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The most important construction ever made by Zeth is the Maginot Line, a long and magical wall with cannons powered by "mana batteries", the energy source of all Zeth's technology, and protecting the country from invasions of the Monster Realm in the west.
[[Rance/Characters|Main character page.]]
== Zeth Royalty ==
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=== King Ragnarokarc Super Gandhi ===
The current King of Zeth. He once used to govern the country, but the recent rise in power of the nobility of the 1st Class and their segregation of the 2nd Class made him unofficially quit his functions, to take the mantle of "Punisher Mito", a vigilante roaming around the cities to bring justice for the people of the 2nd Class.
During the Monster invasion of ''Rance VI'', he later joins Rance to restart the Maginot Line, and after saving the country, he once again shoved his duties to Chizuko Yamada, to her dismay. He's also seen in ''Rance X'', trapped within the city of Ragnarokarc alongside his two bodyguards.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Gandhi include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Gandhi include:}}
*[[The Ace]]: Along with having an enormous level cap of 99, he's regarded as the strongest mage in Zeth and possesses the physical strength necessary to be skilled with both swords and his bare hands. On top of that, he continues to be a hit with women half his age well into his forties and is apparently incredible in bed.
*[[Action Mom|Action Dad]]: His daughter is still in high school during their mutual debut.
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*[[Cutting Off the Branches]]: While it is possible for him to avoid dying during ''Rance X'', part 2 heavily implies and ''ETERNAL HERO'' outright confirms that he was canonically killed by Medusa.
*[[Demoted to Extra]]: Plays no significant role in ''Rance Quest'', but appears a few times nonetheless.
*[[Eleventh-Hour Ranger|11th-Hour Ranger]]: He joins Rance's party during the operation to restart the Maginot Line at the end of ''Rance VI'', where he can indisputably be described as the single strongest party member in the game.
*[[Foil]]: To Lia. While Lia is a conniving and self-absorbed Bitch in Sheep's Clothing who is nonetheless a competent ruler who has led her country to prosperity, Gandhi is a compassionate Nice Guy whose attempts at reforming his country have only resulted in it falling deeper into ruin.
*[[Forced to Watch]]: His [[Cruel and Unusual Death]] is broadcast live throughout Zeth in ''Rance X''.
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*[[Gentle Giant]]: Huge enough to be mistaken for a Helmanian, but also extremely compassionate.
*[[The Good King]]: Played with. While he's a compassionate person who wants more than anything to end the discrimination within his country, he goes about doing so by completely abandoning his responsibilities as king in order to run around as a vigilante. Though he gives a fairly reasonable justification for this behavior, stating that the people of Zeth need to unite as one through their own actions in order for true equality to be attained, there's no denying that the country probably wouldn't be in nearly as bad shape as it is at the beginning of ''Rance VI'' if he'd just do his actual job for once and start enforcing his authority as king.
*[[Guest Star Party Member|Guest-Star Party Member]]: Joins the party for the duration of the Fruit Ruins in ''Rance VI'', but leaves upon reaching the Maginot Line and never comes back.
*[[Heroes Fight Barehanded]]: Unlike other mages, he prefers to fight unarmed with magically enhanced fists due to his belief that fighting from a distance is cowardly. It actually helps when someone tries to corner him with hannies (naturally immune to magic) thinking that he'd be rendered unable to beat them, only for him to obliterate them in seconds with his punches.
*[[He Is All Grown Up]]: While the audience only ever sees him as a grown man, he apparently underwent this across his life. He was a rude and ill-tempered [[Royal Brat]] as a child, but went on to grow into a kind and all-around upstanding man.
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*[[Karmic Death]]: The narration of ''Rance X'' emphasizes that it was his own reckless desire to be a hero, which is one of the defining aspects of his character, that led to his death due to him attempting to defeat Medusa with only the aid of Kaoru and Wichita rather than wait for outside aid to come and assist him.
*[[King Incognito]]: Hides his identity as the King of Zeth in order to work as a vigilante and, in ''Kichikuou Rance'', as Rance's personal servant. He doesn't do a very good job of hiding it in either case, though, not even bothering wearing a disguise in the former and giving out his real name when introducing himself in the latter.
*[[Kung Fu Wizard|Kung-Fu Wizard]]: Crazy powerful whether he's using his magic or his fists, and can soak up damage from physical and magical attacks no problem, overall making him one of the few mages that is totally capable of being a frontline fighter.
*[[Lame Excuse]]: Claims to be suffering from a bad case of diarrhea if the player attempts to send him to fight against Zeth in ''Kichikuou Rance''. He stops doing this after the Flash drops, where he outs himself as king and willingly fights against his own people in order to punish them for their actions.
*[[Large and In Charge]]: One of the biggest men on the Continent and the king of one of the largest countries in the world.
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Through a series of multiple events, some push from her friend Eropicha, and the fall of Zeth in ''Rance VI'', she's later seen in the party reuniting Zeth and Leazas people. However, she quickly gets drunk and fell asleep in Rance's room. After waking up, she saw Rance sleeping with her and Lia (though Rance actually didn't assault her at all), and feeling unworthy of being with Alex anymore, came to reject him and end her engagement to him.
Afterwards, she spent more and more time with Rance and falls in love with him, partly due to his brash attitude, and prompting her to change his ways as an eventual future King of Zeth. As a result, she quickly develops a rivalry with Lia Parapara Leazas, the Queen of Leazas and also one of Rance's women.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Magic include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Magic include:}}
*[[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents]]: In both ''[[Kichikuou Rance]]'' and the canon games, she considers her father to be incredibly embarrassing to be around due to his Large Ham attitude and tendency to pop up whenever he wants.
