Punch Clock Hero: Difference between revisions

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** This is especially true for people who join the military as a means to an end, such as [[Signed Up for the Dental|paying for college.]]
***When the military is doing disaster relief at least they can be accounted as punch clock heroes like any other EMS.
**In a sense this is a subversion. People might enlist for money. They tend to risk danger for [[Band of Brothers| their comrades]] or for their [[Honor Before Reason|self respect.]] Which is why you can find mercs who will endure a lot more then the stereotype indicates.
**One straight but rather odd example is those who fight for ''fear''. This is not just because brutal MPs are whipping them into battle(though that has been known to happen quite often)but because sometimes fighting is safer. And in any case who wants their last wound [[Honor Before Reason|in the back?]]