Phlebotinum Rebel: Difference between revisions

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*** Heisei [[Kamen Rider]] series use another variety: It's usually the conspiracy that created the Rider gear, and it fell into the hands of someone who'd rather kick their butts than give it back or serve them. This time, the conspiracy is usually an entire species themselves (see the [[Kamen Rider Faiz|Orphenochs]] and [[It Makes Sense in Context|in a sense]] [[Kamen Rider Kiva|Fangires]]). ''[[Kamen Rider Double]]'' does it ''both'' ways, with {{spoiler|the Rider tech falling into Shotaro's hands, and Philip ''being'' [[Phlebotinum]] and escaping.}}
* ''[[The Secret World of Alex Mack]]''
* ''[[Firefly (TV series)|Firefly]]'s'' River Tam. In an interesting twist, River is actually not ''that'' dangerous to her creators, [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|until they tried to get her back]], which triggered her [[Waif Fu|ingrained ass-kicking powers]].
* Arguably, ''[[The Pretender]]'', where Jarod ''is'' the [[Applied Phlebotinum]].
* ''[[Dark Angel]]'' would have no plot at all without this. Twelve X5 [[Super Soldiers]] (Max, Ben, Zack, etc.) escaped from Manticore as children and went on the run, though Manticore retained several (including [[Cloning Blues|clones]] of the escapees, and [[Monster of the Week|monsters of the week]]) until the organization was brought down 11 years later and '''everyone''' escaped.