Overshadowed by Controversy: Difference between revisions

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== Anime and Manga ==
* The ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'' episode "Dennō Senshi Porigon", more commonly referred to as "Electric Soldier Porygon", went down in history as the anime episode that led to over 600 Japanese children being hospitalised for seizures and resulted in regulations imposed on subsequent animated programmes. The controversy [[Misblamed|extended]] to Porygon itself, even though the species, an artificial Pokémon developed using programming code, ''had nothing to do with the incident at all''; the flashing pattern was due to an exploding missile detonated by Pikachu's lightning attack. Regardless, Porygon has never been featured in any anime episode since, though the games still have it in its roster.
* [[4Kids! Entertainment]] is more infamous for their numerous unnecessary changes to the anime series they localised, often bordering on [[Macekre]]. Not to mention that 4Kids! half-heartedly attempts to make the series more appealing to Western audiences by removing any traces of Japanese culture from their source materials.
== Film ==