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The two pilots bravely scramble to their planes, and manage to down a few enemy fighters. After the attack, they get ready to take part in the Doolittle Raid, but still sort of fight over the girl. It turns out she's pregnant. The father doesn't make it. Which one was the father? It doesn't matter, they're all [[Flat Character|cardboard people]] anyway.
Okay, the film doesn't entirely focus on this love triangle -- the Japanese preparations for the attack and the Americans' attempts to figure out what they're planning are depicted in parallel, as is the attack's aftermath -- but it did get a lot of critical flak for [[Romantic Plot Tumor|focusing more on it than the actual historical events]]. It also got criticism for loads of [[You Fail History Forever|historical inaccuracies]], which [[The Other Wiki]] gives [http://en.[ Harbor (film)#Inaccuracies |a fair list of]].
Since this was [[Michael Bay]]'s first film disappointment -- it was expected to be the big blockbuster of that summer, but was ultimately upstaged by ''[[Shrek]]'', of all movies -- he gets a lot of the blame, [[Mis Blamed|which isn't really justified]]. Several factors point to writer Randall Wallace, producer [[Jerry Bruckheimer]], and the studio, just as much, if not more, than Bay.
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* [[Never Trust a Title]]: This movie is 3 hours long -- 183 minutes. ''Only 45 of those minutes entail the battle of Pearl Harbor''. Then the movie even rambles on after Pearl Harbor.
* [[Never Trust a Trailer]]: Trailers and posters either severely downplayed the love story, or didn't mention it at all. It's telling that many commented the trailers were better than the movie.
* [[Politically -Correct History]]: While it was really nice to show that Britain was fighting the war before America even got involved, it was still inaccurate. The US Military could not send their military to fight the war when the US was neutral at the time. He would had to have been a civilian.
* [[Pretty in Mink]]: Fur trimmed coats worn by the ladies, a few more furs in the club scene, and even [[Faith Hill]] wore a fox wrap for the music video.
* [[Reality Is Unrealistic]]: Many assume the Japanese pilot waving to kids playing baseball is fake. It got almost more accusations of being fake than the actual inaccuracies.
* [[Shout -Out]]: After being ordered to land after an exercise, the pilots instead decide to do a flyby. Sure the details are different, but the allusion to ''[[Top Gun]]'' is clear (and some would say ''very inappropriate'').
* [[Someone to Remember Him By]]: {{spoiler|Danny and Evelyn's biological son, [[Dead Guy, Junior|named for his father]]}}
* [[Stan Winston]]: The injuries of the attack's victims crafted by Stan's studio were one of the film's redeeming points. Also responsible for turning Jon Voight convincingly into [[Franklin D Roosevelt]].
* [[Tempting Fate]]: "It's a dud!" No, it's a delayed-detonation bomb.
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[[Category:Films of the 2000s]]
[[Category:Pearl Harbor]]