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Garbage collecting... {{smallcaps|[[Recycled in Space|IN SPACE]]}}! Because in space, [[Incredibly Lame Pun|bolts screw]] [[In Soviet Russia, Trope Mocks You|you!]]
An anime series, based on a manga series of the same name, that provides a realistic and dramatic view of life in space in the near future. The principal cast are the "Debris Section" of the Technora corporation, space trash collectors that are charged with the prevention of deadly orbital collisions with free-floating junk.
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** Pretty much everyone who shows up in the Anime is mentioned or visited again.
** Cross-continuity in the manga: when the author made a bonus [[Yonkoma|four-panel comic]] gag including Claire, an anime-only character, he didn't draw her face because he didn't think he could draw her right.
* [[Cooldown Hug]]: In the manga, Ai to stop Hachi's [[Unstoppable Rage|Unstoppable]] <s> [[Unstoppable Rage|Rage]]</s> [[Tranquil Fury]], as the latter is about to {{spoiler|kill Hakim.}} Preceded by a {{spoiler|[[Shut Up Kiss]] just before Hachi pulls the trigger}}, and followed by a {{spoiler|[[Post -Kiss Catatonia]] (since the compartment had suffered a hull breach and Ai was already feeling the effects of low air pressure}}.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Gigalt.
** Goro as well, though mostly in the manga, where he's much better developed.
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** Also, the ''Toybox I''. It's ugly, unwieldy, and [[Used Future|older than most of its crew]], but it has a lot of character and had [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|an incredible]] [[Saving the World|sendoff]].
* [[Creepy Child]]: ''Of all people'', {{spoiler|[[Love Freak|Tanabe]]'s childhood in the manga, when she was also [[The Voiceless]]}}.
* [[Cultural Cross -Reference]]: In the manga version, a military officer named Colonel Sanders tries to make a deal with Fee to help stop the impending space war. She flatly denies him and tells him to go [ "sell fried chicken at a gas station."] This is made even more hilarious by the fact that his appearance is seemingly based upon a certain other Colonel Sanders.
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: The Space Defense Force, who accurately guesses that INTO and other organizations will be too busy guarding certain places, and make it seem like they'll attack those places, only to then attack another station. It was only because of a really ticked off Fee (who hasn't had a smoke for a while due to air quality reasons and smoking sections on the moon being blown up) saving the space station that saved them.
** Later, they learned from that first incident, and this time makes sure to take several extra precautions to ensure neither Fee nor anyone else would be able to stop their second plan.
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* [[Determinator]]: Deconstructed. Hachi almost alienated Ai and his peers with his fanatical commitment to board the von Braun, and {{spoiler|Hakim's}} desire to liberate the developing countries eventually made him a shell.
* [[Detonation Moon]]: Although a (relatively) minor one: the Tandem Mirror Engine accident that turns a considerable chunk of the Moon into ''dust''.
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: The odd imagery during the docking sequence in episode 14, combined with the context of the episode itself makes it pretty clear exactly what the scene is a metaphor of.
** Norio Wakamoto once again lends his voice to a [[Gun Buster|badass doomed mentor dying from radiation sickness]]. . .
* [[Dying Alone]]: Hachimaki's dark self constantly reminds himself of this fate in the 2nd half of the season. Tanabe on the other hand, feels this trope should be averted, such as when the body of one of the early space pioneers makes its way back to Earth, and she feels he should be buried by his family, rather than sent back into the void of space.
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* [[First Kiss]]: While it's not seen, it's heavily implied at the end of episode 14 with Hachimaki and Tanabe.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: That woman we see in the spacecraft in episode 1 when a stray bolt hits it? {{spoiler|She's the wife of Yuri}}, and in episode 10 we get more [[Character Development|background]] on why Yuri was obsessed with looking for space debris and why he joined the Debris Section in the first place.
* [[For Science!]]: Werner Locksmith "can only love space ships". Treated as realistically and thoughtfully as everything else.
* [[Freeze Frame Bonus]]: In episode 20, you can pause and read some of Hachimaki's details as Director Locksmith goes over it.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: Yuri keeps a kennel for the station's officers' pets, because he's ''that'' good with animals.
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** Hell, even the [[Title Sequence]] has some. If you stop to read its descriptions of important moments in the history of space exploration, you're treated to gems like "The father of modern rocket propulsion is the American. Successfully, the first a liquid fuel rocket."
