Purgatory: Difference between revisions

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* [[Retirony]]: The Sheriff, who is a few days from going home when Blackjack shows up. [[Inverted Trope|Inverted]] in that "retiring" means dying, and [[Subverted Trope|subverted]] in that he {{spoiler|gets to go to heaven anyway}}.
* [[Romantic False Lead]]: Dolly is set up as the romantic interest for Sonny, especially when she ends up in Refuge, but he ends up with Dolly.
* [[Sherlock Scan]]: Blackjack's initial glib lie that he and his men are a gang of cattle drovers that got lost in a storm doesn't survive Bill's observation that only a few of Blackjack's men actually have lassos slung on their saddles, when a real group of cow herders would of course all be equipped with them.
* [[The So-Called Coward]]: The entire town, who are actually some of the most dangerous people in [[The Wild West]].
* [[Villain Protagonist]]/[[Decoy Protagonist]]: Blackjack's gang.