President Evil: Difference between revisions

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* Around the time of the Watergate scandal, [[Captain America (comics)]] discovered that the head of the terrorist organization known as the Secret Empire was in fact "a high-ranking government official" (i.e. President Nixon). He was sufficiently horrified by this that he temporarily abandoned the Captain America identity, calling himself "Nomad". [[Mabus|This troper]] has no idea what Nixon was supposed to have meant to accomplish by running a conspiracy to take over the U.S.A.
** [[Zero Punctuation|Crown himself king?]]
*** For our non-American tropers, remember that the office of President is the one political position in our federal government that has term limits. You get an absolute max of two successful elections,<ref>You can rack up as many unsuccessful attempts as you can afford, but you can only win twice.</ref>, then you retire. If Evil Nixon wants to be President For Life then forcible takeover is about the only option he has.
** During an arc on Geoff Johns' Avengers run, America got a Secretary of Defense called [[Meaningful Name|Dell]] [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Rusk]] {{spoiler|The Red Skull, yes that's an anagram}}. Who gassed large parts of the country with the Crimson Mist virus.
*** Dell Rusk led to quite a bit of [[Fan Dumb]] and/or [[Unfortunate Implications]] because the story ran around 2003 or 2004 and he shared the same initials as the ''actual'' Secretary of Defense at the time, Donald Rumsfeld, but come on, it really is {{spoiler|an anagram for "red skull"}}, so there's not much else they could have used. "Led Lurks", perhaps.
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* Both of the presidents featured in the e-novel [[EHUD Prelude to Apocalypse|E.H.U.D.: Prelude to Apocalypse]] are evil, although one is more of the corrupt old polititian kept aloft by corrupt advisers type, while the other is definetly a terrible, terrible human being, even before getting elected.
* General MacArthur becomes this in the ''[[Reds!]]'' [[Alternate History]], with a healthy side of [[General Ripper]].
* In the [[Alternate Universe]] [[The Nostalgia Critic]] is shown in the 2010 Christmas special ''[[It's a Wonderful Plot|You're A Rotten Dirty Bastard]]'', [[The Angry Joe Show|Angry Joe]] is shown to have become the evil president of the United States, blowing up Canada and publicly executing Tom Green. To be fair, [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|it's what the people wanted.]]
** Debateable, as its possible Canada really had become an evil nation even worse than Nazi Germany in this alternate future.
* In the novel ''[[A Girl Who Brought Down the World]]'', Christopher Winnifred Vega <ref>a [[Captain Ersatz]] of [[Sonichu|Christian Weston Chandler]]</ref> is made President of the US thanks to a massive conspiracy. In due time, he ravages the entire world in an attempt to bring in a girl he had fallen in love with years ago who had no interest in him.