*[[Based on a Great Big Lie]]: The main turning point of her relationship with Rance in ''Rance VI''. After being drunk and later waking up next to Rance and Lia, she jumps to conclusions and quickly thinks she's now unworthy to be with the Light General Alex due to possibly having lost her virginity to Rance. The truth on this matter is later revealed in their "second" intercourse.
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=== Kaoru Quincy Kagura ===
A martial artist part of the Quincy family, who act as bodyguards for the king of Zeth. Consequently, she is one of the two woman assisting King Gandhi in his roaming as a vigilante under the alias "Kaku". She's also part of the Ice Flame group during the events of ''Rance VI'' in order to get information for the King.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kaoru include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kaoru include:}}
*[[Action Girl]]: A given for being the King's bodyguard.
*[[Bodyguarding a Badass]]: Gandhi is actually much more powerful than her in terms of physical strength, and also fights barehanded.
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=== Wichita Skate ===
A Spell-blader and part of the Skate family, who also act as bodyguards for the king of Zeth. Alongside Kaoru, she's assisting King Gandhi during under the name "Suke". She's also part of the same academy Magic belongs to and is a friend of hers.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Wichita include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Wichita include:}}
*[[Action Girl]]: A given for being the King's bodyguard.
*[[Birds of a Feather]]: With Arios Theoman in ''ETERNAL HERO'', due to shared ideals, having lost a loved one, along with having red hair.
*[[Bodyguarding a Badass]]: Gandhi is actually much more powerful than her in terms of magic power, along with having a great strength.
*[[Bodyguard Babes]]: Along with Kaoru.
*[[Flaming Sword]]: Her main weapon for fighting.
*[[Magic Knight]]: She is perfectly capable of holding her own thanks to her combined Sword and Magic Skills and fights with a Flaming Sword.
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=== Radon Alphorne ===
A rather high-ranked mage, Radon is one of the most influencial people in Zeth and the Secretary of Education. He's responsible for establishing the "Presure Free Education", which only restricted eductional opportunities to 1st Class citizens, further enforcing the power gap with the 2nd Class. He's the one who sent the job request taken by Rance in the beginning of ''Rance VI'', and quickly put him into prison, believing he was the slave of Sill Plain.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Radon include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Radon include:}}
*[[Aristocrats Are Evil]]: The first antagonist met in ''Rance VI'', responsible for his short time as a slave, is an aristocrat using his privileges of 1st Class Citizen to do whatever he wants.
*[[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: He loves his daughter so much that he will reveal national secrets to his enemies as long as she is safe.
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=== Emi Alphorne ===
The self-centered daughter of Radon Alphorne. She's one of the first villains Rance gets to see in ''Rance VI'', alongside her fiance Hassam Crown under the guise of "Saberknight", who hunts 2nd Class citizens.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Emi include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Emi include:}}
*[[Alpha Bitch]]: Courtesy of being raised by Radon Alphorne, who also spends his time treating 2nd Class citizens as expandable.
*[[Bad Boss]]: Abuses her servant Dolhan at a regular basis.
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=== Dolhan Cricket ===
The personal servant of Emi, who happens to be one of the last surviving members of the Insect Users tribe. He lost any sense of self due to the harsh abuse he suffers from his master, blindly following every of her commands.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Dolhan include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Dolhan include:}}
*[[Deadly Upgrade]]: After absorbing the large number of '''11''' Insects (4 being the average number for an Insect User), his abilities bordered on Master of All but he quickly died due to the Insects destroying his body.
*[[Gonk]]: He's not easy in the eyes, and after his Deadly Upgrade it became worse.
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=== Zulki Crown ===
The Secretary of Finance and a friend of Radon Alphorne. He uses his position in a government as a means to take more money from 2nd Class citizens, and more often than not capture women abuse and torture them.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Zulki include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Zulki include:}}
*[[Asshole Victim]]: Gets killed by the much more extremist Pentagon, but no one cares about his death afterwards.
*[[Fate Worse Than Death|Fate Worse than Death]]: Not long after his death, he wandered alone as zombie, unable to die until the Priestess Sel finishes him for good.
*[[Karmic Death]]: Gets killed by the Pentagon Group, who swore to kill all 1st Class Citizens, due to him being from the corrupt government.
* <!-- Sadist: Likes to kidnap 2nd Class citizen women to torture them for fun. -->
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=== Hassam Crown ===
The son of Zulki and the fiance of Emi. He's the first villain met by Rance in ''Rance VI'', under the guise of '''Saberknight''' who terrorizes 2nd Class Citizens. After getting defeated, he's put into jail by "Punisher Mito".{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Hassam include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Hassam include:}}
*[[Black Knight]]: Under the name of '''Saberknight'''.
*[[I Want My Mommy|I Want My Mommy!]]: Upon being defeated in Italia.
*[[Starter Villain]]: The first enemy fought by Rance during his time in Ice Flame.
*[[Vigilante Man]]: Subverted. As '''Saberknight''', he only targets 2nd Class citizens.
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=== Chizuko Yamada ===
One of the Four Lords of Zeth and its highest politician. Because the King spends most of his time outside the castle as a vigilante and shoves all of his work to her, she is considered the de facto true ruler of Zeth. Despite everything, she dearly loves him and follows his will to end the segregation between the citizens of Zeth.
