Overshadowed by Controversy: Difference between revisions

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* Junípero Serra was praised for establishing Franciscan missions in and around what was then Spanish-occupied California, and was beatified by [[The Pope|Pope John Paul II]] on 25 September 1988 in the [[Vatican City]]. His missionary work was however tainted and criticised especially in later years by Native American groups who accused the priest of genocide, subjugation and forced conversion of Indigenous American groups into Catholicism. Such was the outrage that several monuments erected in his honour were either [[Off with His Head|decapitated]] or otherwise desecrated in protest of Serra's alleged atrocities. Other Native Americans however were more positive towards Serra and his canonisation to sainthood, and had no ill feelings towards his missions in California.
* Photobucket used to be the go-to place to upload albums upon albums of images and videos for those who need to embed images on a website or forum, but don't have their own web space to host them to. But not only was the $399 subscription fee–first implemented in 2017 and required for users to embed images–tantamount to extortion (they later changed it to $4.48 to $11.48 monthly, but still...), it was also seen as a ''nightmare'' for internet historians, archivists and those who had years if not decades worth of irreplaceable images now replaced with watermarked versions due to Photobucket's draconian business model. This ultimately cemented Photobucket's contemporary reputation as a now-washed up and has-been image host, especially as the likes of Imgur have overshadowed it.
* Marcial Maciel was once a respected priest who founded the Legion of Christ and the Regnum Christi movement, having been hailed as "the greatest fundraiser of the modern Roman Catholic church" and as a prolific recruiter of new seminarians. There were however numerous reports of not only youths being sexually abused by him, but several scandalous relationships with women, one of them being a minor at the time. The Legion has since distanced themselves from their now-disgraced founder, though not without acknowledging at least some of his atrocities, but the damage has been done regardless as some priests and seminarians left the congregation and several schools and centers of formation closed. Such was Maciel's notoriety that his name became a derisive byword for [[Pedophile Priest]] in his native Mexico.
* Wernher von Braun remains a polarising figure in the aerospace industry, as while his contributions to space engineering and rocket science are of no small matter, having architect the Saturn V super heavy-lift launch vehicle that propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the Moon, his association with the Nazis (of whom he developed the V-2 rocket for), particularly the SS, was something he couldn't easily shake off even after his death. One science- and engineering-oriented Gymnasium in Friedberg, Bavaria was renamed in response to calls for von Braun's name to be removed, especially in 2012 when a concentration camp survivor named David Salz denounced von Braun and called for the school to "do everything to make this name disappear from this school". Though to von Braun's credit, he explained that he defected to the Americans instead of the Soviets as a result of his desire to share his knowledge of rocket science to those who followed the [[Bible]], perhaps in atonement for what he did with the V-2.