Quest for Glory/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[An Adventurer Is You]]
* [[The Chosen One]]
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: You are referred to by your name a handful of times. For the most part, you are referred to as "Hero", "Prince of Shapeir", and "Paladin" (if you are that class).
* [[Fighter, Mage, Thief]]: The core classes, but since points are given at the beginning to help build the character, he can have some cross-class skills.
** [[Lovable Rogue]]
* [[The Hero]]: It's in the job description. The whole series is about the Hero becoming more and more heroic over time.
* [[Magic Knight]]: Giving Magic to a non-Wizard allows this, as does being a Wizard (the first spell a Magic-User learns in the first game is Zap, a spell to assist in close combat). A Paladin gets a few spells, but they use Stamina, and aren't considered magic.
* [[Mighty Whitey]]: In the third game. Your character will pick up spear throwing and wrestling on the wooden bridge of the Simbani. Within a week or so of training, he'll be able to defeat Simbani warriors who trained at this all their lives. Can be considered [[Justified Trope|Justified]] since he's a skilled adventurer who's had to do more than his fair share of throwing and balancing in the past
* [[Silent Protagonist]]: Not literally, as the character is able to communicate with others, but the Hero will almost never say anything directly, instead having the gist of his speech relayed by the narrator. There are several exceptions, in the first two games. Clicking the mouth on him in the VGA remake in QFG1''Quest for Glory I'' will yield "Overworked... underpaid... no control over my life". QFG2''Quest for Glory II'' has him talking to Aziza when talking about Julanar, with "Yes ma'am", "Only the facts ma'am", and "What's a pomegranate?". The fanmade VGA remake adds him babytalking to Simba, complete with a facial portrait. He shuts you up pretty good.
* [[Took a Level in Badass]]: Dude went from fighting bandits aided by magicians to fighting [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldrich Abominations]].
** Culminates in the final game, when the [[Big Bad]] of the game, {{spoiler|the Dragon of Doom}}, is outright stated to be unkillable, and can only be sealed. But the hero is so badass at this point that he can ''safely'' ignore that and kill it.
* [[Walking the Earth]]: If you so choose, at the end of the series, you can turn down the crown to the kingdom and continue your heroic journeys.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]] / [[What the Hell, Player?]]: The few truly evil deeds you can do in the games ''will'' be noticed. [[Karma Houdini|Except for the Thievery optional quests.]].
A powerful and pun-loving wizard who lives in Spielberg with a summer home in Silmaria. He and his familiar, the smart aleck rat Fenrus, help the heroHero out directly in games ''So You Want to Be a Hero?'' and ''Dragon Fire'' as well as mentoring him at the Wizards' Institute of Technocery in game ''Trial Byby Fire'' (and making a cameo at the end of ''Shadows of Darkness'').
* [[Eccentric Mentor]]
* [[Familiar]]: Fenrus is Erasmus'... or is it the other way around?
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: He's a lot sharper than he looks.
* [[The Obi-Wan]]
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A mysterious half-Faerie Folk archmage whose presence is seen throughout the series, even though she herself isn't. She is known for creating magical gardens of incredible peace and safety. {{spoiler|She is presumed dead because her attempts to prevent the Dark One from coming into the world resulted in her being trapped between worlds, until the heroHero's actions in banishing Avoozl release her spirit and finally allow her to pass on to the afterlife. In ''Dragon Fire'', the player can choose to rescue her from Hades, which allows a romance with her; she's the best match for Paladins, but honorable Wizards can also woo her.}}.
* [[Barrier Maiden]]
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: The Betty to Katrina's Veronica in Dragonfire for a wizard. She's all-loving, friendly, and devoted to protecting all living things.
* {{spoiler|[[Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu]]: She sacrificed her life to banish the Dark One from Mordavia and was only partially successful.}}.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: She has devoted her life to protecting life, leaving peaceful glades in her wake where no creature can harm another.
* [[The Ghost]]: For the first three games.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: Half-elf, half human.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Self-Deprecation]]: Surprisingly, one can learn in the fifth game that she has an inferiority complex due to the passive nature of her magic. She feels that, despite all her power, all she can do is create her gardens.}}.
* [[The Messiah]]
* [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]]
* [[A Plague on Both Your Houses]]: "By all my will, I banish [[Eldritch Abomination|you]] to-"
* [[Posthumous Character]]: She's been dead for a while before the hero starts coming in contact with the peaceful areas she has left behind. The hero can choose to bring her back to life in ''Dragon Fire'' or can allow her spirit to rest, although unhappily.
