Persona (video game)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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Hidehiko "Brown" Uesugi is the resident class clown of St. Hermelin, relying on puns and outdated jokes to get attention (this is also used in his negotiation skills). Hidehiko pesters his classmates to perform the "Persona" ritual in order to impress them, but Masao Inaba doesn't believe that it will actually work. They both hold a bet, with the loser having to treat everyone who was dragged into it at the Peace Diner. Masao thinks that he won at first, because nothing happened after the ritual. Hidehiko complains, saying that Masao didn't try hard enough when it was his turn to perform. But then a crying young girl appears, and they are all hit by flashes of lightning that send them to the border of consciousness and unconsciousness.
When Mikage-cho (Lunarvale) changes, the main protagonist finds BrownHidehiko imprisoned inside the Police Station along with Masao; both were captured after going out through the hole in the school wall to procure guns there with Kei Nanjou (Kei barely managed to escape with the equipment). After freeing them both and fighting off some demons (causing Hidehiko's "forced" awakening from being attacked)., BrownHidehiko fights using a [[Blade on a Stick|spears]], [[Simple Staff|quarterstaves]], and a TMP machine gun as his sidearm. His Persona is Nemhain (Talon in the NA version) of the Justice Arcanum, which has the ability to case [[Blow You Away|Wind]] spells as well as absorb them.
Like Yukino, Hidehiko's features weren't changed much for the North American release. His kanji puns were altered, fitted with easy-to-digest local jokes. His name was also changed to Brad.
* {{spoiler|[[All Love Is Unrequited]]: He seemed to be attracted to Tamaki. Then her dream world with Tadashi comes up}}...}}
** {{spoiler|[[Doomed by Canon]]: And by the second game, he really had no chance to begin with.}}.
* [[Badass]]: Or least wants to be seen as such. That said, he does [[Took a Level in Badass|get a Persona]], so he effectively is one in a gameplay sense.
* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[Blade on a Stick]]: Specializes in spears.
* [[Bring My Brown Pants]]: How he got his nickname in the first place.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards|Even Troublemakers Has Standards]]: BrownHidehiko is an unabashed troublemaker, but in the Snow Queen Quest, when he saw the [[Ironic Hell]] inflicted to Toro and Devil Boy, he's utterly disgusted and claims he drew the line on pranks, one of the few moments that he's really serious in his words, not bragging.
** Well, he is of the [[Tarot Motifs|Justice Arcana]]. Also note that the Tower's guardian Nemesis, is frequently assoicated with this arcana, [[Persona 3|as anyone playing two games later will remember]].
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Goggles Do Nothing]]
* [[Hurricane of Puns]]: BrownHidehiko loves these.
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]: A huge case of this.
* [[Miles Gloriosus]]: Good lord, BrownHidehiko. He claims to be the leader even if he's the last person to join, but as soon as a boss fight starts coming up or things get bad, he's the first one to suggest getting the hell out of there, and he's got no shame about being a total chicken. ...Until it's all over. Then he's the hero who killed it and things repeat from there.
** It's not like he's unaware of it, though. He explicitly says later on that he's tired of lying and running away all the time.
* [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!]]: Snaps at Michiko like this in the Snow Queen Quest after beating her.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Subverted-boasting is one of his defining traits, but so is believing absolutely none of his own spiel. He eventually reveals that he does it to get people to like him more.
* [[Those Two Guys]]: With Yuka Ayase.
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Eriko "Elly" Kirishima belongs from a wealthy family and has been studying overseas for most of her life. She later decides to finish her schooling in Japan to later pursue a career in modeling and fashion design. She is among the popular girls in St. Hermelin High School because of her beauty and amiable personality. [[Ditzy Genius|She is smart; however, she tends to fail to realize serious life and death situations]]. She wields a rapier, and (like Kei) is armed with a rifle for long-range fighting. Her starting Persona is Nike of the Judgement Arcanum.
Apart from her outwardly feminine hobbies, Eriko is also interested in the occult. Because of this, she is the only participant of the "Persona" ritual who is actually excited to be there. She somehow sensed that her friends were in grave danger after demons begin to appear in Mikage-Cho. Eriko arrives just in time to help the group escape the hospital, awakening to Nike in the process. Off-hand, she expresses overly-ecstatic enthusiasm over the fact that her Persona is the "Goddess of Victory".
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In the NA version, like Kei, Eriko was given blond hair and fairer skin to match the localization. Her name is also changed into Ellen.
* {{spoiler|[[All Love Is Unrequited]]: She's in love with the protagonist, but realizes he belongs with Maki, a realization which continues to haunt Eriko in ''Persona 2''.}}.
* [[Badass]]:
** [[Lady of War]]
* [[The Chick]]
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** For ''[[Persona 2]]'', interviews with the character designer and story director have revealed that she's at least upper-middle class. They've given more details on her family life, too.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: She's really more of a [[The Mary Tyler Moore Show|Sue Ann Nivens]]. Her attempts to impress the main character can make her come across as haughty and patronizing, which Mark comments on early in the game.
* [[Royal Rapier]]: Specializes in rapiers.