Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box: Difference between revisions

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* [[Feelies]]: A Molentary Express ticket is included in the instruction booklet. It's also a copy of one of the in-game puzzles. The feelie's not required to solve said puzzle, but it can help to have an object to physically manipulate rather than trying to picture it in your head.
* [[Flanderization]]: While being a gentleman was an overarching theme of ''Curious Village'', Layton can't go three lines without spouting some gentleman nonsense in ''Diabolical Box''; it's even one of his [[Catch Phrase|catchphrases]] when he gets a puzzle right.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: The town name of Folsense. {{spoiler|(If one has knowledge of French, the name comes out as faux-sense, which essentially means 'False Sense', which makes sense when you realiserealize that the inhabitants of the town are mere illusions brought about by a hallucinogenic gas leak!)}}
** There's also one to a plot point in the next game. While in Folsense, a bouncer outside a restaurant tells Layton that he has to take off his hat if he wants to enter because of the dress code. Layton refuses to, stating that a true gentleman never removes his hat. It seems Layton has the wrong idea since, normally, people would say gentleman is required to take his hat off while indoors. However, players who play the sequel, ''Unwound/Lost Future'', find out that this is just what he says as to not raise questions about the real reason, which is revealed in flashbacks in that game.
* [[Frictionless Ice]]: Three puzzles near the end of the game.