After the events of ''Rance VI'', she's still in charge of the country, due to Rance and King Gandhi having fled once more, and later reappears in ''Rance X'' as one of the main commanders of Zeth. She has the unique talent of Informatio Magic, which allows her to emulate informatic systems and technology, notably information on every Magitek device scattered across the country.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Chizuko include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Chizuko include:}}
* <!-- Beleaguered Boss: Downplayed, Anise is actually more powerful than her, but Chizuko keeps her in check due to her clumsiness. -->
*[[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]: The only reason Zeth isn't more corrupt by the time of ''VI'' is because she is here.
*[[Informed Ability]]: It's suggested she's able to use the Black Destruction Beam, but we didn't see her using it once.
*[[Promoted to Love Interest]]: Inverted, she was a Love Interest to Rance in ''[[Kichikuou Rance]]'', while in the canon she only has eyes for the King.
*[[Single-Target Sexuality]]: To King Gandhi.
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=== Nagi su Ragarl ===
One of the Four Lords of Zeth, not much is known about her. Preferring spending time training alone, she is revealed to be the daughter of Chenezali de Ragarl, a powerful mage of Zeth. She was trained by her father in order to kill Shizuka Masou, the daughter of his rival in love, meaning she was raised to kill her half-sister. She then began to lose her sanity over the years of harsh training and even torture to enhance her power at all costs.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Nagi include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Nagi include:}}
*[[Abusive Parents]]: Her father only cared about killing Shizuka, and didn't even consider his daughter as a person, only a tool to do his bidding no matter the cost.
*[[Absurdly High Level Cap]]: Following their rebirth, both she and Shizuka end up inheriting Rance's trademark lack of level cap.*
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*[[She's All Grown Up|She Is All Grown Up]]: In ''Part II'', she regains the figure she had during ''Rance VI'', all while teasing Reset.
*[[Stripperiffic]]: To emphasize her lack of sanity, even worse in ''Rance IX''.
*[[Take Me Instead!|Take Me Instead]]: Following the first "fight" with Archfiend Rance, both she and Shizuka offered themselves to him in order to buy time for the El Party's escape.
*[[Trauma-Induced Amnesia]]: Twice. The first time, she fell off a cliff during her training in the Monster Realm and she is taken by Kesselring as a maid until she recovers. Then, following her rebirth, she loses all of her memories, but it may be for the best.
*[[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: Turning into a chimera hasn't done wonders for her sanity.
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=== Chochoman Public ===
The successor of Nagi su Ragarl after the latter fled from the country. With Urza Pranaice, he joined the Four Lords as a non-mage by the recommendation of the King Gandhi. His main talent resides in politics and administration, instead of the battlefield like everyone else.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Chochoman include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Chochoman include:}}
*[[Boring but Practical|Boring, but Practical]]: The other Four Lords are two powerful mages and an skilled [[Magnetic Hero]]. He is simply good with administration, but it is a valuable skill for a recovering nation.
*[[Boring but Practical]]: The other Four Lords are two powerful mages and an skilled [[Magnetic Hero]]. He is simply good with administration, but it is a valuable skill for a recovering nation.
== Four Generals ==
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=== Saias Crown ===
A playboy and a charming man who is part of the Zeth Military, as the general of the Fire Army. Despite being of the noble house of Crown and having the possibility to live a life of leisure, he nonetheless chose to train himself in the military as a common soldier, because he believed one should be able to rose in the ranks through talent and not by bloodline. One year later, he quickly became one of the Four Generals and is a fervent supporter of King Gandhi. He's also planning to marry one day his fellow General Uspira Shintou, easier said than done for him.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Saias include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Saias include:}}
*[[Drama-Preserving Handicap]]: While he could have stopped the Green Squad from destroying Papaya's mana battery, he was forced to pull back to prevent Uspira from exhausting herself to death.
*[[Heterosexual Life Partners|Heterosexual Life-Partners]]: With Alex.
*[[Hidden Depths]]: A talented gardener.
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=== Uspira Shintou ===
Once a former magic researcher, Uspira lost all of her family and her husband, and joined the military out of desperation. She unexpectedly became noticed as one of the best mages of the country and was promoted to General of the Ice Army as a result. She's often seen alongside fellow General Saias Crown, who plans to marry her. During the events of ''Rance VI'', she gets injured by the Monster Army and doesn't participate in the war. Some time afterwards, Saias proposed to her, but gently rejected him, saying she "will wait for Alex to marry himself", though their relationship remains that of an old couple.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Uspira include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Uspira include:}}
*[[Despair Event Horizon]]: Following the death of her relatives.
*[[An Ice Person]]: Leader of the Ice Army.
*[[Those Two Guys]]: She is often seen with Saias.
*[[Will They or Won't They?]]: With Saias.
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=== Alex Valse ===
The youngest of the Four Generals and the fiance of Zeth's princess Magic. Like Saias, he was also born in a wealthy family amongst the nobles of Zeth, but he ended up growing as a kindhearted man. His great talent in magical prowess made him somewhat famous in the country, and he ended up being Magic's private tutor, and the two began dating several months later. Thanks to his family connections and his proficiency in Light Magic, he was promoted to General of the Light Army at the young age of 18, and was even rumored to be the next King in line. However, his lack of confidence prevents him to be more honest with his feelings.
It ends up biting him back during the events of ''Rance VI'', when Magic ends her engagement to him. After helping in the operation to save the country from destruction, he duels Rance to take Magic back but is defeated. Vowing to become stronger, he was suddenly taken aback by Magic's friend Eropicha approaches, and eventually began dating as a result. As of ''Rance X'', it's revealed they are engaged and plan to marry as soon as the Second Fiend War is over.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Alex include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Alex include:}}
*[[Disposable Fiancé]]: Ends up on the receiving end by Magic after her accident with Rance.
