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{{quote|''The men and women of the Imperial Guard sacrifice more and gain less than perhaps any other arm of the Imperial Armed Forces.''|[[Gaunt's Ghosts|Commissar Ibram Gaunt]]}}
''Only War'' is the upcoming fifth gameline to use the ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]] Roleplay'' system, this time focusing on the common soldiers of the Imperial Guard. Players get put into the shoes of your average Imperial soldier, thrown into the [[War Is Hell|hell of war and slaughter that defines the 41st millennium]], with only your lasguns and faith in the Emperor to protect you and your squad. The Imperial Guard is just that, the common soldiers of the Imperium, the brunt of the Imperial forces, and the first to be sent to die in any conflict.
Needless to say, this RPG offers, perhaps more than any other RPG in the line, the ability to become [[Badass Normal]] characters, given that your characters are neither rich nor influentual like in ''[[Rogue Trader]]'', superhuman [[Space Marine]]s like in ''[[Deathwatch (game)|Deathwatch]]'', nor have the power of the Inquisition in their hands like in ''[[Dark Heresy]]''. ''Only War'' is also unique in that it is the only ''Warhammer 40000'' RPG that focuses primarily on the part that made the franchise popular in the first place, the warfare.
See also ''[[Dark Heresy]]'', ''[[Rogue Trader]]'', ''[[Deathwatch (game)|Deathwatch]]'' and ''[[Black Crusade]]'' for its sister ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' RPG gamelines.
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* [[Demihuman]]: Abhumans. They count as specific Support Specialists for basic human units, but in their own regiments count as both their respective Specialist class and Guardsman, and cannot be also Support Specialists.
* [[Design -It -Yourself Equipment]]: There are rules for variant patterns (for various gear), weapon modifications and personal customizations.
* [[Grappling Hook Pistol]]: Grapnel is a common item that can be a part of issued gear.
* [[Iconic Item]]: "Trademark Item" talent gives some advantages to the commander in possession of a recognizable (and as such probably non-regulation) signature item.
* [["Join the Army," They Said]]
* [[Military Science Fiction]]
* [[Mounted Combat]]: Rough Riders. Usually on either heavily modified horses like those Krieg steeds with claws, other genetically and/or cybernetically modified beasts, or [[Horse of a Different Color|something else entirely]], like [ Mukaali]. The weapons are also beefed up. While mono spear is an option, and there are Poison and Shock tips for Hunting Lance, though usually it's employed as a pole bomb. Melta tip can make nice glowing hole through a tank.
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