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* A lot of this in ''[[Arc the Lad]]'', {{spoiler|as for chimera transformations}}. ''A lot.''
* No transformation fits this trope better than Tetsuo's mutation in ''[[Akira]]'' which also may be one of the most over-the-top examples of [[Body Horror]] ever depicted.
* In ''[[Dragon Ball|Dragon Ball Z]]'', Frieza's transformations in particular tended to involve a lot of screaming and incredibly painful-looking contortions. Buu's final transformation consisted of nothing ''but'' standing around and screaming for a very long time, but that may have been less physical pain and more that he was devolving from a fairly intelligent [[Axe Crazy]] to a mindless [[Eldritch Abomination]].
** Ditto for Goku's first-time Super Saiyan 1 and 3 transformations.
* [[Eureka Seven|Eureka's]] {{spoiler|wings growing from her back}} was not a pleasant experience.
* In ''[[Detective Conan]]'', Shinichi's transformation to Conan is painful each time he goes through it. Understandable, as his body was literally undergoing apoptosis.
* In ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'', the chronic [[I'm Having Soul Pains|soul pains]] that the eponymous Negi's been having ever since learning [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique|Magia Erebea]] are a symptom of him being {{spoiler|''turned into a demon'' by overuse of the technique}}.
* Even though Ichika's later transformations in ''[[Uta Kata]]'' are perhaps not physically painful as such (although she tends to become nauseous), they are ''extremely'' unwanted and emotionally scarring.
* Evangelion Unit 02's [[Berserk Mode|Beast Mode]] in ''[[Rebuild of Evangelion]] 2.0'' requires of a painful realignment of the spine held in place by 10 pylons, all fed back to the pilot via [[Empathic Weapon|Empathic Link]]. {{spoiler|Mari}} was very visibly affected by this.
* Transforming into a Hollow in ''[[Bleach]]'' seems to be an agonizing process, if the Pluses' reactions to it are to go by.
* Not sure if it counts as a transformatoin, but in ''[[Hell Girl]]'' season 3, Yuzuki after {{spoiler|being possessed by Ai}}goes through a sureal sequence where she convulses and screams as the egg-thing comes out of her back.
* In ''[[Mahou no Mako-chan]]'', [ Mako's transformation] from mermaid to human is pretty disturbing, complete with [[Deranged Animation]], Mako screaming, and the ocean and moon turning red.
* In ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'', {{spoiler|Ling's transformation into [[Fan Nickname|Greedling]] and Bradley's transformation into Wrath}}
** The replacement of lost limbs with automail is said to be incredibly painful, and the scant few flashback's to Ed's experience with the procedure show him crying and groaning in agony.
* Late in ''[[Inuyasha]]'', the title character is forced to use a [[Mineral MacGuffin|Jewel Shard]] on the Tetsusaiga to give him a power boost; however, the jewel becomes corrupted and forces him to transform into a [[Axe Crazy|full]] [[Super-Powered Evil Side|demon]]. Given how much he was screaming, it's safe to assume the forced transformation was pretty damn painful.
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* In Disney's ''[[The Little Mermaid]]'', Ariel's tail is literally torn in half as she is changed into a human. The facts that it occurs in silhouette and the two ragged halves become shapely legs almost instantly does little to ease the horror of the scene.
** And of course, [[Disneyfication|Disney being what it is]] this is actually ''toned down'' from the original fairy tale; not only was the transformation excruciating, but afterward she felt like she was walking on knives the entire time she was transformed.
* Bavmorda's "You're all pigs!" spell in ''[[Willow]]'' cannot be described as pleasant.
* ''[[The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen]]'', Hyde-to-Jekyll. Ouch.
* The first transformation sequence in ''[[The Company of Wolves]]'', wherein a werewolf, having disappeared for several years, flies into a rage over being forgotten by his lover. He begins to tear his own face off before his flesh splits open by itself, revealing the intricate details of the human anatomy for a few moments before the muscles and bones begin to twist into the shape of a wolf's, the visceral display traumatizing the woman's children all the while. Then his former lover's husband returns to the house and beheads him. His head goes flying into a vat of milk, then resurfaces as a human head, his blood staining the milk pink. Delicious!
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** The Mask Pressbook has this to an extreme in their test images of Jim Carrey turning into the Mask. One of them looks like it was borrowed from ''The Howling'' or ''American Werewolf In London''. There are pictures on that on [ Jim Carrey Online.]
