Pokémon X and Y/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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(Added my edits from the wikia fork to this page, and deleted a trope that was both not YMMV, but also misused to boot.)
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** If you're playing the X version and choose to use Xerneas right when you catch it, you ''severely'' defang {{Spoiler|Lysandre}}'s final fight. Xerneas is a powerful Pokemon, and most of his Pokemon, including his ace (Mega Gyarados) are weak to its Fairy moves. To keep a long story short, they'll be utterly annihilated (Unless Mega Gyarados survives and nails you with Iron Head. Then things go to hell in a handbasket) save for his Pyroar, who still struggles to put up a good fight against it. In Y, he's able to preserve his status as [[That One Boss]] since Yveltal's Dark typing doesn't help much against his team.
** Even though he's the final Gym Leader, Wulfric is still an Ice specialist. [[Tier-Induced Scrappy|With a ''ton'' of slower defense-oriented Ice types.]] Thanks to Ice's terrible defensive typing and surplus of weaknesses, you can easily wipe him out without breaking a sweat, something he acknowledges in his pre-battle dialogue.
** And finally, while {{Spoiler|her}} team looks impressive on the surface, {{Spoiler|DiathaDiantha}}'s Pokemon have a lot of common weaknesses with there being a big overlap between those weak to Steel as well as those weak to Ice. {{Spoiler|Mega Gardevoir}} is still a decent ace-in-the-hole, but that's just it: she's a decent ace that can't quite hold a candle to the Mega Evolutions at your disposal.
* [[Author's Saving Throw]]: This game ''finally'' puts an end to the irritating sounds that plague players when their Pokemon's health is low. [[Pokémon Black and White]] already tried to solve this by remixing the low-health beeping into a tense song, but ''that'' turned out to be annoying due to often interrupting the game's amazing battle music. Here, the tune is done away with entirely and the beeping only lasts very briefly before falling quiet.
* [[Base Breaker]]: There are plenty of debates on whether {{Spoiler|Lysandre}} is a good villain or not. {{Spoiler|To his fans, he's a fascinating and complex character whose more sympathetic traits such as his genuine sorrow over condemning innocent Pokemon to death as well as his cut-and-dry mental illness help him stand out among most of the franchise's more unashamedly heartless villains. Those that hate him view him as a cheap knockoff of Cyrus from D/P/Pl, down to having similar motivations and even half his team copy-pasted from Cyrus's.}} Then there's a third camp who views him favorably for similar reasons as the first, but agree that he was executed poorly.
** Among your friendly rivals, Serena/Calem and Shauna are at least able to avoid full-on [[The Scrappy|Scrappy]] status thanks to having more to their character than Trevor or Tierno. But whether they're ''good'' characters or not can't really be agreed upon. In Shauna's favor, her cute and plucky demeanor is genuinely endearing and she actually experiences good character development. However, players who don't like nicer rivals dislike her for being yet another one, then there are the fans of Trevor and Tierno who think that she hogged the spotlight from them. As for Calem/Serena, their fans like that they're overall nice rivals with a genuine competitive streak while their detractors simply don't find them that interesting since they lack the more dynamic personalities given to the likes of Blue, Silver, Barry, and even Cheren and Bianca.
** The final evolutions of all three starter Pokemon are controversial in their own right. To specify...
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** Some fans see the whole Kanto region as this, since other regions are not exactly referenced as much as much as Kanto.
* [[Demonic Spiders]]: ''Wobbuffet''. Running into these things in Reflection Cave is like playing Russian Roulette, because their whole gimmick is trapping the Pokemon you send out with their Shadow Tag ability, and constantly running the risk of knocking them out by spamming both of it's counter-attacking moves while you're likely unable to safely kill them due to their ridiculous tankiness keeping them in the fight. They're tough enough to deal with when playing normally, but people doing a Nuzlocke run (Aka Pokemon with permadeath) are reccommended to just spam repels until they've escaped that hellish cave.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: The charismatic and handsome Professor Sycamore is one of the most popular professors in the series, with some players wishing that {{Spoiler|he could have been the champion or even the boss of Team Flare instead of Diantha and Lysandre.}} He's also the first Pokemon professor that you can actually battle (Barring the famous Professor Oak battle from the original Kanto games that was only accessible through hacking), so there's a few other points in his favor.
** Korrina, Valerie, and Wulfric are way more popular than most of the Gym Leaders. With Valerie, it's because she made a strong first impression as the first Fairy-type Gym Leader, and her bizarre mannerisms and beauty endeared her to the fans. In Wulfric's case, he's a super nice guy and one of ''very'' few Kalos Gym Leaders to follow ''Black and White's'' Gym Leader design philosophy in the sense that he has a life outside of running his gym and as a result feels more fleshed out than a lot of his contemporaries. Korrina also has a major role outside her Gym like Wulfric, is a key figure in the Mega Evolution subplot, and is attractive to boot.
