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** Also, due to the young age at which C.C. gave him the Geass and the fact that it evolved at such a young age too, he's never really matured, or had a chance to.
* Nova, Hikaru's [[Enemy Without]] from ''[[Magic Knight Rayearth]]'s'' second season. She just wants to be loved by Hikaru...and by that, we mean [[Psycho Lesbian|cover her friends in large pools of blood so that only the two of them can "play" forever and ever]].
* Russia in ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' deftly combines this trope with [[Stepford Smiler]] and [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]. He even has the same voice actor as [[Fullmetal Alchemist|Gluttony]].
** And now, in English, he shares a voice actor with [[Baccano|the Rail Tracer]]. Make of that what you will....
*** It should be noticed, however, [[Playing with a Trope|that his (Russia's) portrayal has become increasingly]] [[Lighter and Fluffier]] as of now. Himaruya's new profile on him points out [[I Just Want to Be Loved|that he truly wants]] [[I Just Want to Have Friends|to have new friends]], and he was very harmless in both the [[Hetalia Bloodbath 2010]] (he tries to play hacker, is thwarted by Estonia, and then {{spoiler|is easily captured by the Parallel World People}}) and the Aprils Fools special (he's among the first to "surrender" to the "blackmailers", choosing to go [[Wholesome Crossdresser]] rather than attack).
** America tends to [[Ron the Death Eater|get this treatment]] in any [[Dark Fic]] he shows up in...
* [[Dark Action Girl]] Nena Trinity from ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam 00]]'' is an excellent Type D. She's pretty, spoiled, cheerful, friendly, mock-fights with her brothers, will happily invade your personal space and kiss you if she thinks you're cute, has a really funny mascot in the form of her purple Haro... but after being raised as a Tykebomb [[Artificial Human]] with ''no'' concept of morality, she will bomb your house if she's got to work while you have fun at weddings. And then she'll be all "Whoopsie! :3" when asked why did she do that.
** [[Evil Overlord|Wong Yunfat]] from [[G Gundam]] is one of the rare [[Magnificent Bastard]] versions, as well as a Type C. He ''loves'' [[Sweet Tooth|eating chocolate]] and is seen in his pajamas as well as leaning on a giant teddybear at one point, and some of his reactions [[This Cannot Be!|to being]] [[Villainous Breakdown|in a disadvantage]] [[Spoiled Brat|can be seen as very childish]]... but Wong's own [[The Chessmaster|cunning plans and back-up plans]] make him far smarter and more ruthless than the average PSM.
** Rosamia Badam from [[Zeta Gundam]]. She's a Type D as well, but in different terms: she's a 17-going-to-18 year old [[Dark Action Girl]] who, outside her mecha, has the mentality and the fears of a little girl, latches innocently on whoever she sees as a [[Replacement Goldfish]] for her dead older brother, and is borderline unable to take care of herself. In her case it's justified: she not only is a survivor of the infamous Zeon [[Colony Drop]] of the [[One Year War]], but was subjected to cruel experiments that totally messed up with her mind.
* Renge in the ''[[Flame of Recca]]'' manga, who is so childishly nuts she tore up a Teddy Bear just because it doesn't answer her when it doesn't have a speaking device, only to cheerfully laugh to ask for her Papa to get her a new one. Speaking of her Papa, Mori Kouran, [[Complete Monster]] extraordinary and literally, she thinks her Papa's horrendous monstrous look after {{spoiler|fusing with Tendou Jigoku}} looks EXTREMELY COOL. She doesn't end really well.
* Bambi from ''Bambi and Her Pink Gun'' is incredible childish in many ways, but also subverts this in others. While she's a psychopath who acts almost entirely on instinct, she's also a vain health nut who doesn't eat anything she hasn't personally boiled and will kill you if you so much as ''smoke'' near her.
