Power Pack: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cheerful Child]]: All the kids in the Marvel Adventures series are cute, but Katie is the epitome of cute as a button.
* [[Create Your Own Villain]]: {{spoiler|The Pack's [[Arch Enemy]], Douglas Carmody aka "The Bogeyman", is already something of a villain when we first see him (planning to weaponize Dr. Power's converter technology rather than using it to provide cheap power [[Straw Character|and calling Dr. Power a "hippie" for wanting to do any less]]), but he descends into full-blown supervillainy after the converter is destroyed, descending into madness, losing the remnants of his fortune, his marriage, and basically his whole life... which he blames the Powers for.}}
* [[Comic Book Time]]: Katie's age is given as 5 in Uncanny X-Men 205 (May 1986), if not earlier. In issue 47 of her native series (July of 1989) her age is given as... 5 and a half.
* [[Cute Bruiser]]: Katie
* [[Darker and Edgier]]: Even though ''Power Pack'' always took itself seriously and wasn't afraid to portray its young heroes realistically and even put them in violent danger, apparently this wasn't enough for some people. At one point, the comic took an angsty turn and started shoving [[Body Horror]] and [[Nightmare Fuel]] all over the place, which was ultimately [[Retcon|retconned]] out of existence by the original creators in a "holiday special", which returned the stories to the "not too dark, not too light" mood it originally had.
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* [[Red Skies Crossover]]: Power Pack is notable among 80s Marvel for consistently averting this. While the Power family may not influence events that much, the events have always been catalysts for major story events within Power Pack's stories. ''Mutant Massacre'' in particular had more of an effect than its native book, as most named Morlocks introduced prior to the event's conception survived, only those in Power Pack's supporting cast and those introduced for the purpose of getting killed off actually died in the title massacre.
* [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent]]: The Snarks are reptilian. The series latter averts this, establishing that the Snarks seen in the first several issues in-fact represent only one clan over at least a dozen, some of whom are eventually shown as quite noble.
* [[Same Character but Different]]: Julie in her original series is a level headed intelligent girl who likes reading and the voice of reason. Modern versions have her as a [[ditz]] and wannabe actress.
* [[Sapient Ship]]: The group had a sentient "smartship" called Friday.
* [[Sapient Cetaceans]]: In a particularly [[Anvilicious]] [[Green Aesop]] story, the Powers run into a whole pod of these.