Quote Mine: Difference between revisions

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* On the day of a massive public sector strike, [[Top Gear|Jeremy Clarkson]] was booked on BBC's ''The One Show'' in which [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuuDnqSPnhA he made comments] that he would execute strikers... [http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2011/dec/01/jeremy-clarkson-one-show-strike as part of a joke] about the BBC's [[Golden Mean Fallacy|obsession with balance]]; Clarkson himself was pretty neutral on the strikes. Of course, everyone latched onto the joke acting as if, for once, he was being serious.
** Apart from Number 10, which issued a statement saying: "Those who have made the regrettable decision to strike may be assured: Executions are not government policy."
* A tactic occasionally used as often as not by anti-religious critics, skeptics and [[The Fundamentalist|atheist fundamentalists]] is to quote-mine the Scriptures of various religions (the most popular targets being the Bible and the Qu'ran), often combining a quote mine with [[The War on Straw]] and/or Guilt by [[Association Fallacy|Association]]. One of many examples is done with Luke 19:27 "But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them-bring them here and kill them in front of me." by claiming it's a call to arms for Christians to kill non-believers, except ''it's not''. The verse is part of a statement by a character in one of Jesus' ''parables''.
** This verse is from the Parable of the Ten Minas, where Jesus explains what the coming of the Kingdom of God is like and the importance of making the most of life, with the verse in question representing God's future and final judgement for humanity, with the part about killing being allegorical of the eternal damnation of those who reject God. Despite this, numerous anti-religious outlets have based arguments around this specific Quote Mine, the most high profile example coming from Sam Harris, one of the founders of the New Atheist movement; Sam Harris later acknowledged and withdrew the argument, but not without Christian [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENtlW-LEqu8 apologists] calling the argument out.
* A common tactic by creationists is to quote mine [[On The Origin Of Species]], specifically, the part where [[Charles Darwin]] talks about how absurd it seems that the eye could have evolved. The quote mine is leaving out the second paragraph, wherein he explains exactly why eye evolution is perfectly reasonable.
