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{{quote|'''Jesus:''' This film is very low-quality. There's no story.<br />
'''Buck:''' It's a fuck movie. I don't watch a fuck movie for the story. I watch a fuck movie to see fuckin'.|''[[From Dusk Tilltill Dawn]]'' ''2: Texas Blood Money''}}
As "PWP", a shorthand flag for stories whose sole purpose is to present a sexually-explicit situation ([[Sturgeon's Law|very often]] not very [[IKEA Erotica|well-written]]); "stroke story" is another term for the same, especially in erotica. A PWP is almost always a short story, as going more than a few scenes runs the risk of accidentally discovering a plot which may well [[Plot Tumor|take over the story]] and shove the explicit sexual content off to the side. However there exist many multichapter PWP fanfics written with the intention of cramming as many explicit sex scenes in as possible.
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Although classified here under [[Fanfic]], PWP is by no means limited to fan fiction.
See also [[Lemon]], [[Slash Fic]], [[Doujinshi]], [[Summer Blockbuster]], [[Excuse Plot]], [[Yaoi]] (in its original Japanese meaning). Contrast [[Porn Withwith Plot]] and [[Explicit Content]].
Compare [[No Plot, No Problem]] for non-pornographic version of this trope.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* Drew Carey lampshades this in one episode of ''[[Whose Line Is It Anyway?]]'', comparing [[The Points Mean Nothing|points]] to the plot in a porno.