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** Pretty much everyone who shows up in the Anime is mentioned or visited again.
** Cross-continuity in the manga: when the author made a bonus [[Yonkoma|four-panel comic]] gag including Claire, an anime-only character, he didn't draw her face because he didn't think he could draw her right.
* [[Cooldown Hug]]: In the manga, Ai to stop Hachi's [[Unstoppable Rage|Unstoppable]] <s> [[Unstoppable Rage|Rage]]</s> [[Tranquil Fury]], as the latter is about to {{spoiler|kill Hakim.}} Preceded by a {{spoiler|[["Shut Up" Kiss]] just before Hachi pulls the trigger}}, and followed by a {{spoiler|[[Post-Kiss Catatonia]] (since the compartment had suffered a hull breach and Ai was already feeling the effects of low air pressure}}.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Gigalt.
** Goro as well, though mostly in the manga, where he's much better developed.
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** Also, the ''Toybox I''. It's ugly, unwieldy, and [[Used Future|older than most of its crew]], but it has a lot of character and had [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|an incredible]] [[Saving the World|sendoff]].
* [[Creepy Child]]: ''Of all people'', {{spoiler|[[Love Freak|Tanabe]]'s childhood in the manga, when she was also [[The Voiceless]]}}.
* [[Cultural Cross-Reference]]: In the manga version, a military officer named Colonel Sanders tries to make a deal with Fee to help stop the impending space war. She flatly denies him and tells him to go [http[wikipedia:// |"sell fried chicken at a gas station."]] This is made even more hilarious by the fact that his appearance is seemingly based upon a certain other Colonel Sanders.
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: The Space Defense Force, who accurately guesses that INTO and other organizations will be too busy guarding certain places, and make it seem like they'll attack those places, only to then attack another station. It was only because of a really ticked off Fee (who hasn't had a smoke for a while due to air quality reasons and smoking sections on the moon being blown up) saving the space station that saved them.
** Later, they learned from that first incident, and this time makes sure to take several extra precautions to ensure neither Fee nor anyone else would be able to stop their second plan.
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* [[Mission Control]]: Literally, the Control section of ISVP 7. Much more prominent in the anime, where it has named characters related to the plot. Also, Fee often plays this role when Hachi, Ai, and Yuri perform EVA operations.
* [[Mistaken for Cheating]]: In episode 8, the Debris Section suspects Fee is having a secret affair with the Second Division director. Except that she's not, and she's not too happy about that accusation when she hears about it.
* [[Mohs Scale of Sci Fi Hardness]]: Very hard, possibly the hardest series ever ''made'' up to this point. [[I Want My Jetpack|Commercial spaceflight]] less than [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future|a century in the future]] and almost completely limited to the Earth Sphere itself. Detailed orbital mechanics, realistic effects of space on health, [http://en.[ theory|dependency theory]], diapers under spacesuits, and ''invisible'' [[Frickin' Laser Beams|laser beams]]. Even the gratuitous [[In Space Everyone Can See Your Face]] is justified as mere thematic [[Closeup On Head|close-ups on the characters' faces]] -- ''with their faceplates down.'' Its premise -- the collection of space garbage to prevent multimillion-dollar spacecraft from being [[One-Hit Kill|scrapped]] by ''[[Cherry Tapping|screws]]'' -- is a [[Real Life]] problem but economically unfeasible(nowadays we [[Just Ignore It]] - military satellites are fitted with maneuvering thrusters to dodge but nobody cleans it up), but this is actually ''a major plot point'' -- though the job is essential to actual commercial space travel, the fact that nobody can find a way to make money off it means they ignored it right up until the accident that killed Yuri's wife. ''Then'' the Debris Sections were formed [[False Reassurance|in response to public outcry]] -- and staffed by ''[[Salaryman|underpaid office drones]]'' with '''[[Used Future|gear older than they are]]'''.
** Even the Tandem Mirror drive is named after/based on a real magnetic confinement fusion technique, which has been noted to be uniquely suited to application as a space drive.
* [[The Mole]]: {{spoiler|Hakim Ashmead, a top Space Defense Front lieutenant who joined the ''von Braun'' mission in order to sabotage it.}} Played for even greater effect in the anime, where the character is introduced ''long'' [[Early -Bird Cameo|before his arc begins]], and is given a sympathetic background as Hachimaki's {{spoiler|[[Big Brother Mentor]]}}.