*[[Dropped a Bridge on Him]]: If Medusa isn't beaten early in ''Rance X'', he is slaughtered by Kayblis when he frees Camilla from her prison in Zeth.
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=== Urza Pranaice ===
The main heroine of ''Rance VI'' and leader of the rebel group Ice Flame. Some time before the events of the game, she had a more active role in the struggle against the nobles of Zeth, but tragedy struck her family, leaving her orphaned. Afterwards, she lost her will to live, causing her to be unable to walk. But everything changed for her once a new recruit known as Rance joined her group.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Urza include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Urza include:}}
*[[Eleventh-Hour Ranger|11th-Hour Ranger]]: She joins the party at the end of ''Rance VI''.
*[[Action Girl]]: Despite not being able to use Magic Arts, she makes it up by having a lot of useful abilities and is a powerful tactician, explaining why she was chosen by Gandhi to be one of the Four Lords at the end of ''Rance VI''.
*[[Badass Decay]]: Averted. Even after she spends more than a year in a wheelchair without fighting, she retains a high level of 40.
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*[[Death Seeker]]: By the time of the Collapse of Zeth, believing she brought it on herself.
*[[Dude Magnet]]: One of the main reasons Rance stays with Ice Flame at the beginning, as he rates her 97/100.
*[[Eleventh-Hour Ranger]]: She joins the party at the end of ''Rance VI''.
*[["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]: In the ending Truth of God of ''Rance X'', she faces Arios and try to talk him out of killing Miki. She fails.
*[[It's All My Fault]]: She blames herself for the death of her family and it's the reason she is afraid to make choices and fight for her beliefs. However, during the attack of Ice Flame by the Monster Army, Daniel told her the truth about his father's role in the incident, prompting her to walk again and fight once more.
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=== Daniel Safety ===
A doctor who takes care of Urza after her accident, and also an important Ice Flame member. Very doubtful about Rance from the start, he nonetheless acknowledges his strength but often keep him in watch due to his behavior. His son Abert is also part of the Ice Flame Group. He's very knowledgeable of Zeth and most of their structure is revealed through him in ''Rance VI.''
In reality, he's actually the son of Abert, who's unable to age due to his Apostle status. His goal is to eventually find a cure for his father, knowing full well his true personality, but keeps helping Urza and the Ice Flame group in their struggle for the 2nd Class Citizens of Zeth.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Daniel include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Daniel include:}}
*[[And Then What?]]: Discussed with Shizuka, once he learned about her goal of killing Ragarl for revenge, but he doesn't manage to talk her out of it.
*[[Awful Truth]]: Naturally, he freaked out upon learning the true nature of his father and his role in causing the death of the Pranaice Family as part of his "trial". However, he still loves his father and managed to convince him to stay in Ice Flame alongside Urza even after she failed in his eyes.
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*[[Dying Moment of Awesome]]: To protect Urza from monsters and convince her to go forward, he sacrificed his life by holding near to fifty monsters off by himself.
* <!-- Everybody Knew Already: He was already aware of Rance having his way with Urza behind his back, while also noting that she was inspired to do leg rehabilitation due to their repeated intercourse. -->
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Pulls one during the attack of Ice Flame to save Urza and convincing her to walk again.
* [[Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad]]: He is the son of the Apostle Abert, servant of the Dread Fiend Camilla, and his mother was a human, victim of his father's trials.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: He fights by throwing iron balls.
*[[Jack of All Trades|Jack-of-All-Trades]]: On top of being one of the few people having the Medical Treatment Skill, he also has Adventure, Unarmed Combat and Throwing, making him quite useful.
* [[Martial Medic]]: He's quite capable in combat despite his old age.
* [[Morality Pet]]: To his father, Abert Safety, to the point the latter's dying words are about him.
* [[Mr. Exposition]]: It's through him that Rance learns about Zeth's situation.
* [[My Greatest Second Chance]]: The first incident (caused by Abert) involving the death of all of the Pranaice Family caused him to take the grieving Urza under his wing, to the point he considers her to be his own daughter, in order to make up for his father's misdeeds.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: '''Do not''' cause harm to Urza in his presence.
* [[Schmuck Bait]]: He tricked Rance into learning the history of Zeth with naming his courses as "Schoolgirl Underwear Lessons".
* <!-- Weaponized Ball: His main weapon for fighting, thanks to his Throwing Skill. -->
* [[Why Can't I Hate You?]]: He knows the depravity of his father Abert, but despite everything still loves him, and even began to learn medecine in his youth to treat him of his unaging condition.
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=== Cessna Benville ===
One of the first three recruits of Ice Flame Rance gets to see in ''Rance VI''. She's a rather dizzy girl who happens to have a tendency to sleep at any time, even when standing. Her main weapon is a hammer which deals massive damage but suffers from inaccuracy.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Cessna include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Cessna include:}}
* Awesome, but Impractical: In all of the games she appears, she is noted to have a very strong attack ability but also has 50% chance to miss it.
*[[Awesome but Impractical]]: In all of the games she appears, she is noted to have a very strong attack ability but also has 50% chance to miss it.
* Fell Asleep Standing Up: She is such a heavy sleeper that she is capable of sleeping at any time.
*<!-- Fell Asleep Standing Up: She is such a heavy sleeper that she is capable of sleeping at any time. -->
* Powerful, but Inaccurate: Despite being quite strong, she has 50% chance of missing her hits.
*[[Powerful, but Inaccurate]]: Despite being quite strong, she has 50% chance of missing her hits.