* [[Psychic Dreams for Everyone]]
* [[Sealed Good in a Can]]
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'''Rakeesh Sah Tarna'''
A Liontaur Paladin, Rakeesh was the king of Tarna until he abdicated power to his brother Rajah in order to pursue the demons that threatened the land. In his travels, he became a Paladin and suffered a [[Game-Breaking Injury]] that keeps him out of action. The heroHero meets him in Shapeir, and Rakeesh rapidly becomes his mentor and father figure (even more so if the player chooses to become a Paladin himself). {{spoiler|In ''Dragon Fire'', he [[Taking the Bullet|Takes The Poison Dagger]] for the heroHero, and will die if one fails to give him an antidote and locate the source of the poison.}}.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
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* [[Game-Breaking Injury]]: A poison sting from a demon left him with one bad leg.
* [[Happily Married]]
* [[Ho Yay]]: [[In Universe]], Youyou can offer him the engagement ring in game 5; he'll actually consider it, but he's married
* [[Knight Errant]]
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]
* [[The Mentor]]: He is a support figure and teacher to all of the classes, but he's particularly important to a fighter who becomes a Paladin.
* [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]]: The Liontaurs are [[Always Lawful Good]] to the extreme, considering honor to be more precious than life and willing to go to war to protect it. However, Liontaurs are also extremely proud, aggressive, and tend to be eager for combat, and while Rakeesh is also quite [[Lawful Good]], he is far more laid back, sees far more value in protecting life than most Liontaurs, and works hard to broker peace whenever possible.
* [[Petting Zoo People]]: He's some combination of lion and human, with the body of a lion, torso of a human, and head of... a lion again.
* [[Supporting Leader]]: Especially in the third game.
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'''Baba Yaga'''
An ogress witch with a taste for human flesh and a mean streak a mile wide. She serves as the [[Big Bad]] for the original game, her curse being the reason everything bad is happening in Spielburg. After you break the curse and get rid of her, she returns in gamethe 4fourth game, hanging out in Mordavia because of the dark energy given off by the Dark One's cave. She isn't fully antagonistic in this game, despite her desire for revenge (which can be bought off), but you still have to deal with her to win.
* [[Affably Evil]]: She may want to eat you, but darned if she isn't ''polite'' about it. She's also got quite a dark sense of humor, and is willing to be surprisingly friendly and chummy with the Hero in the fourth game... as long as he's bringing her something to eat instead of him, anyway.
* [[Baleful Polymorph]]: One of her favorite tricks.
* [[Extreme Omnivore]]: In addition to mandrake mousse and elderberry pie (and humans, of course), she is also partial to bones, the secretions of an [[Eldritch Abomination]], and [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|garlic.]]. She'll also go into explicit details about the "wyvern waffles" she had for breakfast, if you dare to ask...
* [[Genre Savvy]]: When she shows up again in ''Shadows of Darkness'', she'd certainly like revenge, but realizes that antagonizing you is a bad idea; instead, she gives you [[Fetch Quest]]s. However, if you tick her off sufficiently or fail to honor your end of the bargain, she '''will''' kill and eat you.
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: Although ''Shadows of Darkness'' does point out it's not cannibalism for ogres to eat humans.
* [[Public Domain Character]]
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'''Ad Avis'''
The [[Big Bad]] of ''Trial Byby Fire'' {{spoiler|and debatably ''Shadows of Darkness''}}. An evil wizard who rules over the land of Raseir with an iron fist while attempting to release [[Sealed Evil in a Can|the demon Iblis]]. Because the prophecy says he needs a hero to recover the status in which Iblis is sealed, he engineers events to get the heroHero to Raseir and hypnotizes him, but this ultimately causes his downfall, as he cries out to his master. {{spoiler|''Shadows of Darkness'' reveals that the "master" is Katrina, who bit Ad Avis seventy years ago, causing him to rise as a vampire after his death. He resents Katrina and seeks revenge against her and the heroHero, succeeding in killing Katrina, but causing his own death because of it.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Back from the Dead]]: Killed in ''Quest for Glory II'', returns as a vampire in ''Quest for Glory IV''}}.
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* [[Ethnic Magician]]: Subverted. Despite his appearance and presence in ''Quest for Glory II'', his name's Latin (though pronounced as if it were Arabic: Ad A-'''vis''', rather than Ad '''A'''-vis), and his true background is closer to Eastern European.
* [[Evil Sorcerer]]: Ad Avis is formidable sorcerer who uses magic for his own selfish desires. Aziza believed he was very likely to be responsible for what happened to Raseir long before the Hero proved it to be true.