* The poor title character of the dark and edgy ''[[Kamen Rider]]'' [[Deconstruction]] film ''[[Shin Kamen Rider Prologue]]'' suffers from this. Rather than simply having the 'armor' appear over his body, Shin's body actually changes, distorts and morphs into the Shin Kamen Rider. This is only done twice in the film, and is extremely painful for the guy (also leaving him naked for some reason); specific super-creepy examples include his forehead splitting open four ways at once, and his jaw ''splitting in half''. They had to tone the costume down a bit for his appearance in ''[[Kamen Rider Decade]]'', and even then he was pretty scary-looking.
* In ''[[Troll]]'', when Torok injects Peter Dickinson ([[Sonny Bono]]) with his ring to turn him into one of his minions, he turns bright green with slime oozing from cuts on his body while screaming in agony the whole time, he morphs into a cocoon which cracks open and out pops a little monster with his facial features and spider legs.
* Using the shape-shift drug [[Warhammer 40000|polymorphine]] doesn't look like much fun if agent Lechias' face in ''[[Damnatus]]'' is anything to go by; not to mention that just to ''start'' the process you have to stab yourself in the stomach with a big friggin' needle.
* In ''[[Hocus Pocus]]'', we don't actually see Thackeray Binks' transformation into a cat, but we can HEAR his body changing shape...and it doesn't sound comfortable ''at all''.
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* [[The Vampire Chronicles]] transformation includes the body painfully rejecting digested food and fluids.
* ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]'' vampire transformations are described as three straight days of burning, terrible pain. But you can choose not to scream if you really don't want to.
* [[Older Than Print]]: In [[Irish Mythology]], "The Boyhood Deeds of Cuchulainn" from the ''[[Táin Bó Cúailnge]]'' describes Cuchulainn's Riastarthae (warp-spasm) as a very painful-sounding transformation.
* When [[The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde|Dr. Jekyll]] drank his potion, "the most racking pangs succeeded: a grinding in the bones, deadly nausea, and a horror of the spirit that cannot be exceeded at the hour of birth or death."
* Inferno XXIV of ''[[The Divine Comedy]]'' gives a vivid account of shades transforming into snakes, and vice versa.
* ''Dr. Franklin's Island'' by Ann Halam, two girls get turned into a fish and a bird. The narrator describes this as being really uncomfortable. The bird-girl's sternum goes clean through the skin of her chest, [[Body Horror|not a pretty picture]].
** The transformation back is over in almost one day and completely painless.
* In [[Gaunt's Ghosts]], the {{spoiler|rogue}} Inquisitor Handro Rime has a collection of agents known collectively as the Sirkle. They all share the same face, to act as doubles for the Inquisitor, and it is {{spoiler|implied the two scenes that he dies in are in fact his doubles}}. It's revealed that they use a special form of internal mechanism to alter the tension and position of muscles and even ''fracture and reset bone''. It is repeatedly noted that it is incredibly, requires immense focus to maintain one face, and a moment of surprise causes them to reveal their true face. And that when ever they transform, it occurs with a [[Nausea Fuel|horrifying crunch of bone]]. {{spoiler|Cue [[Hero-Killer]] moments.}}
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** Shows up again in season 3 with the [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]] ability {{spoiler|acquired by Sylar}}.
* ''[[Being Human (UK)]]'': George's [ werewolf transformation] is, if the way he screams is any indication, agony.
** During the transformation, a werewolf has every organ in his body simultaneously stop: heart attack, kidney failure, liver failure, and so on. Meanwhile his bones are cracking and twisting against each other, and his skin and muscles are being brutally torn apart. He screams at first, until the change hits the throat and vocal chords. Normally a human in pain has defenses, such hormones that dull pain receptors, but those systems are gone too, leaving absolutely nothing to help with the pain.
{{quote|'''Nina''': It looks so painful. What happens to you, what does it feel like?
'''George''': There aren't words. }}
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* ''[[Mage: The Awakening]]'' features a spell whereby one can force a person to transform by forcing their new form ''to claw its way out of their normal body''.
* Infernal [[Exalted]] have the Charm Inner Devils Unchained, which turns the target into a demon. Painfully.
** Then there's the process of becoming akuma, which throws in plenty of [[Mind Rape]] in addition to everything else.
* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' v.3 has a sourcebook which expands on the rules and abilites of wizards and sorcerors called 'Tome and Blood'. It gives the Prestige Class of 'The Acolyte of the Skin', which is gained by summoning the essence of a fiend and binding it to your flesh. The [ illustration] is [[Squick|not pretty]].
