Rance/Characters/Rance and Sill: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Sengoku Rance - Rance 1325.jpg|frame]]
=== Rance ===
{{quote|''[[Designated Hero|The main character of this story. No matter how you look at it, he is a violent criminal]]... no, excuse me... I mean a level 10 swordsman.''}}
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* [[Absurdly High Level Cap]]: Unlike other beings on the Continent, his Level Cap has no limits. The highest level he has ever attained was an unbelievable 560, which put him on par with higher-tier gods and let him overpower an ''Archfiend'' with pure force, but that was a special case and he lost those levels very rapidly afterwards.
* [[Accidental Hero]]: Much of the Horrible Judge of Character surrounding him comes from him accidentally saving the day only by following his instincts and desires.
*[[Achievements in Ignorance]]: He has stated he has no idea how Rance Attacks works, what causes it, and why only he can do it. He just knows it's a very powerful [[Razor Wind]] attack that he can do.
* [[Adaptational Heroism]]: Following the retcon of the ''Kichikuou Rance'' timeline, many instances of it can be found in the canonical games starting from ''Rance 5D'' onwards. The most notable exemples:
** Befriends and develops many relationships with various high-ranked individuals all over the world, while in ''Kichikuou Rance'' most of them were forced to work for him after being conquered.
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** Played straight in two endings of ''Kichikuou Rance'': '''King of the World''' ends with him as the tyrannical King of the entire Continent, and '''Demon King Rance''' involves him becoming the 8th Archfiend after killing Miki Kurusu with Satella.
* [[Ascended Glitch]]: In-Universe exemple. His lack of Level Cap is due to an oversight of the Soul Administrator Quelplan, but he was ultimately kept alive by the Gods due to his mischievous and selfish personnality, who expect him as a future Big Bad or Evil Overlord.
*[[Attractive Bent Gender]]: Let him visit the gender changing temple in [[Sengoku Rance]] and she gets to be one of the hottest female in the entire game. It also leads to a [[Nonstandard Game Over]].
**[[Identical Stranger]]: Said [[Attractive Bent Gender]] also happens to look ''exactly'' like Nobunaga's dead wife.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Ends up uniting the entire human race with him as the leader at the beginning of ''Rance X''.
*[[Awesome Moment of Crowning]]: It could have happened with Lia of Leazus in [[Rance I]] or Magic of Zeth in Rance VI, but he ran away from both of those princesses.
**In Kichikuou Rance, Rance marries Lia, the Queen of Leazas who was the princess of the first game in order to get Sill back from [[The Empire|Helman]] and proceeds to conquer the WHOLE WORLD!
* [[Badass Cape]]: Always wears a cape with his armor. It was white for the first few games and then changed it to green from ''VI'', onwards. His cape in ''IX'' and ''X'' have furs on it, making it look more regal.
*[[Badass Army]]: For the entire series, he had the occasion to command the armies of all major human countries: Leazas, Zeth, Nippon and Helman.
* [[Big Good]]: Becomes this in ''Rance X'', after uniting ''all'' of humanity behind him to fight agaisnt the Monster Army. {{spoiler|It's even more apparent when he becomes the Archfiend, which ends the Human Alliance and creates new conflicts in his absence}}.
*[[Battle Couple]]: With Sill Plain.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Harming women and especially children can make him go ballistic, and anyone causing harm to Sill will usually die.
*[[Big Good]]: Becomes this in ''Rance X'', after uniting ''all'' of humanity behind him to fight agaisnt the Monster Army. {{spoiler|It's even more apparent when he becomes the Archfiend, which ends the Human Alliance and creates new conflicts in his absence}}.
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: Rance runs on a very peculiar set of standards and morals. Essentially, he believes that he's a hero purely because the world rewards him for it, even though he often has no altruistic motives for his actions and tends to ruin lives for petty reasons. Due to this, he does whatever he feels like as long as he dosen't get punished for it.