* [[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: You wouldn't be able to beat him in ''Trial Byby Fire'' if he didn't try to trap you.
* [[The Man Behind the Man]]: As far as anyone knows, the coup in Raseir is the doing of the Emir's brother and his [[Dragon-in-Chief]], Khaveen. ''Very'' few people know Ad Avis is using the Emir's brother as a [[Puppet King]], and it's Ad Avis that Khaveen truly answers to.
* {{spoiler|[[Never Found the Body]]: Well, the first time around.}}.
* [[The Plan]]: His actions in ''Trial Byby Fire'' are part of a larger one.
* [[Politically-Incorrect Villain]]: He hates women {{spoiler|or maybe just one in particular, though he still enjoys making life miserable for every woman in Raseir.}}.
* {{spoiler|[[The Starscream]]: His actions in ''Quest for Glory II'' are primarily aimed at gaining the power he needs to free himself of Katrina's control. In ''Quest for Glory IV'', he tries to manipulate the Hero into killing her (since Ad Avis can't attack her due to their bond, nor can he avenge himself on the Hero directly so long as Katrina is alive) to free him. Later, he tricks Katrina into attacking ''him'' so the bond between them will be broken and he can fight back, then plays on her feelings for the Hero to kill her. All because he chafes under her control and wants to be the Dark Master himself}}.
'''Shema and Shameen'''
A married couple of Katta (a race of anthropomorphic cats), Shameen and Shema came to Spielburg in order to find a hero to help solve the crisis in Raseir, but were trapped by the avalanche that sealed off the valley. They quickly [[Incredibly Lame Pun|landed on their feet]] and set up the Hero's Tale Inn, which is where the heroHero first meets them. After dealing with Baba Yaga, he travels along with them back to Shapeir, where they open the Katta's Tale Inn and provide the hero with free room and board for the duration of ''Trial Byby Fire''.
* [[Adam Smith Hates Your Guts]]: Averted in ''Trial Byby Fire''. Since you helped Shameen and Shema get out of Spielburg by getting their flying carpet back from the brigands, they give you free room &and board at their inn in Shapeir.
* [[Happily Married]]: The two have nothing but positive things to say about the other.
* [[Holding Out for a Hero]]: During the first game and, to a lesser extent, the second.
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'''Elsa von Spielburg'''
The missing daughter of Baron Spielburg, whose rescue is one of the central goals of ''So You Want To Be A Hero?''. {{spoiler|It eventually turns out that she was given amnesia and delivered to the brigands, who raised her as their own. She eventually rose through the ranks and became their leader, which the heroHero must undo with a Dispel Potion. Elsa returns in ''Dragon Fire'', having chaffed under her brother's [[Stay in the Kitchen]] attitude and striking out as an adventurer herself (thanks to her retained knowledge and experience from her time with the brigands). She's also a potential bride for the hero, available to all character classes.}}.
* [[Action Girl]]: Good with sword, daggers, and bows.
* {{spoiler|[[Brainwashed and Crazy]]: As the Brigand Leader. It takes a Dispel Potion to undo it}}.
* [[Chainmail Bikini]]: In the fifth game.
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A member of the Simbani tribe from Tarna, Uhura left her homeland in order to get around the restrictions placed on women. She took up residence in Shapeir, becoming the head of the Fighters' Guild and having a son, Simba, by one of the palace guards. She helps the heroHero with information and sparring, then returns to Tarna along with him and Rakeesh. Back home, Uhura again helps the heroHero by showing him the [[Rite of Passage]] for Simbani warriors and trying to convince the Laibon (chief) to seek peace with the Leopardmen.
* [[Action Girl]]/[[Action Mom]]
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* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Proud Warrior Race Gal]]
* [[Take a Third Option]]: The Simbani let their women be mothers OR warriors, so Uhura left, had Simba out of wedlock with a Shaperian palace guard, and returned home as both. {{spoiler|The storykeeper of her tribe will point out how much of a break in tradition this is, in an attempt to get the Simbani to change their ways.}}.
* [[Vapor Wear]]: In the third game, and retroactively in the [[Fan Remake]] of the second game, Uhura wears a large necklace instead of a top.
A mysterious and beautiful young woman who is the first person the heroHero meets in ''Shadows of Darkness''. She only appears by night, never in Mordavia proper, and has brief conversations with the hero. As it turns out, however, she is the Dark Master, a powerful sorceress and vampire who is attempting to bring the [[Eldritch Abomination]] Avoozl into the world, casting eternal night over the land. {{spoiler|She developed feelings for the heroHero, which would prove to be her undoing as Ad Avis threatened the heroHero, leading to a fatal [[Taking the Bullet]]. In ''Dragon Fire'', the heroHero can choose to rescue her from Hades, restoring her humanity and opening up the potential for a romance. That can end in marriage unless you're a Paladin or Thief.}}.
