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This trope was started by [[Isaac Newton]], who really wanted there to be exactly seven colors to match the number of musical notes, the number of planets ([[Science Marches On|then]]) known to be in our solar system, and days of the week. Isaac was wrong about this one, but since he was such a famous scientist, the belief that the visible light spectrum could be separated into exactly seven parts was widely held for a long time. This gave rise to the popular mnemonic "Roy G. Biv", a person's name constructed from the first letter of each color in order. Another mnemonic, more popular in Britain, is "[[Wars of the Roses|Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain]]".
Indigo is generally considered the odd man out among the seven, due to it simply being a dark blue.<ref> There is evidence to suggest that Isaac Newton in fact considered the shade that we consider to be blue to be indigo, while ''cyan'' is what he considered to be blue</ref>. If the creator needs a few more colors to round out the cast, '''black''' and {{color|silver|white}} are common additions. Alternatively, some creators opt to branch out into the non-visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as infrared and ultraviolet. Curiously, {{color|cyan|cyan}} is missing, creating a conspicuous gap between the primaries green and blue, while indigo and violet replace {{color|magenta|magenta}} between red and blue .<ref> (magenta is an odd color; usually if an object reflects multiple pure colors, your brain sees the average color reflected, but if only the edges of spectrum are being reflected, ie red and violet\blue, your brain sees it as magenta rather than green)</ref>. For printing inks and finer art, cyan, magenta, and yellow are the primary colors.
'''Example:''' The [[Seven Deadly Sins]] - {{color|red|Wrath}}, {{color|orange|Gluttony}}, {{color|yellow|Greed}}, {{color|green|Envy}}, {{color|blue|Sloth}}, {{color|indigo|Lust}}, {{color|purple|Pride}}.
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== Tabletop RPG ==
* In ''[[Paranoia]]'', Alpha Complex's security clearance system was based on [[Rainbow Motif|RoyGBiv]] with two additions: Infrared (black), Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Ultraviolet (white).
** There have been jokes (in the actual rulebooks) about breaches of this pattern...but talking about Security Clearance Plaid is of course treason.
*** Rumors of Security Clearance Gamma are also treason. Report all rumors.
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* ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]''
** Adventure WG4 ''The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun''. The gem eyes in 6 sarcophagi are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet: every part of RoyGBiv ''except'' indigo.
** In adventure WG6 ''Isle of the Ape'', one puzzle required the [[PC|PCs]]s to follow color-coded corridors in [[Rainbow Motif|RoyGBiv]] order to gain valuable information and avoid a death trap. Oddly enough this was never actually stated in the module: the DM and players had to figure it out for themselves.
** The following spells give each of the seven colors a different magical effect: Prismatic Spray, Prismatic Wall, Prismatic Sphere, Rainbow (Bow/Arrow and Flagon/Potion options only).
** The color of Wizshades (a type of monster) depended on how old they were. The scale was in reverse [[Rainbow Motif|RoyGBiv]] order: the youngest were violet, and the oldest were red.
** Subverted in adventure I12 ''Egg of the Phoenix''. A puzzle to open a magical doorway appears to be based on choosing which colors to touch from a [[Rainbow Motif|RoyGBiv]] palette, but it's a trick.
** WG7 ''Castle Greyhawk''. Level 5 is filled with [[Shout-Out|Shout Outs]] to other [[Tabletop RPG|Tabletop RPGs]]s. One room has a variety of creatures each colored one of the [[Rainbow Motif|RoyGBiv]] colors as a reference to ''[[Paranoia]]''.
* 3rd Edition ''Creature Collection''. A skyquill's needles come in red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet, every color except indigo. Each has a different effect on victims.
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== Western Animation ==
* ''[[Rainbow Brite]]''. The seven Color Kids are named after the [[Rainbow Motif|RoyGBiv]] scale: Red Butler, Lala Orange, Canary Yellow, Patty O' Green, Buddy Blue, Indigo and Shy Violet.
* The popular super hero cartoon ''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]'' had a character with seriously repressed emotions (necessary because her powers stem from them and require tight control) named Raven. In the episode where the two comedic characters use a mirror to step inside of her mind, we see Raven's true colors... Literally! Each side of her personality (even the parts she tries to hide normally) appears as an image of her but characterized by a different color. Although it is not ''just'' the seven colors of the rainbow, it does make sure to include them. Even the original Raven's cloak is an indigo!
* The seven daughters of Triton in ''[[The Little Mermaid]]'' each have a different color tail. If we were to arrange them chromatically: Arista (red), Attina (orange), Adella (yellow), Ariel (green), Aquata (blue), Andrina (purple), Alana (pink).