* [[Born Lucky]]: He has a luck reading of "Great Fortune" on his side. This is the highest level of luck a person can possess.
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* [[Brilliant but Lazy|Brilliant, but Lazy]]: His infinite Level Cap could allow him to become more powerful than anything on the entire continent, if it weren't for him not bothering to train at all or take a long rest after an adventure causing it to reset back to the tens.
* [[Bring It]]: {{spoiler|His answer to the Blood Memories's power and transforming into every Archfiend basically boils down to this. He first says to keep fighting and defeat every Archfiend it transforms into while hearing about how horrible they were during their era which discourages even his children, he then one ups that in the Abel phase by saying that he doesn't care if his opponent is a Squidman or ''Dragon'' and somehow even one ups that by laughing at its final transformation into Kkulf Kkulf, because he realizes that it's playing its final trump card and that the fight is almost over.}}
*[[Brutal Honesty]]: Surprisingly on rare occasions, he's good at giving advice but he's often incredibly blunt.
* [[Bullying a Dragon]]: After being captured by the Dread Fiend Camilla in ''Rance VI'', he isn't afraid in the slightest and even says to her face ''his intention to have sex with her''. Bonus points since Camilla is an actual dragon.
* [[The Casanova]]: A successful ladies' man who doesn't care if he breaks other people's hearts and is mostly driven by his hormones? He qualifies.
* [[Calling Your Attacks]]: Whenever he uses one of his special techniques. Including his kicks, or in his first duel against Kenshin, ''Rance Cossack''.
*[[Can't Hold His Liquor]]: Despite his general badassery, he's not that good at handling alcohol, and drinks more than he should to appear more impressive.
*[[Cassandra Truth]]: Because of his personality and reputation, no one ever believes that he has saved countries from destruction and has defeated a former Archfiend along with several Fiends.
* [[Character Development]]: Gradually over the course of the series, but especially in ''Rance Quest'': between being without Sill and having the Morurun Curse placed on him by Pastel Kalar, which prevent sex with people below Level 35, he is forced to be somewhat more patient and calm compared to the previous games.
* [[Character Title]]: The series are named after him.
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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: His general behavior towards people and Insane Troll Logic makes him this, sometimes making meta commentary about role playing games in general.
* [[Collector of the Strange]]: His ''other'' hobby is collecting Shellfish shells, left behind from the era of the Round Ones. Finding a rare shell causes him greater happiness than even a beautiful woman, and he bursts into uncharacteristic childlike glee when he does obtain one. Probably the fastest way to become Rance's friend is to give him a rare shell. It was later partly explained in his backstory, where his mentor had one in the form of a necklace.
*[[Color-Coded for Your Convenience]]: He is most often referred to as "the guy in green" when people first see him.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: This is what makes him such a dangerous combatant. A good example would be when he was fighting against a Fiend that can shapeshift into someone's greatest fear. After learning this, he pretended that his greatest fear is a caterpillar, and immediately killed the Fiend when he transformed into such a weak form.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: In fact, he's so much of a moron that he can fall in very obvious traps (usually involving women), but always manages to escape these situations thanks to his abilities.
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** Defeating the Archfiend Jill in ''Rance III/03''.
** Defeating the Dread Fiend Camilla in ''Rance VI''.
** Reducing the Dread Fiend Xavier to a Blood Soul and defeating the Holy Beast Orochi in ''Sengoku Rance''.
** Defeating and reducing too many Fiends to count in the 2nd Fiend War, as being the leader of the Fiend Extermination Squad.
** {{spoiler|Killing the devil Neplacus with only one blow, while his first child, Dark Rance, who's also the strongest of his children, still had trouble fighting him before training in Poly Poly World.}}
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* [[Villain Protagonist]]: In ''Kichikuou Rance'', he has several Kick the Dog or Shoot the Dog moments who can cement him into an actual villain.
