Fridge Brilliance

  • During its original run and well into syndication, I couldn't stand Quantum Leap -- the "rules" governing Sam's time travel made no sense to me. "He's bouncing around from time period to time period, and he's stuck in each life until he makes things... nice??" One weekend, the Syfy ran a marathon of the final episodes of various shows, and I happened to catch the finale of QL, which reveals that the controlling impulse behind Sam's "leaping" is his own subconscious drive to make the world a better place, one life at a time -- and I then proceeded to catch the show five days a week for the next few months. -- Your Obedient Serpent
    • The other thing that I realized (then Googled and realized to my disappointment I wasn't the first) was that, especially clear during the last season, he was realigning the "Ziggy Version" of history to match our version and that after those "major" events in modern history were lined up, he was done except for one last thing (having Beth wait for Al) which completed the alignment and therefore returned to his "Ziggy History" timeline and disappeared from our timeline (thus ending the series) -- Gaidin BDJ
  • In "Star Light, Star Bright," Sam is hypnotized, and on tape, gives away the secret access code name and numbers regarding top secret information about Project Quantum Leap. An episode later, we meet an evil leaper and hologram. Clearly, someone else found the tape, accessed PQL's files, and set up their own project for personal gain!