* Fat Majin Buu from ''[[Dragon Ball|Dragon Ball Z]]'' is Type A - he has no idea that what he's doing is wrong, and is single-handedly converted to good by Hercule / Mr Satan. Super Buu is type C; he sounds increasingly intelligent once he starts absorbing people, but still throws tantrums when he's outmatched. Kid Buu, who doesn't have any desires that don't involve blowing things up, is Types C and E put together.
** Broly is somewhere between Type B and Type C, arguably. His motivation to kill Goku? Goku's crying scared him when they were babies in the same 'nursery'.
** Also Emperor Pilaf from Early Dragon Ball, and Dragon Ball GT.
** Chilled from the Gainax manga Episode of Bardock presumably qualifies under this trope, as he has shown himself to be exceedingly childish, and yet was shown to be even more ruthless than even ''Frieza'', notably killing one of his soldiers while in a good mood just because the soldier was unfortunate enough to just happen to be blocking his view.
** Android #17 is Type B. Even more so in the [[Bad Future]] of Future Trunks' timeline.
** General Blue technically qualifies. Although he has [[Sorry, I'm Gay|other reasons]] for disliking Bulma, his exact reaction regarding Bulma's attempts at seducing him is extremely similar to a little kid not wanting to interact with the opposite gender due to a fear of cooties.
* Misa Amane from ''[[Death Note]]'' is Type D- an [[The Ditz|endearingly naive]] [[Kawaiiko]] who looks and [[Adult Child|acts like a teenage girl (despite being almost in her twenties)]], [[The Fashionista|obsesses over fashion]] like any young girl, is completely boy-crazy, and was able to translate her [[Moe Moe]] appeal [[Genius Ditz|into a successful career]] [[Idol Singer|as an actress/model]]. All this is likely due to the fact that her parents were murdered while she was still a child, trapping her in a perpetually immature state. Unfortunately for the world, this apparently happened before the Amanes had the chance to explain to their daughter that [[Ambiguous Innocence|human life has an intrinsic value beyond being useful]] to Misamisa-chan, who latched on the man who used his [[Death Note]] to kill the burglar years after the actions that shattered Misamisa's mind. [[Ax Crazy|The results weren't pretty.]]
** It's possible that she ''was'' just [[Naive Everygirl|a nice, cute, but immature young woman]] ''at least'' partially driven insane by the Death Note. Given Light Yagami's [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|flying leap off the slippery slope]] from an idealistic young man who [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|thought he was doing the right thing]] to a maniacal tyrant willing to kill anyone and anything [[A God Am I|to further his raging god complex]] and Teru Mikami's astonishingly short break from a focused, serious lawyer [[Knight Templar|with an inhumanly high standard of justice]] to a barely coherent [[Ax Crazy]] psychopath, it's not too hard to imagine that the Death Note has an unspoken [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]] rule that Misa was affected by. For example {{spoiler|after she permanently gives up the Death Note}}, she's [[Genki Girl|completely harmless and probably quite fun to be around]], unless you're Takada.
** Light himself qualifies as Type C (flirting with [[Cute and Psycho|D]]). When L details the psychology of Kira to the police, one of them suggests that they could stop him by no longer publishing the name of convicts in the news, as he clearly was getting the names of his victims from the media. L states that won't work because Kira will then simply start killing people he ''thinks'' are guilty and will further blame the police for any innocent people he kills, and L specifically identifies his childlike personality as the reason for this. Sure enough, Light does display lots of childlike evil throughout the series, such as killing the fake L for insulting him on national television and his need to gloat to L and Near when he thinks he's beaten them. His [[Villainous Breakdown]] at the end takes the form of a blatant childish fit.
* [[Umineko no Naku Koro ni|Umineko's]] Stakes of Purgatory seem to have some elements of this. Oh no, [[Cold-Blooded Torture|their new toy broke...]]
** Depending on how you interpret the series, you could probably include Beatrice, Eva-Beatrice, and {{spoiler|Erika}} in this trope. Maria gets excused because, well, she ''is'' a little girl.