* [[Hachimaki]]: There's a reason Hachirota is nicknamed Hachimaki.
* [[Hannibal Lecture]]: Twice, between the same two characters. The first time, it works wonderfully on its audience and leads to a ''massive'' [[Heroic BSOD]]; the second, [[Shut UP, Hannibal|it doesn't]], and the lecturer is {{spoiler|almost killed but saved ''only'' by outside intervention}}.
* [[Happily Adopted]]: {{spoiler|Ai. She was left on Kenji and Yukari's doorstep at the age of about one, but that doesn't really bother anyone.}}
* [[Happily -Failed Suicide]]: In episode 5, a couple were planning to commit suicide with their young daughter due to some extreme financial burdens. But then a thief aboard the spaceship steals the medicine the father planned to use, and later takes the young girl hostage. As the parents try to dissuade the thief from killing her, it dawns on them that they themselves were about to decide her future in a bad way as well. After the girl is saved, she tells her parents about her hopes and dreams of going into space and piloting a spaceship. They seem to reconsider the suicide, and instead promise the little girl that they'll work hard for her as well.
* [[Heel Realization]]: Hakim in the final episode.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Tanabe suffers from one in episode 10 after finding out in the previous episode that {{spoiler|Gigalt, Hachimaki's space teacher}} has cancer and is dying. What makes it worse is that he asks Tanabe not to reveal this information, which would be devastating to Hachimaki, who idolizes the man.
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* [[Improvised Weapon]]: Industrial tools are used as instruments of mayhem and/or self defense on more than one occasion. Including two notable instances where the tool in question is a [[Grappling Hook Pistol|crossbow]] designed to anchor tow lines in space ship hulls.
* [[Inherently Funny Words]]: "Dlum Mild".
* [[It Is Pronounced "Tro-PAY"]]: Some may want to pronounce the title as "Plan-Eats" or "Pla-Neats", however the name is Greek and ΠΛΑΝΗΤΕΣ is pronounced either "pla-net-es" or "pla-nee-tes" (depending on the dialect).
* [[Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja]]: Episode 6 has some out of work guys pretending their ninjas. Their consistent pursuit of Hachimaki only adds to their [[Cosplay]]. And due to the moon's lower gravity, they really are able to jump really high in the air. Even Hachimaki, who's really annoyed with this stunt at first, starts to get into it as well.
* [[Japanese Language]]: The dub uses a fair number of Japanese words consistently throughout its run without ever translating them, particularly the [[Japanese Honorifics]] "sempai" and "sensei", as well as "[[Hachimaki]]" (which means "headband") as a character's nickname.
** Played with in the last episode, where the two Japanese nationals (Ai and Hachi) play a word game which consists of saying a word or term that begins with the last vowel (or syllable) the other person just said. In the English dub, the actors speak the Japanese words (and very well, too) and immediately say the English translation of the term, for clarity.
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** {{spoiler|The head of the Space Defense Force, and pretty much all of the members not killed or captured from the raid on the ''von Braun'', as not only do they escape punishment ''[[The Bad Guy Wins|they accomplish exactly what they set out to do]]''}}.
** Also, arguably. {{spoiler|Locksmith}}, who happens to be delightfully aware of that fact. {{spoiler|"I won't get fired even if I blow two or three labs to smithereens".}}
* [[Lawyer -Friendly Cameo]]: INTO is a very, very, ''very'' thinly-veiled [[Expy]] of the real-world NATO.
* [[Love Dodecahedron]]: Lucie likes Cheng-Shin, who likes Tanabe, who likes Hachimaki, who seems to still have feelings for Claire or outright tries to avoid the issue.
* [[Love Freak]]: Tanabe Ai
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* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: To roughly the same level as [[Star Trek Deep Space Nine]]. 7 main characters (Hachimaki, Tanabe, Fee, Yuri, Chief, Ravi, Edel), and a host of well developed and influential secondary (Claire, Hakim, Colin Clifford, Cheng Shin, Goro Hoshino, Werner Locksmith, Gigalt, Dolph) and tertiary (Harry Roland, Kyutaro Hoshino, Nono, The Ninjas, Lucy), characters.
