Proud Scholar Race Guy: Difference between revisions

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Proud Scholar Races of either stripe tend to be portrayed as more [[Perfect Pacifist People|peace-loving]] than some other species, but they tend to be rather [[Beware the Nice Ones|dangerous when provoked]], using superior technology, [[Psychic Powers]] and [[Superweapon Surprise|hidden superweapons]] to turn their foes into dust. They won't necessarily be portrayed as nicer people - sometimes, their love of knowledge will make them sympathetic compared to the madmen running around hitting things with swords, but other times, it will make them cold, [[Deadly Decadent Court|slimy and sinister]] compared to the honest fighters doing their duty for their country. Similarly, any non-scientists in this race (no matter how important to their society) will suffer [[Klingon Scientists Get No Respect]]—err, ''Vulcan Warriors Get No Respect''.
This race may be friendly toward humans, or it might shun them because it [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|detests their violent ways]], or sees them as [[Superior Species|so far below them as to be insects]]. This species might be descended from the [[Precursors]], or at least remember a time when they existed.
If both these and the Warrior Race are played as villainous, they basically become a split about the two terrifying sides of the Nazis — the Warriors are the mighty soldiers and strategists slaughtering and conquering, while the Scientists remain at home torturing people [[For Science!]] and for hate. For this reason, when villainous, the Scientist race may be prejudiced and regard other races as fodder for slavery and experimentation.
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* The Beetle-kinden of Collegium in Adrian Tchaikovsky's ''[[Shadows of the Apt]]'' series are type 1 and have a culturally symbiotic relationship with the [[Proud Merchant Race|Beetle-kinden of Helleron]]. The Moth-kinden are Type 2.
* The Ogier from ''[[The Wheel of Time]]''. Very big on history, arts, craftmanship, public speaking, and gardening. However, while they don't much ''like'' fighting, they're very good at it if sufficiently motivated.
* The Betans in [[Vorkosigan Saga]] are always going on about how enlightend they are while[[Moral Myopia|selling arms to everyone in sight]]. Their chief representative, Cordelia cannot stop talking about how barbarous Barrayarans supposedly are and how everything would be right if they would just open up and do things ''her'' way. Sometimes you just want to give them a [[Screw You, Elves |good smack in the head.]]
== Live-Action TV ==