* [[Wacky Parent, Serious Child]]: Naturally he is the wacky parent to his serious children, to the point they passed out after seeing the ridiculous events that transpire around him<sup>note(Warning:''SPOILERS'')</sup> .
* [[Weakened by the Light]]: Looking at the sun causes him to sneeze. It's implied that this is a result of him desecrating a shrine to the God of Light in ''Rance III''.
* [[We Do the Impossible]]: He only subscribes in doing the impossible. Anything else is just below him. It's why by ''Rance X'', the entire world leaders trust him to be their leader. And in the True Final Boss fight of ''Part 2'', he defeats the cause of all the grief in the world.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: A lot of characters call him on it, but it fell on deaf ears in the first games. Later on, it's whether Rance deciding to go with it or not, and it depends on the characters present with him.
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* [[Younger Than They Look]]: He's only 18 in the first two games. Given how he acts, it's easy to assume he's older.
== Sill Plain ==
[[File:Sengoku Rance - Sill 4627.jpg|frame]]
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She has a staggering level cap of 80. This was not her original level cap, but after many sessions of sex with her master Rance it gradually rose to that point. She possesses Level 1 skills in Magic and Divine Magic, giving her options for offense and healing. While she's overshadowed by Level 2 users of those skills, she's still a very versatile mage and a great help to Rance in combat.
{{examplestropelist|Tropes exhibited by Sill include:}}
* [[Anime Hair]]: If one ever needs a reminder as to when the series was created, Sill's giant puffball of hair is a good sign that it was the tail-end of The '80s. An attempt was made to give her a more normal style in ''[[Kichikuou Rance]]'', but after the series changed artists it went right back to being fluffy.
* [[Artificial Human]]: {{spoiler|It is revealed at the very end of ''Rance X:Part 2'' that she was never unfrozen in the first place, due to the Archfiend's curse being too strong to be lifted. Instead, the Pope Crook Mofus opted for an alternative solution: using one of the treasures of Helman, she transferred her soul to a artificial body named "IP Body" and was effectively revived this way.}}
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* [[Nice Girl]]: Her main defining trait, and most of the people met by Rance remember her as such.
* [[One True Love]]: While Rance denies it constantly, the series makes clear multiple times she is this to him.
* [[Put Onon the Bus|Put On Thea Bus]]: She spends the entirety of ''Rance Quest'' and ''Rance IX'' stuck in ice, leaving her unable to influence the plot in any way.
* [[The Red Mage]]: Knows both healing and offensive spells, making her one of the best assets for Rance in his adventures.
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]: She fits the trope to a T, with her being one of the nicest characters in the series and very forgiving.
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* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Her signature pink hair.
MOD NOTE: There is content in this material which ‎Itasio deleted wholesale which should be included in any new subpages.
== Rance ==
=== Rance ===
[[File:Sengoku Rance - Rance 1325.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|''[[Designated Hero|The main character of this story. No matter how you look at it, he is a violent criminal]]... no, excuse me... I mean a level 10 swordsman.''}}
Our "[[Heroic Comedic Sociopath|hero]]". His main goal is to have sex with all of the women in the world.
Tropes associated with Rance:
* [[Absurdly High Level Cap]]: In-Universe and in most [[Rance]] games, he has no level cap, although in [[Sengoku Rance]] it's only up to level 99. [[Deus Sex Machina|He can even raise the level cap of anyone he has sex with.]]
* [[Achievements in Ignorance]]: He has stated he has no idea how Rance Attacks works, what causes it, and why only he can do it. He just knows it's a very powerful [[Razor Wind]] attack that he can do.
* [[Adult Child]]: At this point, he's basically a twenty-something with the mind of a really horny teenager.
** [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: He's not averse to killing people for trivial things like ruining his sandcastle, or just to test out Sill's healing power.