** It's even worse in the manga, which doesn't have salarimen and Ninjas, but has a lot of ''other'' people.
* [[Loophole Abuse]]: In episode 4, when [[Spoiled Brat|Colin Clifford]] starts insulting the Debris Section, Hachimaki nearly punches his lights out in anger. But before he can, Tanabe does it instead, then [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|berates]] him for being such a jerk. Colin threatens to punish them for assaulting a non-employee, but then Fee mentions that there were only 5 people aboard the ship, and therefore they never had any non-employees in the area in the first place. Colin whines some more about it, but the director mentions that either Colin let this issue go, or else he could file a full report, and then Colin's father finds out about him being there illegally in the first place.
** It's done again in episode 14 when they move a satellite to avoid a meteoroid from destroying it. Robbie says that they're not allowed to destroy a natural body, so Hachimaki instead moves the satellite away to avoid the collison.
* [[Married to The Job]]: Hachimaki's father, Goro. His mother is ''extremely specific'' about how lucky he is to have her as a wife, as, [[The Unfair Sex|by all rights]], [[Good Adultery, Bad Adultery|she should have gotten into an affair by now]]. It's also implied that Hachi himself is headed this way.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Yuri Mihairokov shares the name of famous cosmonaut [[Yuri Gagarin]], who was the first man in space. Werner Locksmith shares the name of Werner von Braun, one of, if not the most important rocket designers who ever lived whose designs include the terrifying V-2 for the Nazis, and the mighty Saturn V, the famous moon rocket. Ai Tanabe's name is also a pun, as 'ai' is the Japanese word for love, which matches with her belief in love's power.
* [[Memento MacGuffin]]: Yuri's [[Tragic Keepsake|wife's compass]]. Eventually, Yuri decides {{spoiler|[[ItsIt's All Junk|to send it back into space with a test rocket]] because he no longer needs it to preserve his wife's memory}}.
* [[Mid -Season Upgrade]]: The crew of the Toy Box get a new ship in episode 14, since they sacrificed their ship in order to save the space station they live on.
* [[Mission Control]]: Literally, the Control section of ISVP 7. Much more prominent in the anime, where it has named characters related to the plot. Also, Fee often plays this role when Hachi, Ai, and Yuri perform EVA operations.
* [[Mistaken for Cheating]]: In episode 8, the Debris Section suspects Fee is having a secret affair with the Second Division director. Except that she's not, and she's not too happy about that accusation when she hears about it.
* [[Mohs Scale of Sci Fi Hardness]]: Very hard, possibly the hardest series ever ''made'' up to this point. [[I Want My Jetpack|Commercial spaceflight]] less than [[Twenty Minutes Into the Future|a century in the future]] and almost completely limited to the Earth Sphere itself. Detailed orbital mechanics, realistic effects of space on health, [ dependency theory], diapers under spacesuits, and ''invisible'' [[Frickin' Laser Beams|laser beams]]. Even the gratuitous [[In Space Everyone Can See Your Face]] is justified as mere thematic [[Closeup On Head|close-ups on the characters' faces]] -- ''with their faceplates down.'' Its premise -- the collection of space garbage to prevent multimillion-dollar spacecraft from being [[One -Hit Kill|scrapped]] by ''[[Cherry Tapping|screws]]'' -- is a [[Real Life]] problem but economically unfeasible(nowadays we [[Just Ignore It]] - military satellites are fitted with maneuvering thrusters to dodge but nobody cleans it up), but this is actually ''a major plot point'' -- though the job is essential to actual commercial space travel, the fact that nobody can find a way to make money off it means they ignored it right up until the accident that killed Yuri's wife. ''Then'' the Debris Sections were formed [[False Reassurance|in response to public outcry]] -- and staffed by ''[[Salaryman|underpaid office drones]]'' with '''[[Used Future|gear older than they are]]'''.
** Even the Tandem Mirror drive is named after/based on a real magnetic confinement fusion technique, which has been noted to be uniquely suited to application as a space drive.
* [[The Mole]]: {{spoiler|Hakim Ashmead, a top Space Defense Front lieutenant who joined the ''von Braun'' mission in order to sabotage it.}} Played for even greater effect in the anime, where the character is introduced ''long'' [[Early Bird Cameo|before his arc begins]], and is given a sympathetic background as Hachimaki's {{spoiler|[[Big Brother Mentor]]}}.