* [[Back from the Dead]]: Well, she '''is''' a vampire. {{spoiler|And again in ''Dragon Fire'', as a normal human.}}.
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: She's the Veronica of a choice between her and Erana.
* [[Broken Bird]]: In the game, she's ultimately a deeply lonely and unhappy woman terrified of her vulnerability during daylight. She kidnapped Tanya both because she desired a daughter of her own, and saw how her parents treated her and thought they were horrible to her. Katrina later refused to force the Hero into helping her because she wanted him to help her and love her on his own. She only turned to the geas after he "steals" Tanya away from her, which she viewed as an attack against and betrayal of ''her''. Her backstory was later expanded upon in Lori Cole's blog, and revealed she has suffered a long history of misogyny-fueled resentment and jealousy from male wizards over her great magical aptitude because of her beauty and gender. She was later seduced, turned against her will, and enslaved by the previous Dark Master. All of this fed into the distrust, emptiness, and feelings of powerlessness evident in the game, which then led to her attempt to awaken Avoozl.
* [[Charm Person]]: Much like her student Ad Avis, she has the ability to do this to the Hero, although she uses a much more subtle version during their initial meeting and later conversations.
* [[Dark Magical Girl]]
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* [[Most Definitely Not a Villain]]: Like it needs to be spoilered.
* {{spoiler|[[Taking the Bullet]]: The [[Batman Gambit]] Ad Avis uses results in throwing herself into the path of a spell he means to use on you}}.
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: A possible interpretation of her actions in Mordavia prior to the events of ''Shadows of Darkness'':
** She hired Boris as daytime gatekeeper of Castle Borgov after he had a falling out with his wife and ran away into the woods. Considering that he was still in the woods when night fell, she may have saved his life by finding him before any other undead did.
** She sent Toby to comfort and befriend Tanya when Tanya didn't have any other friends and really needed the comfort. (Yuri's and Bella's treatment of Tanya at this time could charitably be described as harsh, or uncharitably be described as abusive.). Especially if you tell her why you resurrected Tanya, it is pretty clear that she really thought she was doing the right thing: "You think it was wrong of me to take her from her parents? They ignored her! They never gave her anything! I gave her everything!"
** Katrina's whole "plunge the land into darkness" plan ends up sounding a lot less evil when it's explained that she thought this was ''literal''. While it's intensely stupid to summon an [[Eldritch Abomination]] and expect to use it as a dimmer switch for the sun, but she wasn't actually intending to directly hurt anyone on purpose. She really did think she could control it.
A "legitimate businessman" in Raseir, Ferrari is the player's main contact in the final act of the game. He informs the heroHero about the particulars of Kaveen and Ad Avis' rule over the city. Thief characters go one step further, stealing a [[The Maltese Falcon|rather familiar statue]] from Kaveen for him. When Kaveen has the heroHero arrested, Ferrari seems to abandon him, but he returns in ''Dragon Fire'' as the head of the Dead Parrot Inn, trying once more to win the heroHero's trust. {{spoiler|He's in the running to become Silmaria's Chief Thief, as well as effectively blackmailing Gnome Ann out of her inn. All classes can help Ann, but the Thief can go a step further, getting Ferrari the real Blackbird and then stealing it right back from under his nose --... but Ferrari can screw you right back by getting you removed as king via blackmail if you do things wrong.}}.
* [[Blackmail]]: He'll blackmail a Thief character off the throne in ''Dragon Fire'' by revealing your "night job" -... but it is possible to prevent this.
** [[Blackmail Is Such an Ugly Word]]
* [[The Don]]
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Ferrari's right-hand man; like the heroHero, he seems to be something of an unwilling accomplice (more so as the game progresses). In ''Trial Byby Fire'', he smuggles water in Raseir, a capital crime which sees him dragged off supposedly for execution. However, Ugarte returns in ''Dragon Fire'', having been freed thanks to the heroHero's actions and much more grateful than Ferrari, serving as the Thief's source of info in the underground dealings of Silmaria. {{spoiler|In the Thief playthrough, Ugarte gets poisoned just before revealing the identity of King Justinian's assassin, and like Rakeesh will die unless the player takes the proper steps.}}.
* [[His Name Is--]]
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== ''Quest for Glory I: So You Want To Be A Hero'' ==