*** All the witches except (maybe) Virgilia are prone to [[Immortal Immaturity]], really.
* Wonderweiss Margela from ''[[Bleach]]'' fits pretty well. He can't even speak coherently, but heaven help you if you don't let him play with your hat {{spoiler|or aren't Yamamoto}}.
** Type A - under Aizen's control, appears to have limited understanding of his actions, will attack Aizen's opponents, but seemingly at random with no real indication he's enjoying the violence as such.
* ''[[Domu]]: A Child's Dream'', one of [[Katsuhiro Otomo]]'s lesser-known works, features Old Cho, a powerfully psychic but senile old man whose [[For the Evulz|primary source of amusement]] happens to be wreaking mischief on his fellow tenants in a large apartment complex. Unfortunately, he also has a mean streak a mile wide, so his pranks are often lethal - and if he's denied his fun, he's prone to throwing tantrums. [[Kill'Em All|You do not want to be present when this happens.]]
** Fittingly, {{spoiler|the one who actually defeats Old Cho is Etsuko, a [[Little Miss Badass]] with similar psychic powers and a [[Plucky Girl]] nature.}}
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** One of the newest members of the [[Psycho Rangers|Blackbeard Pirates]] {{spoiler|San Juan Wolf}} seems to apply. In his past, he was a Pirate who committed crimes "so atrocious they were effectively erased from history itself", a bounty likely to be in the upper multi-millions, and when caught offscreen, was transferred to the lowest level of [[The Alcatraz|Impel Down]], and to earn his freedom from there, was {{spoiler|forced to kill everyone in his cell on orders from [[Evil Counterpart|Marshall D. Teach]] and co.}} Also, he is the largest man alive in the show, easily dwarfing Oars at least four time over, and is compared to a walking Sears Tower. But, in his first appearance, he {{spoiler|peeks out from Maineford HQ's main building like a curious child, has an expression like he was caught stealing from a cookie jar when spotted by Mooks, expressed surprise that a Vice Admiral knew his name, and was scared by Whitebeard and hid while the rest killed him.}}
*** Let's not forget his classic "They found me!" line , which is all the more hilarious when one looks at this [ size comparison pic], yes the circled person is one of the regular giants.
* Rip van Winkle from ''[[Hellsing]]'' is an excitable young woman who likes to sing opera and enjoys killing things. She intends on conquering the world for [[Those Wacky Nazis|Millennium]].
* Vincent from ''[[Pandora Hearts]]'' might as well be the king of this trope due to his nasty habit or slicing up dolls with scissors and {{spoiler|causing the tragedy of Sabrie}}.
* Jack Winslow of ''[[Power Stone]]'' is a [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|really 100-year-old]] crazy who was orphaned at a young age and lost at sea. Lack of human contact might explain his behaviour.
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* Izaya of ''[[Durarara]]''. One of the rare [[Manipulative Bastard]] versions. It becomes quite obvious as the series progresses that he sees everyone and everything around him as little more than toys to be played with until they break.
* [[Expendable Clone|Eva-R and Eva-Q]] in ''[[Seikon no Qwaser]]'' are [[Happiness in Slavery|conscious of and delighted with being playthings]], meant to suffer and die for Eva Silver. And yet in a backwards way, they regard any prospective dominant (i.e., anyone they look at) as their plaything, and are quick to break any 'toy' who isn't breaking ''them'' to their satisfaction.
* ''[[Naruto]]'' has a mixture of villains who act mature and others who act like kids, though to be fair the same is true of the heroes.
** Orochimaru definitely has elemenets of Type C with his gleeful sadism, particularly he resurrected the first two Hokages pretty much just to rub it in his old teacher's face.
** The Type B Deidara is even worse and commits ''suicide'' just because Sasuke had beaten him and was treating him with indifference.
