Power Pack: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ambiguous Gender]]: Sort of; Friday doesn't actually have a gender, but the kids use "him" or "her" according to their own gender.
* [[And Now for Something Completely Different]]: Issue 47 of the original comic is entirely about Katie entering a cartoon bizarro universe straight out of [[Little Nemo]], and trying to escape. ContinuityThe credits page using TV style credits (For example: Writer Jon Bogdanove is credited as "Script & Cnematography"), events in "Elsewhere" being rendered in landscape instead of portrait (accomplished by turning the book sideways) and comments in the doesn't'Peer reallyPressure'' referenceminiseries it(saying that everyone sees "Elsewhere" differently) all suggest this is supposed to be Katie watching WAY too much afterwardsTV. Katie learns a new power the group's costumes have during this adventure, causing it to be referenced several times.
* [[Arbitrary Skepticism]]: All over the first few issues. News of a UFO is readily dismissed despite several alien invasions of Earth by that point. Also, perhaps most [[Egregious]], is the fact that at one point Jack dismisses the idea that his newfound ability to understand the Snarks' language must mean Friday built translators into their costumes as "[[This Is Reality|too much like science fiction]]" -- while he's a [[Super Smoke|cloud-boy]] floating next to an alien spaceship.
* [[Badass Normal]]: In contrast to his mainline-Marvel counterpart, in the all-ages series, Franklin Richards has no superpowers (save perhaps for an intellect on par with his dad's and a whole lot of gadgets).