Properly Paranoid/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|Done the things I've done, there's no such thing as paranoia.
|'''Eliot''', ''[[Leverage]]''}}
{{quote|Paranoid is what they call people who '''imagine''' threats against their life. I '''have''' threats against my life.
|'''Garak''', ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'', "For the Cause"}}
{{quote|Every time I think I'm paranoid enough, my enemies find a new way to show me different.
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|'''William S. Burroughs'''}}
{{quote|Paranoid is what they call people who '''imagine''' threats against their life. I '''have''' threats against my life.
{{quote|No matter how paranoid you are, you're not paranoid enough.
|'''[[Doomed by Canon|Suzanne Modeski]]Garak''', ''[[TheStar X-FilesTrek: Deep Space Nine]]'', "For the Cause"}}
{{quote|'''Odo''': Aren't you being a little paranoid?
'''Weyoun''': Of course I'm paranoid! Everyone is trying to kill me!
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|'''[[Nirvana]]''', [[Intentionally Awkward Title|"Territorial Pissings"]] (from ''Nevermind'', 1991)}}
{{quote|No matter how paranoid you are, you're not paranoid enough.
|'''[[Doomed by Canon|Suzanne Modeski]]''', ''[[The X-Files]]''}}
{{quote|Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
|'''Agent Mulder''', ''[[The X-Files]]'', episode 2x23 "Soft Light" (aired March 31, 1995)}}
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{{quote|Remember: A Paranoid is simply someone in possession of all the facts.
|'''Spider Jerusalem''', ''[[Transmetropolitan]]'' }}
{{quote|They are used to ease irrational fears (which is silly; in Alpha Complex there '''are''' no irrational fears.)
{{quote|79. Fear everything, it's safer.
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|'''[[David Cross]]'''}}
{{quote|They are used to ease irrational fears (which is silly; in Alpha Complex there '''are''' no irrational fears.)
{{quote|{{color|lightgrey|''I know I'm paranoid, but am I paranoid enough?''}}
|''GURPS Illuminati'', Written on the cover in dark grey text on black background.}}
{{quote|"A suspicious mind is a healthy mind."
|''[[Dark Heresy]]'', inscription within the Bastion Serpentis - base of the Tyrantine Cabal }}
{{quote|But something about the whole situation still struck me as fundamentally wrong, and if I've learned one thing in my century or more of attempting to evade all the trouble the galaxy keeps throwing at me, it's to trust that nagging sense of paranoia.
|Sandy Mitchel|''[[Ciaphas Cain]]''}}
{{quote|Paranoia is just reality on a finer scale.
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'''Sam:''' Yeah, you're living proof of that. ''(Mike stares at him)'' "Well, you know, a little."
|"Wanted Man", ''[[Burn Notice]]'' }}
{{quote|But something about the whole situation still struck me as fundamentally wrong, and if I've learned one thing in my century or more of attempting to evade all the trouble the galaxy keeps throwing at me, it's to trust that nagging sense of paranoia.
|Sandy Mitchel|''[[Ciaphas Cain]]''}}
{{quote|Only a nasty, twisted mind like mine would think that he had been a German agent in Crete, became known to the Allies as a fifth columnist, lost his usefulness to the Germans and was shipped back to Navarone by fast motor-launch under cover of night.