sakura suddenly admonishes them that they can't do "that", because they're brother and sister. Both siblings [[Brother -Sister Incest|take it the wrong way]] and start realizing their feelings for each other, until Sakura finishes her sentence--that siblings shouldn't ''hit'' each other. Oops.
* ''[[Clannad (Visual Novel)|Clannad]]'': Tomoya is an expert at arranging this kind of situation for his own amusement. In one case, Nagisa wants to ask for Ryou's help in establishing the theater club, so Tomoya has Sunohara tell Ryou that someone wants to ask her out on the rooftop. When they arrive, Tomoya introduces Nagisa as the ''girl'' who wanted to "talk to her", and a beautiful [[Schoolgirl Lesbians]] confession scene unfolds until Nagisa finally mentions the club itself. (As a bonus, Ryou said ''yes'', ''before'' she realized what the question was.)
* Larry's final conversation with Annette Boning in ''[[Leisure Suit Larry]] 7: Love for Sail!'' features Larry trying desperately to prevent Annette from thinking he's gay, while Annette is trying desperately to stop Larry from blackmailing her about her husband's assassination.
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* [[Xkcd (Webcomic)|Xkcd]] has [ this] but it's one sided.
* [ This] ''[[Penny Arcade]]'' strip ... maybe. According to the [[News Post]] the strip itself became a real life example: the real Tycho thought it was about miscommunication, while the real Gabe thought it was exactly what it sounded like.
* [ This] [[Order of the Stick]] strip. [[WhosWho's On First?|Roy's talking about exploring the next floor of the dungeon, Hayley's talking about the group becoming more powerful.]]