Preparing for the Last War: Difference between revisions

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== [[Real Life]] ==
*The naval battles that took place during the Age of Sail revolved around both sides maintaining [ a line of battle] that's sailing parallel to each other. While most of the seafaring European countries were using this by 1675; the main drawback is that with both sides lining up their warships, it usually creates a stalemate until one of them escapes or manages to surround a portion of the opposing fleet and tear it apar with their broadsides. And it's worth mentioning that the practice didn't really fall out of fashion until the 1800send of the 18th century.
* The reason for the notion's popularity was [[World War I]], when Napoleonic style of warfare died because machineguns made an open massed advance suicidal, and artillery made field fortification necessary, so everyone had to adapt quickly.
** …and then [[World War II]] came, and those who expected another [[World War I]] were introduced to the concepts of mobile warfare and air war.