Only the Leads Get a Happy Ending: Difference between revisions

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== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[GoLion]]'', with all the death and destruction, and Princess Amue losing her love in a [[Senseless Sacrifice]].
* Arguably ''[[Sailor Moon]]'', mainly in the manga.
** ''[[Sailor Moon]]'Argument:''', mainly in the manga. Usagi and Mamoru get to get married and have a child and rule the world together in bliss, aside from the occasional alien attack. The other Senshi get to spend their lives in servitude to them and cannot have relationships of their own. And that's not even mentioning the millions of people who will die before civilization is rebuilt as Crystal Tokyo.
** It's worth mentioning that''Counter-Argument:''' theThe Senshi ''choose'' to live lives of chastity, protecting the queen and king of Crystal Tokyo, and they all seem happy with their decision.
* Inverted in ''[[Code Geass]]'', where [[The Hero Dies|Lelouch dies]] and Suzaku [[Faking the Dead|fakes his death]] and forever takes on the identity of Zero, while the surviving main characters move on with their lives and attend Ohgi and Villetta's wedding.
* ''[[Fushigi Yuugi]]''. Yeah, [[Official Couple|Miaka and Tamahome]] get their happy ending... Too bad the other Guardians of Suzaku are either trapped in a book or ''dead'' (and Miaka, at one point of the story, actually had the power to bring every one of them back to life and/or in the real world. But she resurrected only the guy she loves).
* In ''[[Wolf's Rain]]'', the only characters shown in the [[Bittersweet Ending]] are the wolves and Cheza. The implication is that human characters do not get to be reincarnated in the future.
== Comics ==