=== Prima Hononoman ===
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=== Kimchi Drive ===
The head of an orphanage located in the headquarters of Ice Flame. A tender and motherly person at heart, she took a lot of war orphans under her wing, due to her own history of being an orphan herself. She also serves as a "comfort woman" to the soldiers of Ice Flame, which causes her to be indifferent towards romantic relationships in general.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kimchi include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Kimchi include:}}
* Ambiguously Brown: Kimchi has a darker skin stone than the rest of the cast.
*[[Ambiguously Facial MarkingsBrown]]: SheKimchi has a diamond-likedarker redskin markingstone onthan her forehead, resemblingthe thoserest of the Kalarcast.
*[[Facial Markings]]: She has a diamond-like red marking on her forehead, resembling those of the Kalar.
* Hooker with a Heart of Gold: Aside from her job of prostitute for the soldiers, she's also the caretaker of the orphans.
*[[Hooker with a Heart of Gold]]: Aside from her job of prostitute for the soldiers, she's also the caretaker of the orphans.
* [[Supreme Chef]]: Her spicy stew is loved by everyone.
* [[Precocious Crush]]: She is the target of Rocky's crush who is 15 years younger than her.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: No matter what happened to Ice Flame, she won't leave Urza.
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=== Rizna Lanfbitt ===
Rizna was a former citizen of Zeth who disappeared mysteriously roughly 30 years before the start of the series, and was the childhood friend of King Gandhi. She's first seen in ''Rance 5D'', trapped in another dimension called "Genbu's Castle", actually one of the Apostles of Xavier. During those times, she lived a harsh life of being used and abused by many men also trapped with her, until she met the Hanny Kagekatsu who took care of her. After being freed from the dimension by Rance, she later helped Ice Flame alongside him and after the events of ''Rance VI'', lives in the royal palace under the protection of King Gandhi.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Rizna include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Rizna include:}}
* The Aloner: The Genbu Castle rules enforce this. As such, she wasn't able to escape it and several people she met all ended up betraying her and leaving her alone again. See Closed Circle for details.
*[[The Aloner]]: The Genbu Castle rules enforce this. As such, she wasn't able to escape it and several people she met all ended up betraying her and leaving her alone again. See Closed Circle for details.
* Anti-Magic: She was pretty resistant before but after receiving the Hanny's racial skill, she can't be harmed by magic anymore. Her great resistance to magic came from Gandhi in his youth, who often bullied Rizna with his famous punches which progressively made her immune.
*[[Anti-Magic]]: She was pretty resistant before but after receiving the Hanny's racial skill, she can't be harmed by magic anymore. Her great resistance to magic came from Gandhi in his youth, who often bullied Rizna with his famous punches which progressively made her immune.
* Anti-Villain: After being turned into a Fiend in ''Part II''.While she don't want to oppose humanity, she can't resist the control of the Archfiend.
*[[Anti-Villain]]: After being turned into a Fiend in ''Part II''.While she don't want to oppose humanity, she can't resist the control of the Archfiend.
* And I Must Scream: She was trapped for 30 years in the Genbu Castle, being regularly abused and betrayed by the men she encounters.
*[[And I Must Scream]]: She was trapped for 30 years in the Genbu Castle, being regularly abused and betrayed by the men she encounters.
* Bad Liar: Her trusting nature makes her bad at lying and she requires Kagekatsu's advice to be effective.
*[[Bad Liar]]: Her trusting nature makes her bad at lying and she requires Kagekatsu's advice to be effective.
* The Beastmaster: Surprisingly gets along with Hannies and is able to command them.
*[[The Beastmaster]]: Surprisingly gets along with Hannies and is able to command them.
* Becoming the Mask: In ''Rance 5D'', where she pretends to be in love with Rance in order to manipulate him. After being freed of the Genbu Castle, she develops genuine feelings for him.
*[[Becoming the Mask]]: In ''Rance 5D'', where she pretends to be in love with Rance in order to manipulate him. After being freed of the Genbu Castle, she develops genuine feelings for him.
* Blade on a Stick: Possess a Spear Skill Level 1.
*[[Big Breasts, Big Deal]]: Type Two. Responsible for much of her misfortune due to easily attracting men when she was trapped.
* Character Title: She is the titular Lonely Girl of ''Rance 5D''.
*[[Blade on a Stick]]: Possess a Spear Skill Level 1.
* Childhood Friends: With King Gandhi.
*[[Character Title]]: She is the titular Lonely Girl of ''Rance 5D''.
* Closed Circle: The Genbu Castle, where she was trapped, requires having at least one human in its walls to have the exit open, making it impossible to escape unless the prisoner switches with another one.
*[[Childhood Friends]]: With King Gandhi.
* Cool Hat: Wears one along with her kimono.
*[[Closed Circle]]: The Genbu Castle, where she was trapped, requires having at least one human in its walls to have the exit open, making it impossible to escape unless the prisoner switches with another one.
* Covert Pervert: Played for Drama. One of the previous men she met forced her to be his sex slave, and "trained" her body to be easily aroused. Years later, she still has relapses from time to time and needs someone to calm her.
*[[Cool Hat]]: Wears one along with her kimono.
* Cuteness Equals Forgiveness: Part of the reason Rance forgives her.
*[[Covert Pervert]]: [[Played for Drama]]. One of the previous men she met forced her to be his sex slave, and "trained" her body to be easily aroused. Years later, she still has relapses from time to time and needs someone to calm her.
* D-Cup Distress: Responsible for much of her misfortune due to easily attracting men when she was trapped.
