Priceless Ming Vase: Difference between revisions

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== Comic Books ==
* ''[[Archie Comics]] '':
** This happens with Archie almost any time Mr. Lodge buys a precious antique.
** [[Subverted Trope]] when Lodge buys an indestructible copy. [[Double Subversion|Double Subverted]] when his attempts to get Archie to break it results in the destruction of the real thing.
** LamdshadedLampshaded in another story, when told that a certain vase is a Ming by Veronica, Archie goes into a tirade to Jughead on how cliche'd the whole concept is, almost breaking it several times. At the end of the story, Mr. Lodge comes in and says that the vase is ''not'' a Ming, and is from a different civilization.
== Film ==