** The Elite Four as a whole is surprisingly popular, which is a rarity given that in most games, players tend to focus their attention on the Gym Leaders and/or Champion. Malva's a standout due to being hot and having a frighteningly unhinged personality, as is Siebold for his Gordon Ramsay-style passion for cooking and his genuinely tough boss fight. Then Drasna's beloved for being such an adorable and sweet old lady who's a breath of fresh air among Dragon specialists, and even Wikstrom's got his fans for his honorable knight schtick and cool design.
** This game's version of the Hex Maniacs are ''insanely'' popular due to the overall popularity of cute goth girls, which these gals embody in spades. It's either a condemnation of X and Y's characters or a testament to how good of a job Game Freak did at making a humble trainer class so endearing, because they've got ''way'' more fanboys than just every waifuable character in the game ''combined.''
*** Special metion goes to the Hex Maniac who sells milk. She's often the focus of... well, ''[[Rule 34|certain]]'' types of fanart that get creative about [[Gag Boobs|where that milk comes from...]]
** Surprisingly, Fennekin's middle evolution Braixen is a rare case of a mid-stage Pokemon being more popular than either its pre-evolved or evolved forms. While Fennekin's beloved for being cute, Braixen's own cuteness is mixed with attractiveness that makes it a hitsex symbol among furries. Delphox however is more divisive with some finding it ugly, leading these fans to keep their Braixen unevolved even if it misses out on a stat boost and fun Fire/Psychic typing in the process. Its popularity wasn't lost on Nintendo either, because it would go on to become playable in ''Pokken.''
** Diggersby may be a fugly-looking fella with bad stats, but those stats go from bad to ''awesome'' if it has its hidden ability Huge Power which doubles its attack power. Thanks to such a goofy Pokemon being able to hit as hard, if not harder than ''Groudon'', Diggersby became a hit among competitive and casual fans alike, and one of the most beloved early game rodents as a whole.
** While its typing started lots of arguments, Sylveon wasitself aproved hitpopular with the fans. Being yet another ridiculously cute Eeveelution tends to do that for you.
** Tyrunt and Tyrantrum. Why? Three words: [[Rule of Cool|Dragon-type Tyrannosaurs.]]
** Espurr's unnervingly calm, yet cute facial expression subjected it to plenty of PTSD-related memes, and in turn made it one of Gen 6's most beloved Pokemon. Its evolution Meowstick is also popular, albeit to a lesser extent.
* [[Goddamned Bats]]: Route 13's encounters shouldn't be too tough to fight, but they make up for it by being as annoying as all get-out. They're mostly Dugtrio or Trapinch, Pokemon with the obnoxious ability Arena Trap that will prevent you from running and instead forces you to fight them. It's just an annoying way to waste your time, and you can't even stop these encounters with repel!
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* [[It's Easy, So It Sucks]]: A common complaint is that compared to the fourth and fifth generation games, X and Y are way too easy for their own good. You have several strong Mega Evolutions at your disposal while the amount of opponents who use Mega Evolution can be counted on one hand, you're given tons of powerful Pokemon either for free or with very little opposition, and most enemy teams are just plain underwhelming. Team Flare's boss and a handful of Gym Leaders and Elite Four members can still put up a good fight, but they're the few exceptions to the norm.
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]: {{Spoiler|Lysandre's attempt to nuke the world with the Ultimate Weapon and killing all non-Team Flare life is a ''huge'' one. The man himself even acknowledges this, and regrets that innocent Pokemon are getting caught in the crossfire of his plans to wipe out the humans he deems as filth.}}
* [[Peripheral Demographic]]: Out of all the games, these ones are especially popular with [[Self-Imposed Challenge|Nuzlockers]] thanks to the amazing Pokemon diversity (which can be ramped up to eleven in a Wonderlocke) and the story and themes of the region being heavily based around death as a concept.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Even fans of the game agree that Diantha is an underwhelming "nothing" character. Despite being {{Spoiler|the champion of the Kalos Region}} she's as dull as dishwater, easy to beat, and barely has any presence in the story. As a result, she's near unanimously at the bottom of many people's lists of {{Spoiler|favorite Champions.}}
** Tierno and Trevor are among the series' least popular rivals for their incredibly one-note personalities and for contributing ''heavily'' to the contentious issue of there being too many friendly rival characters post-Silver.