** Sasori is a mix of B and C. He is an insanely talented and cold-blooded Puppetmaster in his 30's, who also transferred his essence into a puppet resembling his 15 year old self, and was more or less beaten by a memory of his parents coming to hug him. [[Justified Trope]], though: Sasori's parents were killed in battle by Kakashi's father Sakumo when Sasori was a baby ''and'' he left the Sand Village when he was around 15 years old after killing and turning the 3rd Kazekage into one of his puppets. From his broken childhood to his subsequent defect from his village, he grew cold and stoic due to the lack of parental love. His emotions were stunted to that of an abandoned, forgotten child.
** Pain is a deliberate inversion however, as his villainy derives from a twisted version of Jiraiya's philosophy that growing up is based on suffering; since he has suffered so much, Pain believes that he has matured into [[A God Am I|godhood]] (in a non-Westernsense).
** What, no Hidan? The anime portrays him as a big Type B: he's pretty much the Akatsuki version of a [[Hot-Blooded]] teenager in the body of an adult man.
* Gates from ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]'' is an over-emotional [[Cloudcuckoolander]] who acts rather like a child throwing temper-tamtrums, and whose completely random actions would be [[Laughably Evil|hilarious]] if they didn't involve [[Ax Crazy|killing so many people]].
* The villain from the second episode of ''[[Pumpkin Scissors]]'' shows signs of this, in that he kills the people in his charge as part of a fun game, and is hinted to be capricious to the people in his court.
* Chaka from ''[[Black Lagoon]]'' is introduced as a Type B. He seems like a [[Affably Evil|dimwitted yet likeable]] [[Mook]] who harbors [[Hot-Blooded|an almost childlike enthusiasm]] for guns and shootouts... then said facade falls down, and we're faced with an [[Ax Crazy]] [[Complete Monster]]. {{spoiler|Who's also [[Too Dumb to Live]], as Ginji eagerly proves.}}
* Ni Jianyi's pupil who is only known as Kami-sama in ''[[Saiyuki]]'' is a sadistic bastard who loves to toy with people while pleasantly torturing them (evident by "helping" Goku get rid of a pendant ball embedded in his leg). When the Sanzo group stormed his castle, he played games with them as if they were in an amusement park. They eventually found him in his room surrounded by stuffed animals {{spoiler|which were actually the souls of people he had stolen}}. And once he started to lose, he threw a temper tantrum.
* Tamaki, the Promoter of ''[[Deadman Wonderland]]''. When he isn't causing the deaths of or torturing inmates he's often found playing with toys in his office, including a Lego model of the prison and a dancing flower. {{spoiler|He's also a bit of an RPG [[Otaku]] and sees the Wretched Egg as a [[Big Bad]] to defeat.}}
* {{spoiler|Kure Kirika}} of ''[[Oriko Magica]]'' is pretty much completely unfamiliar with the concept of maturity. She's also hunting down and killing {{spoiler|other magical girls.}} Although her motive for doing so is because she was asked to by {{spoiler|Oriko}}, whom she is [[Yandere (disambiguation)|obsessively in love with]], rather than her childish tendencies.
* ''[[The Big O]]'''s Alex Rosewater. "This is my Big! This is my dome! You can't have it!" Also, to an extent, Alan Gabriel.
* {{spoiler|Haruko}} from ''[[FLCL]]''.
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* Buffalow Bill from ''[[The Silence of the Lambs]]''.
* The Ghost of Christmas Present from ''[[Scrooged]]'' is a female example.
* ''[[Team America: World Police]]'''s depiction of Kim Jong-Il.
* Suzanne Stone of ''[[To Die For]]'' is an evil woman who seduces a (very dim) teenager to get him to kill her husband, and her intellect level is just barely above his, or above a child.
* Shinzon of Remus from ''[[Star Trek Nemesis]]''. He initially justifies his actions by a desire to free his people, and then by a desire to unify Romulus and Remus, and ''then'' by a desire to remove the threat posed by the Federation...but by the end of the movie, it becomes pretty clear that all that he really cares about is proving his superiority to his "father" Captain Picard.