* [[Always Save the Girl]]: His number one modus operandi. Applies to '''ALL''' cute girls {{spoiler|even if they're the next Demon King. Sadly, this trope doesn't apply to the former Demon King Gil.}}
** This ''especially'' applies to Sill.
* [[Ambiguous Innocence]]: Has no idea that ''raping people is wrong''.
* [[Anything That Moves]]: To quote the [[All There in the Manual|Rance Chronicle]]:
{{quote|As long as she's cute or beautiful, he doesn't care for their personality.
Voluptuous, slender, virgin, slut, he likes them all.
Ages he finds them attractive: 15~29 }}
* {{spoiler|[[Attractive Bent Gender]]: Let him visit the gender changing temple in [[Sengoku Rance]] and she gets to be one of the hottest female in the entire game.}} It also leads to a [[Nonstandard Game Over]].
** {{spoiler|[[Identical Stranger]]: Said [[Attractive Bent Gender]] also happens to look ''exactly'' like Nobunaga's dead wife.}}
* [[Awesome Moment of Crowning]]: It could have happened with Lia of Leazus in [[Video Game/Rance I|Rance I]] or Magic of Zeth in Rance VI, but he ran away from both of those princesses.
** In Kichikuou Rance, Rance marries the Queen of Leazus who was the princess of the first game in order to get Sill back from [[The Empire|Helman]] and proceeds to conquer the WHOLE WORLD!
* [[Badass]]: Definitely the poster boy for the most badass person in [[AliceSoft]] games!
** [[Badass Army]]: Commands the armies of Leazus, Zeth, and JAPAN.
** [[Badass Cape]]: His signature clothes is his green suit with his cape.
** [[Badass Normal]]: Aside from having a magic sword and a [[Deus Sex Machina|unique hyper weapon]], he himself is an ordinary male human in almost all respects.
* [[Battle Couple]]: With Sill Plain.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Any kind of male who harms females in his presence will die, period. Anything worse than rape will get him angrier and angrier.
** And then in Rance 6 {{spoiler|he went completely ballistic when he found out about a brothel where the girls where terribly mistreated, and they even kidnapped a little girl he knew (horribly tortured, to the point she lost one eye and was really fearful of men). He killed lots of customers, the madame (one of the few exceptions to his usual behaviour of not killing females) and burned the place to the ground.}}
* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: Delivers quite a few throughout the game. He also ''played'' this trope at one time.
* [[Brutal Honesty]]: One of his defining traits, emphasis on ''brutal''.
* [[Calling Your Attacks]]: Rance Attack!
** [[Epic Fail]]: [[That Russian Squat Dance|Rance Cossack Dance]]!
* [[Can't Hold His Liquor]]: Despite his general badassery, he's not that good at handling alcohol.
* [[Cassandra Truth]]: No one ever believes that he has saved Leazus, Zeth, and Custom and has defeated a former Demon King and a few demons.
* [[Chaotic Neutral]]: While D&D alignments don't really work in characterizing him, this is essentially what he is. He knows that things like rape, murder, and stealing are bad. He just doesn't believe it's bad when HE does it.
* [[Character Title]]
* [[Collector of the Strange]]: Has a few different collections found in his treasure like shells, some fruits, food, and other things.
** In [[Sengoku Rance]], finding rare seashells in a certain dungeon gives the same amount of satisfaction as ''sex''. [[Better Than Sex|Really good sex, too!]]
* [[Color-Coded for Your Convenience]]: He is most often referred to as "the guy in green" when people first see him.
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: One of the reasons why he's such a formidable warrior. There's an example in Rance VI with a demon who could shapeshift into someone's greatest fear. His solution? {{spoiler|Imagine his fear was a tiny caterpillar.}}
* [[Cool Sword]]: Chaos is a sword capable of defeating demons. [[Empathic Weapon|He's also as horny as Rance.]]
