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[[File:blackwater_helicopter_071119_main.jpg|frame| The most [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|infamous]] modern example]]
{{quote|''"As long as there is man, there will be violence."<br />
''"As long as there is violence, there will be war."<br />
''"And as long as there is war... we will always have a job."''|'''Anonymous'''}}
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* The MNU troops in ''[[District 9]]'' fall hard into the evil end of the spectrum.
* Spoofed in the 1985 comedy ''[[Water]]'' about an island in the West Indies that strikes a deposit of pure mineral water. Annoyed at the competition, the French hire a group of mercenaries to blow it up.
{{quote| '''French agent:''' "This is a dangerous mission, and some of you will die. But remember, in a world gone mad, you will die for a principle that you all hold close to your heart. Money!"<br />
'''Mercenaries:''' "Viva franc! Viva deutschmark! Viva dollar! Viva [[Swiss Bank Account|numbered bank account in Switzerland]]!" }}
** After nearly throttling the island's governor to death, the mercenary commander then leaves him his card.
{{quote| "If you are in need of an army, just call."}}
* All the human soldiers and pilots in ''[[Avatar (film)|Avatar]]'', even though they seem to represent the U.S. military, are actually ''ex''-soldiers and [[Semper Fi|Marines]] now working for the [[Mega Corp|RDA corporation]] mining Pandora.
* ''[[The Hurt Locker]]''. The protagonists run across a unit of British PMCs who've captured two Iraq insurgents for the bounty.