* The various ''[[Harry Potter]]'' film adaptations portrayal of Bellatrix Lestrange depicts her as having shades of this. For one thing, shortly after murdering Sirius Black, as well as her re-encounter with Harry at the burrow, she taunts Harry about her direct involvement in Sirius Black's death by singing "I killed Sirius Black!~~" repeatedly in a similar manner to a playground taunt by preschoolers.
* In ''[[A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner!]]'', {{spoiler|the [[Big Bad]], Hugh J. Magnate, ultimately turns out to be one once he gains access to Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof's magic. This is foreshadowed by the fact his evil lair is designed more like a playland. He says that this came from the fact his father never let him have a real childhood.}}
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* ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series|Star Trek the Original Series]]'' episodes:
** "The Squire of Gothos". Trelane, an omnipotent alien obsessed with Earth culture, is a more urbane example of this trope; indeed, his childlike immaturity isn't revealed until the end of the episode when his even ''more'' omnipotent parents show up to scold him for his actions.
** "Charlie X," full-stop. A human child raised by omnipotent aliens and given the ability to warp reality. Though 18 years old, he has the social skills of a spoiled five year old. Having committed mass murder before being picked up by the Enterprise, he causes so much carnage upon the crew of the enterprise (which the aliens ultimately undo) that he is handed back to the aliens at the end of the episode.
** "Whom Gods Destroy" involves one of Kirk's heroes gone insane from a head injury during a starship crash. Imprisoned in an institution for the criminally insane, he starts screaming at the top of his lungs and banging his fist on the floor when he can't impersonate Captain Kirk well enough to be allowed onto the ''Enterprise''. Most other patients exhibit this trope. They exhibit "entertainment" to Kirk in the form of wheelbarrow racing in a circle. One patient defends accusations she plagiarized a poem from A.E. Houseman by saying she "wrote it again this morning" and craves attention from all the other inmates.
*** Of course, the hero in question was [[Large Ham|played by]] [[William Shatner]].
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*** Not exactly setting a high bar, there.
* [[Greek Mythology|The Minotaur]] is sometimes presented this way, especially in ''[[The Storyteller]]''.
* In ''[[Dracula]]'', Mina Murray draws upon the new science of Criminology to profile Count Dracula and describes him of being of the "typical" criminal mind- childish, in thought and behaviour.
* [[Satan]] occasionally gets this portrayal, typically when interpreted as God's rebellious (and [[God Is Evil|possibly]] [[God and Satan Are Both Jerks|abused]]) creation [["Well Done, Son" Guy|who desperately wants the Heavenly Father's attention]]. This has become especially common recently, and can easily integrate with [[Satan Is Good|any moral alignment]] ([[Complete Monster|or lack thereof]]).
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** And GLaDOS' creepy red core. Her {{spoiler|yellow is curious ("Do you smell something burning?") her blue rattles off cake other things ("Don't forget food garnishes such as: [...] fish-shaped dirt.") and the red, it doesn't speak--instead it snarls and shrieks at you.}}
** {{spoiler|Wheatley, anyone? By the end, at least?}}
* Kratos from the [[God of War]] series. He's a brutal sociopath, negligent father, sells his soul at the drop of a hat, and spends the entire series blaming others for his own actions. He rages constantly against Athena for not being able to magic away the guilt he feels over killing his family, wages constant and destructive wars upon being made the new god of war even when that's exactly why Zeus had Ares killed, and the series ends with Kratos coming to the conclusion that [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop|the forgiveness of others is pointless and you need only forgive yourself to absolve yourself of guilt]].
* From ''[[Mother 3]]'', {{spoiler|Porky Minch, the Pig King. Justified in that he extensively travelled through time after the end of ''[[Earthbound]]'' and only aged outwardly - he even describes himself as possibly being 10,000 years old or even older, yet still being the same kid inside, though he said it with the implication that that's somehow a ''good'' thing.}}
* Debilitas, the hulking gardener from ''[[Haunting Ground]]'', is the only one of the stalkers pursuing Fiona who doesn't have overtly sinister motives - he mistakes her for a 'big doll' and just wants to play. Unfortunately, his idea of playing is [[And Call Him George|a little too rough for poor Fiona...]]