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* [[Norio Wakamoto]]: Plays Gigalt Gangaragash.
* [[No Smoking]]: Of course not, they're on space stations! Oxygen is a ''precious commodity'', which leaves the few smokers (such as Fee, see below) extremely irritated and having to resort to "Smoking Rooms" throughout the station (which become such a security blind spot for terrorist attacks that some places are even getting rid of them) or even custom-built "Smoking Chambers" for individual use. Which then becomes a very pivotal plot point in episode 12.
* [[The Obi -Wan]]: Gigalt, Hachi and Hakim's [[Mentors|mentor]] in the anime.
* [[Office Lady]]: Edel, the debris section's administrative office temp. {{spoiler|Played with a little in regards to her backstory}}, but otherwise played straight, especially by the end of the series {{spoiler|when she's hired as a full-time employee and eases up a little}}.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Averted with Hachimaki's mother, but played straight with his dad, who is obsessed with getting humanity's place in space established. Quite a few characters are awestruck by his reputation, but Hachimaki could care less.
* [[Perspective Magic]]
* [[Pointy -Haired Boss]]: The Debris Section chief. He's harmless, since he's friendly and he doesn't get to make decisions. The Section 3 director (in charge of all Lunar facilities and operations,) on the other hand...
* [[Qurac]]: Mananga.
* [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits]]: Debris Section is where employees are sent when they either don't care where they go, or screw up so bad they can't be sent anywhere else. Of course, since they spend more time in EVA than anyone else, they wind up being the biggest zero-G badasses this side of the Orbital Security Agency.
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** Due to the franchise's [[Broken Base]], "Salarymen" became a semi-derogatory nickname for the Debris Section office staff in the anime, used mostly by the manga fans. ''Toybox'' crew aren't salarymen, they're ''astronauts''!
* [[Satsuki Yukino]]: Ai Tanabe's seiyuu.
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right]]: In episode 14, the Toy Box 2 is asked by some researchers to help them to avoid a meteoroid from hitting a satellite with their research in it. The Third Division manager explicitly wants them to back down and allow the satellite to get destroyed, but Hachimaki decides to do it anyway, even more so after he hears about all the protesting of destroying it. When Robbie orders that he's not allowed to destroy a natural object, Hachimaki [[Loophole Abuse|decides to move the satellite instead.]] When the Third Division manager talks to the Toy Box crew's boss, he basically supports what his crew did, since they were preventing more debris from being formed.
** Robbie himself does something similar in episode 18 when he thinks back to what his kids told him about keeping space safe, and destroys a satellite which was potentially harmful to spaceships. The director threatens to withdraw Robbie's position in another department and tries to disband them right then and there. Robbie destroys the satellite anyway, and later gives a [[Large Ham]] news interview discussing how the Debris Section keeps spaceships safe. Due to potential backlash from the public, and in keeping with a good corporate image, the director withdraws his threat to disband the section.
* [[Secret Keeper]]: Gigalt asks Tanabe to keep his {{spoiler|cancer}} secret from Hachimaki in episode 9. Then he finds this out anyway in episode 22.
* [[Secret Test of Character]]: The ''von Braun'' crew candidate selection tests in episode 19. More specifically, while Hachimaki is taking the test with 3 other candidates in a pool repairing a pod to simulate a system going down on Jupiter, one of the other candidates accidentally cuts her air hose. The other two students taking the test at the time go to help her, while Hachimaki continues to work. {{spoiler|When one of the candidates later complains that it was unfair to disqualify them for helping her, the director simply states that were this a real life situation, not repairing the broken system would've killed the entire ship's crew while they were busy saving her, and he wanted to have people who could minimize the amount of potential deaths, even if they seemed cruel and harsh at the time.}}
* [[Sempai -Kohai]]: Tanabe does this with Hachimaki, even in the English dub.
* [[She Is Not My Girlfriend]]: Hachimaki uses this several times when either confronted with his past relationship with Claire, and anytime Tanabe sees him with another woman, and questions him about it.
* [[Shipper On Deck]]: Lucie tries to do this with Tanabe and Hachimaki, in an attempt to get closer to Cheng-Shin.
* [[Shout Out]]: Lavie's gag device to break the ice with Section 3's Debris department plays ''[[2001: A Space Odyssey (Film)|Thus Spake Zarathustra]]''.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: Very much so.
