Pokémon Go: Difference between revisions

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** Certain forms of pokemon, like MewTwo's armor form, is exclusive ONLY in Pokemon Go.
** Averted whenever a re-release of event pokemon, regional switches happens, and Legendary rotations.
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[The Nose Knows]]: Using Lures and Incense attracts wild pokemon to a certain spot were the PokeStop is located or the actual trainer, because these devices smell so good to their noses.
* [[Play Every Day]]: Logging in and doing tasks, will fill up a seven day gauge which will award players, star dust and getting XP to level up.
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* [[Robot Buddy]]: Remy, though he's more of a tech support bot that supposed to help gamers and relay the cries for help messages to an actual guy at the other end.
* [[Run, Don't Walk]]: Averted. Similar to ''[[Harry Potter: Wizards Unite]]'', PoGo ''only'' wants you to walk, it won't register the steps when one runs, which will hinder the trainer's progress. Also, when one is in the car, the game asks if you're speeding or even the driver.
* [[Skirt Over Slacks|Shorts Over Leggings]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: The [[Pokémon Colosseum|Shadow Pokémon]] makes a comeback.
** Taking pictures of pokémon in the wild or those in your inventor is very reminiscent of [[Pokémon Snap]].