** [[Evil Weapon]]: While not evil himself, it is said that an ordinary person would go insane if they held Chaos for too long. Fortunately, Rance is not an ordinary person.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Do ''not'' ever think this man is just a moron. He will show you just why he has command to '''three countries''', defeat demons, tie with the designated hero at that time (Arios) even though Arios has a ton of advantages against him, and have his way with the former Demon King.
* [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]: He could definitely fill up an entire library but the most epic one would have to be that it's '''HIS STORY''' for 10 games already and it's still ongoing whereas [[Final Fantasy]] series have different stories in them. To name just a few:
** Defeats ''and has sex with former Demon King Gele.''
** Saves towns, ''and countries'' just because he can.
** Has defeated quite a few demons himself and Xavier's now included in his list.
** Has three human kingdoms under his control.
** Gets a level down and ''still'' was able to fight to a ''draw'' with Arios the Hero of the generation. In a world where the Hero is broken, you got mad skills putting up a fight against him.
** Non-canon example. In Kikuchou Rance, he ''CONQUERS THE ENTIRE WORLD!!''
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GauhWG340dI&feature=related My Glorious Days.] Whenever you hear it, that song will inflict ''glorious minutes'' on you. Doubles as a [[Theme Music Power-Up]] tune whenever he does something epic. Otherwise, it's his ''default'' [[Rape Is Love]] music.
* [[Dangerous Forbidden Technique]]: His [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Kichiku Attack]], which is even more powerful than his [[Signature Move|Rance Attack]], but is said to have side effects.
* [[Deal with the Devil]]: Made one with Feliss in Rance 2, but he got out of it via [[Loophole Abuse]] while having his way with her.
* [[Designated Protagonist Syndrome]]: Most likely one of the earliest aversions in Japanese [[H-game|H Games]].
* {{spoiler|[[Driven to Suicide]]: In Rance Quest he discovers that there is no way to save Sill and attempts to kill himself through [[Out with a Bang|sex]].}}
** {{spoiler|Once he learns from Queen Lia that there is a way to save her, he recovers.}} {{color|white| Too bad she was lying.}}
** [[Expansion Pack|Rance Quest Magnum]] [[retcon]]s this, since {{spoiler|[[Word of God]] said that the ending was a bit ''too'' depressing, [[What Could Have Been|and the scenario that would spring from it in Rance 9 was scrapped.]]}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards|Even a Hedonistic Jackass Has Standards]]: He will NOT do anything remotely [[Lolicon]] (and is actually horrified of the idea), and despite how much of an ass he is to [[Morality Pet|Sill]], deliberately trying to hurt her or kill her will make him angry enough to make you [[Deader Than Dead]].
** Also, while he himself might be a borderline rapist personality wise, he generally believes women should be able to walk away having enjoyed the experience, hence why he gets extremely pissed off at {{spoiler|the [[Attempted Rape]] of Uesugi Kenshin and the actual rape of Kouhime in [[Sengoku Rance]].}}
* [[Fantasy Contraception]]: A spell Sill casts on him, though it has been stated that he knows other methods as well. {{spoiler|As of Rance Quest, the spell no longer works due to Sill being trapped in ice.}}
* [[Four-Star Badass]]: Though he is usually [[Walking the Earth]], he is a competent commander.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Sometimes at least. He knows that just because [[Sengoku Rance|Xavier]] fell out the window while basically disemboweled and bleeding everywhere does not mean he's dead.
* [[Giver of Lame Names]]: Well, his [[Signature Move]] is literally called the Rance Attack. And then we have the [[I Call Him "Mister Happy"|hyper weapon]]...
* [[Gratuitous English]]: His lines and catchphrases are peppered with it.
* [[Harem Seeker]]
* [[The Hedonist]]: If it has nothing to do with eating, sleeping, sex, or [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|shell collecting]], he isn't interested.
* [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath]] and [[Designated Hero]]: He may be this, but he's OUR hero.