* [[Sibling Yin -Yang]]: Hachimaki and Kyuutaro. He's an astronaut, he wants to build rockets and spaceships. Neither one believes that what the other pursues is a "serious" pursuit of outer-space.
* [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]]: [[Earn Your Happy Ending|The characters have to work hard for their ideals, and absolutely nothing ever comes easy for anyone]], but the world of ''Planetes'' earnestly believes in the ultimate good within the soul of humanity.
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]: Fee Carmichael and to a certain extent Hachirota "Hachimaki" Hoshino. In fact, in one episode, Fee ''[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|saves outer space]]'' without knowing it because she is ''that'' desperate for a smoke.
* [[Sociopathic Hero]]: Locksmith, although the degree of his detachment from humanity varies from manga to anime. {{spoiler|The graveside scene in the former had him damn near emotional, which is ''devastating'' to the reader, let me tell you.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|I feel sad.}}}}
* [[Spell My Name With an "S"]]: Differences in romanization according to the anime and manga. More particularly, the Tandem-Mirror/Tandem Miller engine, as well as Hakim/Hakimu/Hakeem. Specific to the anime, the Assistant Manager's name is ''pronounced'' "Ravi," but spelled "Lavie."
** It's [ Tandem Mirror].
*** Seriously why would it be Tandem Miller? There was never any Miller involved!
* [[Square -Cube Law]]: Deconstructed by Nono. She grew up on the moon, whose lower gravity made her taller than the average human, but as a result, Earth's gravity could easily crush her.
* [[Take a Third Option]]: Hachimaki's decision regarding the ''von Braun'' Mission and Ai. He {{spoiler|marries her just before he leaves, trusting that she, like his mother, will be happy as a spacer's wife; which ''slightly'' implies [[Space Is an Ocean]], at least in respect to ''temporary widows'' waiting for sailors to come home.}}
* [[Take My Hand]]: {{spoiler|Hachi to Yuri when the latter nearly falls into the atmosphere saving his wife's compass}}.
* [[Three Amigos]]: What Hachi, Cheng-Shin, and Claire used to be. A lot of [[UST|unresolved baggage]] with Hachi and her own quick climb up the corporate ladder has distanced Claire from the others, who remain close friends.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Hachimaki gives one to his friend Cheng-Shin when the latter mentioned about how he didn't expect to pass the Von Braun tests. Hachimaki yells at his friend for not going all out to make the cut, and how he used his pilot job as a safety net in case.
* [[Too Long; Didn't Dub]]: [[Tokyo Pop]]'s manga release didn't translate a very plot-significant Kenji Miyazawa poem from an astronaut's funeral. Fans were not pleased. [[Tokyo Pop]] released a [[Blind Idiot Translation|painfully-literal]] translation a few volumes later.
* [[Welcome Episode]]: Episode 1 lets the audience follow Tanabe as she arrives at ISVP7, meets everyone down in Debris Section, and is shown the ropes of the job.
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]: The Space Defense Force. {{spoiler|Which makes it somewhat less terrible when [[The Bad Guy Wins]]. Their methods were pretty evil, but their goal that time wasn't.}}
* [[Wham Episode]]: Episode 16, "Ignition."
* [[Wham Line]]: Hachimaki gives one at the end of episode 18.
{{quote| '''Hachimaki:''' I'm quitting the Debris Section.}}
* [[What You Are in The Dark]]: A double whammy in Episode 24.
* [[White -Haired Pretty Boy]]: [[Rich Bitch|Colin Clifford]], and ''man'' is he gender-ambiguous. Especially with that camera thing.
* [[Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?]]: Played with, Edel works full time in the Debris Section as a contract worker, but also has a part time job as a nurse. The characters are surprised when they see her during their physical exam.
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]: Nono, the 12 year-old Lunar girl whose words can disarm even the most bitter and jaded cynic with a well-aimed (but perfectly innocent) critical hit to the heart.
* [[You Are Not Alone]]: Hachimaki's dark self tells him that being alone is pretty much the fate of everyone, no matter what they say. It doesn't stop Tanabe however, from trying to invoke this trope on him.
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* [[Space Is Noisy]]
* [[Teleporters and Transporters]]
* [[Two2-D Space]]