*[[Cuteness Equals Forgiveness]]: Part of the reason Rance forgives her.
* Driving Question: Who trapped Rizna in the Genbu Castle in the first place? ''Rance VI'' reveals it was the work of her former magic teacher Abert Safety, as part of his search for the "unflinching woman" of his memory.
*[[Driving Question]]: Who trapped Rizna in the Genbu Castle in the first place? ''Rance VI'' reveals it was the work of her former magic teacher Abert Safety, as part of his search for the "unflinching woman" of his memory.
* Dude Magnet: Her beauty and rather large chest doesn't help either.
*[[Dude Magnet]]: Her beauty and rather large chest doesn't help either.
* Easily Forgiven: Subverted. Sill forgives her rather easily due to having learned the circumstances of her imprisonment, and later Rance when she reveals her past to him. Even then she couldn't forgive herself for trapping Sill in her place.
*[[Easily Forgiven]]: Subverted. Sill forgives her rather easily due to having learned the circumstances of her imprisonment, and later Rance when she reveals her past to him. Even then she couldn't forgive herself for trapping Sill in her place.
* Emergency Transformation: Following her torture by Medusa, she is physically and mentally broken by the experience, and as she shows no signs of recovering after a year, Rance turns her into a Fiend in order to heal her.
*[[Emergency Transformation]]: Following her torture by Medusa, she is physically and mentally broken by the experience, and as she shows no signs of recovering after a year, Rance turns her into a Fiend in order to heal her.
* Fatal Flaw: Her gullible and too trusting nature.
*[[Fatal Flaw]]: Her gullible and too trusting nature.
* Freudian Excuse: Her manipulative and untrusting behavior at the beginning of ''Rance 5D'' is the result of thirty years of abuse from men who gained her trust and prolonged isolation, unable to escape, not helped by an aborted pregnancy. She was saved from madness by the Puchi Hanny Kagekatsu, who became her first and only friend in the castle, and advisor when meeting (and using) Rance.
*[[Freudian Excuse]]: Her manipulative and untrusting behavior at the beginning of ''Rance 5D'' is the result of thirty years of abuse from men who gained her trust and prolonged isolation, unable to escape, not helped by an aborted pregnancy. She was saved from madness by the Puchi Hanny Kagekatsu, who became her first and only friend in the castle, and advisor when meeting (and using) Rance.
* Horrible Judge of Character: Played for Drama. She is often deceived by people and has been betrayed by several men who came before Rance, keeping her trapped in the Genbu Castle. Only Kagekatsu stayed with her and the two have a relationship of mutual trust. Her ability to judge people is so bad that she believed Rance's smooth talk until Kagekatsu warned her about his wicked nature.
*[[Horrible Judge of Character]]: [[Played for Drama]]. She is often deceived by people and has been betrayed by several men who came before Rance, keeping her trapped in the Genbu Castle. Only Kagekatsu stayed with her and the two have a relationship of mutual trust. Her ability to judge people is so bad that she believed Rance's smooth talk until Kagekatsu warned her about his wicked nature.
* Like Brother and Sister: Her relationship with Gandhi as a whole.
*[[Like Brother and Sister]]: Her relationship with Gandhi as a whole.
* Mage Killer: Due to being able to No-Sell magic, she is effective at neutralizing mages.
*[[Mage Killer]]: Due to being able to No-Sell magic, she is effective at neutralizing mages.
* Mage Knight: Possess both a Magic and Spear Skill Level 1, the latter being helped by Kagekatsu's knowledge.
*[[Mage Knight]]: Possess both a Magic and Spear Skill Level 1, the latter being helped by Kagekatsu's knowledge.
* My God, What Have I Done?: Despite having the possibility of exiting the dimension she's trapped in, she cannot bring herself to do it out of guilt upon having sacrificed the innocent Sill for her freedom, and attempted to kill herself until she was stopped by Rance.
*[[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Despite having the possibility of exiting the dimension she's trapped in, she cannot bring herself to do it out of guilt upon having sacrificed the innocent Sill for her freedom, and attempted to kill herself until she was stopped by Rance.
* Older Than They Look: Looks 20 years old, but she is older than Gandhi.
*[[Older Than They Look]]: Looks 20 years old, but she is older than Gandhi.
* Put on a Bus: Thirty years before the beginning of the series, up until ''Rance 5D''.
*[[Put on a Bus]]: Thirty years before the beginning of the series, up until ''Rance 5D''.
* Pro-Human Transhuman: Despite becoming a Fiend, she still supports humanity when she is able to do so.
*[[Pro-Human Transhuman]]: Despite becoming a Fiend, she still supports humanity when she is able to do so.
* This Is Unforgivable!: When she was still living in Zeth, the Insect Users were still alive. She is horrified when she learns of their genocide.
*[[This Is Unforgivable!]]: When she was still living in Zeth, the Insect Users were still alive. She is horrified when she learns of their genocide.
* Trapped in Another World: During ''Rance 5D'', until her liberation by Rance and Sill.
*[[Trapped in Another World]]: During ''Rance 5D'', until her liberation by Rance and Sill.
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One of the closest friends of Magic, whom she often spends time with during their studies. She is a rather shady woman with a strange demeanor, as pointed out by Magic, who suspects her to be plotting something against her. During the events of ''Rance VI'', her actions subtly influence Magic, notably after her incident with Rance. Since then, she became more and more of a confidant to Magic, asking for advice regarding romance and sexuality. It later turns out Magic was right regarding a secret agenda, but not for the reasons she suspected: Eropicha ends up dating her former fiancé, Light General '''Alex Valse'''.