* [[Mood Whiplash]]: The El Tanika representative in episode 11, who tries really hard to help his country out in whatever way he can, watches his country from above in space. It's a very serene and touching scene. Then they cut to the ground, and there's a war going on down there, and the factory that had the plans and parts for his spacesuit gets destroyed. Unfortunately for him, he is able to see the smoke cloud from space.
* [[Motorcycle On the Coast Road]]: Hachimaki did this in the past, and does it again in episode 14 when visiting his hometown with Tanabe and Yuri.
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** The most egregious example being when the El Tanikan-born, American-bred woman formally introduces herself and bows (in a manner identical to the way Tanabe, who ''is'' Japanese, did in the first episode) upon being transferred to a new department. Despite the fact that she's known everyone in that department for at ''least'' a year already.
* [[Naive Newcomer]]: Tanabe Ai, new hire and first-time astronaut
* [[Never Trust a Trailer]]: The [["On the Next..."|next episode previews]] almost always misdirect the viewer on what will be the most dramatic moment.
* [[The Nicknamer]]: Very explicitly, Hachimaki's (anime-only) mentor Gigalt Gangaragash. He even confesses to Ai that he has trouble remembering people's names, so he makes up nicknames for them to keep track of them. In this continuity, he's the one who gave Hachi his nickname, although the latter was already wearing said item long before Gigalt ever met him. However, there was one person for whom Gigalt was never able to figure out a nickname, and only later, when it's much too late, he realizes that it's because he could never figure out who {{spoiler|Hakim ''[[The Mole|really]]'' was}}.
* [[Ninja]]: Actually, a bunch of unemployed workers who pretend to be Ninjas on the ''moon'', where the low gravity makes them the stuff of [[Chop Sockey]] movies.
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* [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]]: Hachimaki uses this several times when either confronted with his past relationship with Claire, and anytime Tanabe sees him with another woman, and questions him about it.
* [[Shipper On Deck]]: Lucie tries to do this with Tanabe and Hachimaki, in an attempt to get closer to Cheng-Shin.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Lavie's gag device to break the ice with Section 3's Debris department plays ''[[2001: A Space Odyssey (Film)|Thus Spake Zarathustra]]''.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Very much so.
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: Hachimaki and Kyuutaro. He's an astronaut, he wants to build rockets and spaceships. Neither one believes that what the other pursues is a "serious" pursuit of outer-space.
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* [[Welcome Episode]]: Episode 1 lets the audience follow Tanabe as she arrives at ISVP7, meets everyone down in Debris Section, and is shown the ropes of the job.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: The Space Defense Force. {{spoiler|Which makes it somewhat less terrible when [[The Bad Guy Wins]]. Their methods were pretty evil, but their goal that time wasn't.}}
* [[Wham! Episode]]: Episode 16, "Ignition."
* [[Wham! Line]]: Hachimaki gives one at the end of episode 18.
{{quote| '''Hachimaki:''' I'm quitting the Debris Section.}}
* [[What You Are in The Dark]]: A double whammy in Episode 24.
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* [[In Space Everyone Can See Your Face]]: +95% averted. Spacesuits have faceplates with integrated [[HUD|HUDs]], and are almost always lowered to protect against unfiltered sunlight and debris impacts. If you see a character's face in a spacesuit, it's a [[Closeup On Head]]. People raise their faceplates only to identify themselves to each other - or so they can see each other's faces during [[Rule of Drama|dramatic arguments]].
* [[Latex Space Suit]]: Spacesuits are realistically bulky, and the astronauts all wear diapers/nappies.
* [[Sci -Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale]]: Baring a few unlikely coincidences such as Yuri searching for and finding a '''pocket compass''' in orbit around the Earth. These [[Contrived Coincidence|coincidences]] are all treated as miraculous events [[Lampshade Hanging|within the show]] and can be dismissed by the audience as [[Anthropic Principle|necessary in order for the show to have a plot]].
** Keep in mind, though, that it did take Yuri five whole years of non-stop searching for the compass to find it.
** And he didn't randomly search the vastness of space. What he did was spend all his spare time searching through the database of all known space debris, looking for the damn thing, selecting the ones most likely to be what he was looking for (as shown in episode 10 of the anime)