Pointy-Haired Boss: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Bug Martini|Bug]]'' people have no hair - being bugs - yet you can spot [http://www.bugmartini.com/comic/one-mans-boss-is-another-mans-bane/ the pointy-haired ones] right away.
* ''[[SSDD]]'' explains the mechanics of how this happens [http://www.poisonedminds.com/d/20080822.html here] (and following pages).
* Principal Beau Vine in ''[[Ozy and Millie]]'' seems to not have the slightest idea how to properly educate children and run a school, sticking to the very outdated belief that bullying a good thing and successively enacting and cancelling a school uniform policy several times in a single school year based on how popular such policies are at the moment, among other things.
== Web Original ==