As of ''Rance X'', she appears as a playable character, currently engaged with Alex.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Eropicha include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Eropicha include:}}
* Big Beautiful Woman: Despite being plump, Rance acknowledges her as beautiful and her numerous experiences with men implies this.
*[[Big Beautiful Woman]]: Despite being plump, Rance acknowledges her as beautiful and her numerous experiences with men implies this.
* Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Subverted due to Magic being aware of some sort of hidden agenda from her, though she effectively took Alex from her at the end. Further seen in ''Rance X'' where it's shown they are still friends despite it.
*[[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Subverted due to Magic being aware of some sort of hidden agenda from her, though she effectively took Alex from her at the end. Further seen in ''Rance X'' where it's shown they are still friends despite it.
* The Chessmaster: Played for laughs. Most of her suspicious demeanor and strange advice to Magic were part of her plot to get Alex as her lover.
*[[The Chessmaster]]: Played for laughs. Most of her suspicious demeanor and strange advice to Magic were part of her plot to get Alex as her lover.
* Eyes Always Shut: She's never seen opening her eyes once in ''Rance VI''.
*[[Eyes Always Shut]]: She's never seen opening her eyes once in ''Rance VI''.
* Perpetual Smiler: Always seen with a smile, no matter how dire the situation. The sole exception happens in ''Rance X'' after King Gandhi's death.
*[[Perpetual Smiler]]: Always seen with a smile, no matter how dire the situation. The sole exception happens in ''Rance X'' after King Gandhi's death.
* Really Gets Around: She confesses to having slept with multiple men in the past, to the horror of Magic.
*[[Really Gets Around]]: She confesses to having slept with multiple men in the past, to the horror of Magic.
* Rose-Haired Sweetie: Zig-zagged. While she got Alex from Magic thanks to several circumstances including her own plan, she is actually nicer than expected and has a loving relationship with Alex. In ''Rance X'', Magic harbors no ill will towards her and they are still close friends.
* <!-- Rose-Haired Sweetie: Zig-zagged. While she got Alex from Magic thanks to several circumstances including her own plan, she is actually nicer than expected and has a loving relationship with Alex. In Rance X, Magic harbors no ill will towards her and they are still close friends. -->
* Smarter Than You Look: Despite having a strange Verbal Tic implying some sort of laziness for her, she is actually quite intelligent, to the point she's seen helping Magic in her homework by giving away answers. She also has a Level 1 Conversation Skill, allowing her to deceive people with words.
*[[Smarter Than You Look]]: Despite having a strange Verbal Tic implying some sort of laziness for her, she is actually quite intelligent, to the point she's seen helping Magic in her homework by giving away answers. She also has a Level 1 Conversation Skill, allowing her to deceive people with words.
* Verbal Tic: She has a tendency to lengthen vowels whenever she taaaaaaaaaaaalks.
*[[Verbal Tic]]: She has a tendency to lengthen vowels whenever she taaaaaaaaaaaalks.
* You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Pink in her case.
*[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Pink in her case.
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During the events of ''Rance VI'', she's deployed by Radon Alphorne to put a stop to Ice Flame actions, led by Rance. It ends in failure and her daughter Emi was injured as a result, inadvertently causing the fall of the country days later. Finally, she's convinced by the newly-transformed Fiend Abert to be his Lesser Apostle, and was freed after his defeat.
She appears in ''Rance X'', first possessed by the Fiend RedEye, and joins the Human Alliance after its defeat.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Anise include:}}
* Awesome, but Impractical: Regarding her military skills as a whole. She has god-like magic power but is too stupid to make good use of it.
* Beware the Silly Ones: An hopeless klutz and one of the most powerful mages in the Continent.
* Bumbling Sidekick: To Chizuko.
* The Chew Toy: Nothing good ever happens for her due to her sheer incompetence and her mistreatment by others.
* Cruel and Unusual Death: In ''Kichikuou Rance'', she is one of the candidates for the Flash, a Weapon of Mass Destruction requiring a living Magic User of great power to sacrifice.
* Dope Slap: She often gets them from Chizuko, especially in ''Kichikuou Rance''.
* Hyper-Competent Sidekick: Downplayed. When she briefly becomes Abert's Lesser Apostle during the True Final Boss of Rance VI, she is definitely the biggest threat of the fight. Inverted the rest of the time.
* Lethally Stupid: For someone who's famous for killing allies, it's mandatory.
* The Millstone: Despite her best efforts to help Chizuko, she mostly cause her trouble.
* Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: She actually destroys the mana battery she was supposed to protect!
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Anise include:}}
* The Pollyanna: Despite being The Chew Toy, she never loses her optimism.
*[[Awesome but Impractical]]: Regarding her military skills as a whole. She has god-like magic power but is too stupid to make good use of it.
* Power Incontinence: Despite her great power, she doesn't have much control over it, and actually injures allies and enemies alike. Downplayed in ''Rance X'' where she controls it good enough to be deployed on the battlefield.
*[[Beware the Silly Ones]]: An hopeless klutz and one of the most powerful mages in the Continent.
* Prison Dimension: One of her powers is to send people to another dimension to get rid of them.
*[[Bumbling Sidekick]]: To Chizuko.
* Red Baron: Ally-Killer Anise.
*[[The Chew Toy]]: Nothing good ever happens for her due to her sheer incompetence and her mistreatment by others.
* Took a Level in Badass: In Rance X, she has improved her control over magic and can actually be deployed on the battlefield.