{{quote|The Ritual of Bonding is painful and not to be undertaken lightly. The ritual requires 10 rounds from initiation to completion, and once begun, nothing can halt its progress. The fiendish essence subsumes the caster's own skin, an agonizing process that deals 1d4 points of damage each round of the ritual--wise candidates keep some ''cure'' potions handy.}}
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* In ''[[Diablo II]]'', the Dark Wanderer assumes Diablo's true form in the cinematic between Acts 3 and 4. Lumps move under his skin, horns sprout from his brow, and his face stretches and twists as he howls in pain. Thankfully, he collapses and the rest of the transformation occurs hidden under his cloak.
* {{spoiler|Naoki's (Main Character), and Chiaki's}} Transformation in ''[[Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne]]''
* In ''[[Folklore]]'', Keats Transcended form basically has him beefing up and changing skin and hair colors. And from the way he screams and writhes around every time you activate it, it's rather unpleasant for him.
* In ''[[Quake 4|Quake IV]]'', the player character gets "Stroggified" into one of the enemy zombie-cyborgs, but is rescued before brainwashing and becomes a [[Phlebotinum Rebel]]. [ The Stroggification involves] getting his legs cut off on a [[Conveyor Belt O' Doom]]. Made all the worse by the player still having some control during the transformation but are unable to free them, as well as having to see (and especially ''hear'') one the fellow Marines undergo the treatment first.
* In ''[[Mega Man Zero]] 4'': Dr. Weil, when undergoing his final transformation, has tubes being jammed into him (with copious amounts of blood in the Japanese version), and shouting something that roughly translates from Japanese as either "Can you see this Pain?! You'll never understand any of it?!" or "Can you understand pain such as this?!". The drama tapes even include him screaming and grunting in pain as he transforms in such a way that could be considered [[Nightmare Fuel]].
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* Jak being [[Involuntary Shapeshifter|forced]] into his [[Super-Powered Evil Side|dark form]] in ''[[Jak and Daxter]]'', either by the Oracle or due to an overexposure of [[Psycho Serum|Dark Eco]]. The way he jerks and spasms as [[The Corruption]] takes over makes clear it's no picnic. Reverting back, though rather quickly, will have him grabbing his head and shuddering violently. In ''TLF'' it's implied that due to the massive amounts of Dark Eco present, even [[Voluntary Shapeshifting|changing voluntarily]] will cause him so much pain that it will kill him.
** Downplayed with Daxter's change from [[Rubber Forehead Aliens|human]] to [[Mix and Match Critter|ottsel]]. "''Man'', that stung!"
* ''[[Digital Devil Saga]]'' has the initial horrific demon transformation. With additional [[Cannibalism Superpower]] sprinkles for added taste.
* ''killer7'' features Heaven Smiles as its regular enemies. While some of them are transformed humans, you rarely see the transformations. When you do, they usualy feature an instantaneous transformation or an ofscreen one. THEN we have {{spoiler|Andrei Ulmeyda}}, whose transformation goes like this: {{spoiler|The army, wishing to experiment on him to try and use Smiles as their own weapons, injects potent Heaven Smile tumors into him. The army triggers a small explosion for some reason, but then an even larger explosion occurs amd Ulmeyda asks why you didn't kill him at the injection and saying he "can't control this urge to kill." He then screams, his head then flies of his head, his acidic blood (acidic because of all the diseases he infected himself with to create vaccines) kills everyone in the army present, then his blood BRINGS HIS HEAD BACK ONTO HIS BODY AND PULLS UP HIS AFRO. Needless to say, Ulmeyda was in GREAT PAIN in his last moments of sanity.}}
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* ''[[Garfield]]: His 9 Lives'', [ life 7] (about 3 minutes in, and be grateful [[Shadow Discretion Shot|the final takes aren't shown]]).
* ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' actually has ''five'' instances, all Danny. The first and last sets of two are all seen as excrutiating agony. The middle one is [[Nightmare Fuel]] and what follows is just as disturbing and ''really'' should have earned a higher rating.
* The evil queen's from ''[[Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)|Snow White]]'' becoming an [[Vain Sorceress|ugly witch]].
* Ben's final stage of transformation into Benwolf, in ''[[Ben 10]]''. For most of the episode, he'd just been gradually getting furry and wolflike, then.....ouch.
* In ''[[Street Sharks]]'', getting turned into a mutant always involves a good bit of screaming. Makes sense, considering that occasional extra limbs are grown and all of them gain a good amount of extra muscle mass.