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* Anti-missile systems in ''[[BattleTech]]'' have aspects of this. Depending on the ruleset, they either run out of ammo almost instantly or are actually forbidden from being 100% effective—ie, if the attacker succeeded on his to-hit roll, at least one missile ''will'' hit the target, regardless of how good its point defense is.
* Surprisingly an [[Averted Trope]] in ''[[Mekton]]''. A well-designed point-defense system can shred virtually any Mekton in only a few hits. For this reason, point defense is very often left out of warship designs...
* Averted in [[Battlefleet Gothic]], most starships have at least one point of Turrets that can hold off torpedoes and bombers. Though most ships only have one or(up to some light cruisers) to two (from light cruisers up) points of turrets, and base chance to intercept is 1/2, meaning that on average a Lunar-class cruiser attacked by four bomber squadrons is still going to take three of the attacks.
* The point defense in ''[[GURPS]]'': Spaceships is not terribly effective, very dangerous when combined with the massive damage missiles can do. A later supplement in the series added the Missile Shield design switch to let beam weapons hit as many incoming objects per second as they can fire shots.
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* Nearly every Core (torso, that is) unit from [[Armored Core]] carried a point-defense unit against incoming missile, from the first game. This explains the barrel-like protrusions from many Cores. Starting from Armored Core 2, shoulder-mounted CIWS systems start to be introduced, from missile, laser and gun-based interception, to simple missile misdirection. Their effectiveness range from "acceptable", "total protection", and "dead weight".
** Oddly, the only game that lacks any point defence system is Armored Core 4 and for Answer, relegating anti-missile to flares only. This being 4/fA, that seldom works due to the sheer [[Macross Missile Massacre]] feats that other AC units can pull off.
* In ''[[Master of Orion]] 2'' missiles tend to fly in big swarms (especially from planets and orbital bases), so adequate defence is almost always necessary, and it's available. Most guns have immediately available modification "Point Defense" - it halves the cost, size, range and damage of a weapon, gives a bonus to hit and automatically fires just before hit (i.e. at zero range) at incoming missiles and small craft in its arc, but doubles range penalties to accuracy and damage. There are also Anti-Missile Rockets - special weapon that fires in any direction, also shoots defensively, kills a missile with every hit no matter its armor, is fairly small, and has good hit rate independent from the ship's attack value - but it works at all only against missiles, not fighters or bombers (or ships); as such it's only good in early game when PD weapons and targeting computers are weak. But late game has torpedoes, and ''any'' PD is useless against them - only ECM, [[Splash Damage|flyswatter devices]] and Lightning Field (which falls between these groups) help to avoid damage.