Overshadowed by Controversy: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Cannibal Holocaust]]'' was notorious to a degree that it forced director Ruggero Deodato and the actors to explain that nobody died in production and the gore was just special effects. There is still a great deal of controversy to this day relating to the cruelty against animals.
* [[Martin Scorsese]]'s ''[[The Last Temptation of Christ]]'' had sparked protests from religious groups worldwide, including the infamous attack at a Paris cinema where the use of Molotov cocktails injured 13 patrons and brought the theater under heavy repairs for the next three years.
* Claimed by many to be the reason behind the failure of [[Ghostbusters (2016 film)|the 2016 ''Ghostbusters'' movie]]. The combination of [[Base Breaker]] premise <ref>a [[Gender Flip]]ped franchise reboot</ref> and the [[Tainted by the Preview|terrible trailer]] actually hurt less the film than the marketing campaign that tried to make the negative initial reception to be [[He-Man Woman Hater|all about mysoginia]] and the ensuing social media controversy that make people [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here|opt out of seeing the film etirely]].
== Literature ==