* Achenar, from the game ''[[Myst]]'', has a childish way of relating horrific thoughts and events to the player, even speaking in a mocking, higher-pitched voice and giggling like he's just thought of some ridiculous joke. The effect is unnerving, to say the least.
* The Igniter bloodline from ''[[Bloodline Champions]]'' has animations that give one this feeling about them: their running animations looks like skipping, their standing animation is them strangely tilting their head to the left with their right palm up, and their idle animation is hopping up and down left and right on the spot.
* Walter Sullivan from ''[[Silent Hill|Silent Hill 4]]''. He basically {{spoiler|kills people because he believes that he can resurrect his "mom" that way.}}
** Eddie from ''[[Silent Hill]] 2'' also works.
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* Caesar in ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'' is Type C. Charismatic, smart, and totally drunk on the power he coveted since he was a child in the Followers of The Apocalypse. Reading the [[All There in the Manual|flavor content in the back of the Prima Collectors Edition Guide]] reveals that he was petulant and gloryhounding ever since he was a boy. And if you rebuke him during a face-to-face visit, he throws quite a temper tantrum. He's like the Last King of Scotland: He's childlike, that's why he's so scary.
* Mileena has been repurposed as a Type E variant in ''[[Mortal Kombat 9]]''. Possessing the mentality of a young girl, she giggles her way through fights and seems to see butchering people as a fun hobby. One of the challenges in the Challenge Tower consists of her trying to force Scorpion to take a teddy bear she made.
** [[Fridge Horror|...Out of what?]]
* In ''[[Double Switch]]'', {{spoiler|Eddie}} seems to be this. He seems like a normal [[Nice Guy]] who is a genius. Unfortunately, he wants an Egyptian statue so badly that he ''will'' hurt or kill to get it. He seems to be bothered by what people say about him at some points. It is also pretty sad to see him reduced to crying "Mom! Mommy!" by the end of the game.
* N from ''[[Pokémon Black and White]]'' seems to be one at first due to his association with the villainous [[Animal Wrongs Group]] and childlike behavior (gleefully dragging you to the Ferris Wheel because he's never been on one before, not to mention his playroom). Subverted! He turns out to be a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] [[Adult Child]] with [[No Social Skills]] instead, and once you... [[Defeat Means Friendship|convince him]] that Pokemon aren't really as abused as he thinks, he becomes quite friendly. And then you find out [[Nightmare Fuel|why he was that way to begin with]]...
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** Oasis also qualifies to a fairly large extent, with her underdeveloped personality and sadistic fondness of killing. Bun-bun described her as a "demented toddler", and while she's theoretically opposed to killing innocents, once she eliminates someone from that category, she's willing to do things such as cut their ribs out one at a time out of curiosity while they're still alive.
* Kharla'ggen of ''[[Drowtales]]'' is clearly insane and enjoys turning people into [[And I Must Scream|living dolls unable to move]], but it's implied she's not actually that bad a person under her insanity. Being under the thumb of a [[Psycho for Hire]] who used her as a figurehead leader didn't help her at all.
* In ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]'', [[Squishy Wizard|Black Mage]] is a rare example of a [[Anti-Hero|"heroic"]] Type C, in that he is intelligent and relatively well-put-together, but takes a psychotic, child-like glee from hurting close friends and innocent people [[For the Evulz|for little reason more than the amusement it causes him.]] His tantrums tend to devolve rather quickly into childish whining as well.
** [[Dumb Muscle|Fighter]] is a Type A, who generally enjoys beating the living shit out of people, but is quite friendly and rather... [[The Ditz|slow.]]
* Ethan from ''[[Ctrl+Alt+Del]]'', who is almost completely bereft of maturity and/or responsibility, even from his own actions. He's basically ''[[Family Guy]]''s Peter Griffin, except he's a gamer. Yup.