*[[Cruel and Unusual Death]]: In ''[[Kichikuou Rance]]'', she is one of the candidates for the Flash, a Weapon of Mass Destruction requiring a living Magic User of great power to sacrifice.
* Unskilled, but Strong: One of the strongest mages in history, her clumsiness hinders much of her potential.
*[[Dope Slap]]: She often gets them from Chizuko, especially in ''Kichikuou Rance''.
* Unwitting Pawn: To the Fiend Abert, who manipulated her to be his Lesser Apostle until his defeat in ''Rance VI'', and the Fiend RedEye who's possessing her in the beginning of ''Rance X''.
*[[Hypercompetent Sidekick]]: Downplayed. When she briefly becomes Abert's Lesser Apostle during the True Final Boss of Rance VI, she is definitely the biggest threat of the fight. Inverted the rest of the time.
* World's Strongest Man: Regarding her Magic Skill Level of 3, she is considered one of the best Human Mages of the continent.
* <!-- Lethally Stupid: For someone who's famous for killing allies, it's mandatory. -->
*[[The Millstone]]: Despite her best efforts to help Chizuko, she mostly cause her trouble.
*[[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: She actually destroys the mana battery she was supposed to protect!
*[[The Pollyanna]]: Despite being The Chew Toy, she never loses her optimism.
*[[Power Incontinence]]: Despite her great power, she doesn't have much control over it, and actually injures allies and enemies alike. Downplayed in ''Rance X'' where she controls it good enough to be deployed on the battlefield.
* <!-- Prison Dimension: One of her powers is to send people to another dimension to get rid of them. -->
*[[Red Baron]]: Ally-Killer Anise.
*[[Took a Level in Badass]]: In Rance X, she has improved her control over magic and can actually be deployed on the battlefield.
*[[Unskilled but Strong]]: One of the strongest mages in history, her clumsiness hinders much of her potential.
*[[Unwitting Pawn]]: To the Fiend Abert, who manipulated her to be his Lesser Apostle until his defeat in ''Rance VI'', and the Fiend RedEye who's possessing her in the beginning of ''Rance X''.
*[[World's Strongest Man]]: Regarding her Magic Skill Level of 3, she is considered one of the best Human Mages of the continent.
=== Martina Curry ===
The most famous chief in the country, so much that her restaurant, "Sakura & Food", has customers from the entire Continent. She first appears in ''Rance VI'' as her restaurant is attacked by the Monster Army and later saved by Ice Flame. Afterwards, she reappears in ''Rance X'', having befriended the Fiend Galtia thanks to her great cooking skills.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Martina include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Martina include:}}
* Supreme Chef: The most reknowned in the Continent, so much that she can convince the Fiend Galtia to change sides in ''Kichikuou Rance''.
*[[Supreme Chef]]: The most reknowned in the Continent, so much that she can convince the Fiend Galtia to change sides in ''Kichikuou Rance''.
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=== Miracle Tou ===
A (in)famous individual known as the "Dark Witch", who befriended Patton Misnarge during a revolt in Zeth led by mages. She harbors tremendous magical powers on par with Anise Sawatari, able to create and copy spells on a whim, the most notable being her ability to travel between dimensions.
She has also a very prideful personality, spends her time mocking others and like to boast about her powers on top of using an archaic speaking style, but she's actually a good person despite claiming otherwise.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Miracle include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Miracle include:}}
* Dimensional Traveller: She developed magic that lets her travel to other realities, though she wasn't the first to do so (Archfiend Gai, at the very least, beat her to that punch).
*[[Dimensional Traveler|Dimensional Traveller]]: She developed magic that lets her travel to other realities, though she wasn't the first to do so (Archfiend Gai, at the very least, beat her to that punch).
* Dream Team: She's put together a theoretical one of the most skilled warriors in the world, which she calls her Twelve Knights. If she ever managed to get this group together, she believes she could easily take over the world.
*[[Dream Team]]: She's put together a theoretical one of the most skilled warriors in the world, which she calls her Twelve Knights. If she ever managed to get this group together, she believes she could easily take over the world.
* Red String of Fate: She's one of Rance's fated women, and does have a daughter by him in ''Rance X''.
*[[Red String of Fate]]: She's one of Rance's fated women, and does have a daughter by him in ''Rance X''.
=== Mysteria Tou ===
Miracle's grandmother, and one of the most prominent mages in the world. She is revealed to have taught several prominent mages across the series.{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Mysteria include:}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by Mysteria include:}}
* The Archmage: Despite only possessing a Level 2 magic skill, her experience and breadth of knowledge make her, in many ways, far more effective than a Level 3 magic user.
*[[The Archmage]]: Despite only possessing a Level 2 magic skill, her experience and breadth of knowledge make her, in many ways, far more effective than a Level 3 magic user.
* Master-Apprentice Chain: She taught both Rasghiss and Souzou Masou, both of whom in turn taught Shizuka. Shizuka also studied Mysteria's work to implement her Time Travel magic in ''Rance 02''.
*[[Master Apprentice Chain]]: She taught both Rasghiss and Souzou Masou, both of whom in turn taught Shizuka. Shizuka also studied Mysteria's work to implement her Time Travel magic in ''Rance 02''.
* Super Breeding Program: Following her ten pupils failing to impress her enough to choose a successor from among them, she instead chose to match her son with a suitable woman to bring forth an immensely powerful mage. Miracle Tou is the result of that effort.
*[[Super Breeding Program]]: Following her ten pupils failing to impress her enough to choose a successor from among them, she instead chose to match her son with a suitable woman to bring forth an immensely powerful mage. Miracle Tou is the result of that effort.
