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* Nova, Hikaru's [[Enemy Without]] from ''[[Magic Knight Rayearth]]'s'' second season. She just wants to be loved by Hikaru...and by that, we mean [[Psycho Lesbian|cover her friends in large pools of blood so that only the two of them can "play" forever and ever]].
* Russia in ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' deftly combines this trope with [[Stepford Smiler]] and [[Yandere (disambiguation)]]. He even has the same voice actor as [[Fullmetal Alchemist|Gluttony]].
** And now, in English, he shares a voice actor with [[Baccano!|the Rail Tracer]]. Make of that what you will....
*** It should be noticed, however, [[Playing with a Trope|that his (Russia's) portrayal has become increasingly]] [[Lighter and Fluffier]] as of now. Himaruya's new profile on him points out [[I Just Want to Be Loved|that he truly wants]] [[I Just Want to Have Friends|to have new friends]], and he was very harmless in both the [[Hetalia Bloodbath 2010]] (he tries to play hacker, is thwarted by Estonia, and then {{spoiler|is easily captured by the Parallel World People}}) and the Aprils Fools special (he's among the first to "surrender" to the "blackmailers", choosing to go [[Wholesome Crossdresser]] rather than attack).
** America tends to [[Ron the Death Eater|get this treatment]] in any [[Dark Fic]] he shows up in...
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* Wonderweiss Margela from ''[[Bleach]]'' fits pretty well. He can't even speak coherently, but heaven help you if you don't let him play with your hat {{spoiler|or aren't Yamamoto}}.
** Type A - under Aizen's control, appears to have limited understanding of his actions, will attack Aizen's opponents, but seemingly at random with no real indication he's enjoying the violence as such.
* ''[[Domu: A Child's Dream]]: A Child's Dream'', one of [[Katsuhiro Otomo]]'s lesser-known works, features Old Cho, a powerfully psychic but senile old man whose [[For the Evulz|primary source of amusement]] happens to be wreaking mischief on his fellow tenants in a large apartment complex. Unfortunately, he also has a mean streak a mile wide, so his pranks are often lethal - and if he's denied his fun, he's prone to throwing tantrums. [[Kill'Em All|You do not want to be present when this happens.]]
** Fittingly, {{spoiler|the one who actually defeats Old Cho is Etsuko, a [[Little Miss Badass]] with similar psychic powers and a [[Plucky Girl]] nature.}}
* Ladd Russo of ''[[Baccano!]]'' can get pretty child-like in his homicidal glee, and is usually shown [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNoITwTJiEM skipping], babbling excitedly, dancing in pools of blood, or any combination of the three.
** In the light novels Chick and Maria are described as having the personalities of 12-year-olds.
** Speaking of, Chick qualifies in the anime as well.
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* Puppetmon from ''[[Digimon]]'', anyone? He kidnaps Takeru in order to play hide and seek. While trying to kill his brother Yamato and the rest of his friends, and then Takeru himself. Way to go.
** Arguably Diablomon from ''Our War Games''. There isn't much known about it, but consider that the e-mails it sends suggests that it sees the battle as a game, and that the only sound it makes (in the original version) is a [[Hell Is That Noise|creepy]] [[Giggling Villain|childish giggle]].
* Izaya of ''[[Durarara!!]]''. One of the rare [[Manipulative Bastard]] versions. It becomes quite obvious as the series progresses that he sees everyone and everything around him as little more than toys to be played with until they break.
* [[Expendable Clone|Eva-R and Eva-Q]] in ''[[Seikon no Qwaser]]'' are [[Happiness in Slavery|conscious of and delighted with being playthings]], meant to suffer and die for Eva Silver. And yet in a backwards way, they regard any prospective dominant (i.e., anyone they look at) as their plaything, and are quick to break any 'toy' who isn't breaking ''them'' to their satisfaction.
* ''[[Naruto]]'' has a mixture of villains who act mature and others who act like kids, though to be fair the same is true of the heroes.
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* ''[[Team America: World Police]]'''s depiction of Kim Jong-Il.
* Suzanne Stone of ''[[To Die For]]'' is an evil woman who seduces a (very dim) teenager to get him to kill her husband, and her intellect level is just barely above his, or above a child.
* Shinzon of Remus from ''[[Star Trek: Nemesis]]''. He initially justifies his actions by a desire to free his people, and then by a desire to unify Romulus and Remus, and ''then'' by a desire to remove the threat posed by the Federation...but by the end of the movie, it becomes pretty clear that all that he really cares about is proving his superiority to his "father" Captain Picard.
* The various ''[[Harry Potter]]'' film adaptations portrayal of Bellatrix Lestrange depicts her as having shades of this. For one thing, shortly after murdering Sirius Black, as well as her re-encounter with Harry at the burrow, she taunts Harry about her direct involvement in Sirius Black's death by singing "I killed Sirius Black!~~" repeatedly in a similar manner to a playground taunt by preschoolers.
* In ''[[A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner!]]'', {{spoiler|the [[Big Bad]], Hugh J. Magnate, ultimately turns out to be one once he gains access to Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof's magic. This is foreshadowed by the fact his evil lair is designed more like a playland. He says that this came from the fact his father never let him have a real childhood.}}
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* ''[[Dragon Ball Abridged]]'': Nappa.
{{quote|"Look Vegeta...a Pokémon!"}}
* The title character of ''[[SaladfingersSalad Fingers]]'', though this may be a subversion as he's more [[True Neutral]] in the "uncaring, detached, and having no regard for either good or evil" sense.
* [[The Nostalgia Critic]] is a Type B. Imagine him as a twelve year old boy with no supervision and a gun and you get the idea.
** [[The Nostalgia Chick]] is a Type D. You get the impression sometimes that she genuinely doesn't know why Nella would be pissed off about ''cameras placed in her bedroom''. And there's no guilt involved either.
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