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** [[The Nostalgia Chick]] is a Type D. You get the impression sometimes that she genuinely doesn't know why Nella would be pissed off about ''cameras placed in her bedroom''. And there's no guilt involved either.
*** Elisa's characters Dr. Tease and The Makeover Fairy both enjoy torturing people through science and makeovers ''far'' too much.
** [[Genki Girl|Genki Girls]] [[Obscurus Lupa]] and [[Pushing Up Roses]] occasionally wander into this trope when their excitement gets a touch too extreme.
* In the "[[Agents of Cracked]]" webseries on [[]], this is Michael Swaim all the way.
** Reversed in Cracked's other content, where Swaim is a polite android, while D.O.B. and Brockway have the drug-fueled, destructive benders.
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* Toyman of the ''[[DCAU]]'', recreated as a childish madman who wears a doll head with a creepy smile.
* The comic book sequel of ''[[Batman: Mask of the Phantasm]]'' implied that [[The Joker]] himself was a psychopathic manchild after his transformation, as Amanda Beaumont, despite her hatred for the Joker pre-transformation for what he did to her father, hesitated for a second when trying to take him to the explosion's core to finish him off because she saw that he was no longer a cold hearted murderer, but a grinning lunatic who was no longer capable of perceiving right and wrong.
** Which would make this a case of [[Completely Missing the Point]], since this version of the Joker was an evil, murdering gangster and psychopath even before his toxic bath; the point of this incarnation in the cartoon, and of that movie in particular, was to ''utterly subvert'' the idea that he is [[Insanity Defence|flat out crazy]]; he is, in essence, supposed to be a Type C, one posing as more more insane than he actually is.
* ''[[Batman: The Animated Series|Batman the Animated Series]]'' has a rather [[Tear Jerker]] [[Deconstruction]] in "Baby-Doll"; The titular supervillainess is a 30 year old actress with a medical condition that causes her to look about five, despite having the emotional and intellectual maturity of her actual age. Because of this, she was never taken seriously beyond her original role in a sitcom and ended up being [[Driven to Madness]], throwing up her [[Cheerful Child]] stage persona as a psychological shield against her miserable existence (though it isn't perfect-she slips up and reveals her true, depressive personality on occasion). The plot is driven by her attempt to recreate the show's setting in an attempt to return to the one happy part of her life. Her emotional immaturity is a mask to help her avoid her problems with adulthood, as revealed when she crosses the [[Despair Event Horizon]].
* The titular character of ''[[Invader Zim]]'' can edge toward this. His interactions with his leaders, especially.
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* Quackerjack from ''[[Darkwing Duck]]'', going along with his "power" of making deadly toys.
* Cheryl from [[Archer]], Combines the D and E types.
* [[Big Bad|Fire Lord Ozai]] from ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' is a Type C (Azula is on her way, but since she's only 14 she doesn't really count).
** {{spoiler|Tarrlok}} from the [[Sequel Series]], ''[[The Legend of Korra]]'', has shades of Type C in episode 8. He has a lot of power in Republic City but comes off as a spoiled brat who will do anything to get what he wants and won't listen when others try to reason with him.
* Discord from ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' is a combination of Types C and Type E. He's an omnipotent [[Reality Warper]] and a [[Magnificent Bastard]], but he's basically an all-powerful [[Trickster God]] who views the entire world as his own personal play thing. This includes the ponies, who he gleefully [[Mind Rape|Mind Rapes]], [[Break the Cutie|breaks]], and [[Driven to Madness|drives insane]]. He's well aware of how evil his actions are, but doesn't care so long as he's having fun.
* Baron Vain from ''[[The Modifyers]]'', the [[Big Bad]] who gleefully goes "Yay!" when his favorite agent shows up, to ecstatically feeding incompetent henchmen to a gigantic fish while playing opera music.
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== Meta ==
* Works of fiction targeted towards children tend to make the villain fit this trope ([[Irony|Ironically]] to make the work more appealing to them).
* [[Card-Carrying Villain|Card Carrying Villains]] usually come off as this.