* [[H-Game POV Character]]: Type V [[Played for Laughs]]. Has just enough scruples (not to mention he lives in an H Game universe that seems oddly tolerant of his actions) to avoid being a Type VI A, though he does have some aspects of the Type VI B. He also seems to have some shades of IV since there are some things even he is galled off by, and has a few moments in which he is a lot more gentle with the women.
* [[Horrible Judge of Character]]: Causes people to be this to ''him''. Somehow, he was even able to convince the king of Zeth that he was a noble person.
** {{spoiler|Even the gods judged him wrongly. They expected him to become an [[Evil Overlord]] that caused chaos onto humanity, so they would be entertained by the massive amounts of human suffering. Instead, Rance actually shortens the wars he's involved in and minimizes any human suffering. In Rance Quest Magnum, the goddess ALICE orders the new pope to kill Rance because he's creating too much peace.}}
** To be honest, Rance is the kind of person you wouldn't trust to keep the peace or to rule, but he is quite capable in erasing enemies, and no matter how dire is the situation, with the right motivation, he will prevail.
* [[Hospital Hottie]]: Played this trope once to rape a female general in VI.
* [[I Call It Vera|I Call It My Hyper Weapon]]
** In [[Sengoku Rance]], since he is basically [[The Man Behind the Man]] for the emperor (and hence the actual emperor), his semen is referred to as "imperial juice".
* [[Image Song]]: Can be found [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83tHxPnSFVs here]. Logically, it is a vocal remix of the theme song of Kichikuou (or Brutal King) Rance.
* [[Inexplicably Awesome]]: All we know of his origin is that he was a amnesiac four year old who was brought to Gomorrah Town by a [[Handicapped Badass|one-armed knight]] who died shortly afterwards. All the boy remembered was that his first name is Rance, so he called himself that. Furthermore, his lack of a Level [[Cap]] and the ability to raise the Level [[Cap]] of any character he has [[Deus Sex Machina|sex]] with are not explained. Heck, not even he knows how his [[Sword Beam|Rance Attack]] [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|works, only that it does.]]
* [[Jail Bait Wait]]/[[Wife Husbandry]]: He's perfectly fine with doing this, since he's not into lolis.
** He tries to invoke [[Wife Husbandry]] with {{spoiler|Reset Kalar}} in Rance Quest, but freaks out when he learns that [[Luke, You Are My Father|she actually is his daughter]].
* [[Jerkass]]: Most definitely. Also has a few [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|gold-plated moments.]]
* [[Leitmotif]]: Besides the above-mentioned My Glorious Days, there's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQPAMXbpzNw Go The Brutal Man], which plays in later games whenever Rance does less epic things.
* [[Lolicon]]: Explicitly averted. The point is made more than once that no matter how indiscriminate he is, he doesn't like little girls.
* [[Loveable Sex Maniac]]: You can't help but love the guy even with all of his acts. Hell, he even nabbed the top spot for the most famous male eroge character until they decided to keep it female only.
* [[Magnetic Hero]]: Partly because Rance is so [[Badass]], partly because [[Rape Is Love]], and partly because of many people [[Comically Missing the Point]]. The crowning example is in Kichikuou Rance.
{{quote|"For the sake of world peace, it is necessary for one nation to rule over all. Rance is willing to carry the forsaken name of the Conquerer in order to achieve world peace. He's definitely a great person." |Bales}}
* [[More Teeth Than the Osmond Family]]: The man has jagged shark teeth. It's one of the features that makes Kenshin fall for him.
** {{spoiler|A trait that he shares with his daughter, Reset.}}
* [[The Nicknamer]]: Gives out nicknames to other people.
* [[Nominal Hero]]: Saves entire countries so he can get laid in the process.
* [[No Name Given]]: Twenty years since his debut and we ''still don't know his last name.''
** [[Justified Trope]]: The only thing he remembered before he was adopted was that his first name was Rance. Since he was treated as the village chief's servant rather than his son, it's likely he has [[Only One Name|no last name at all]].
** For the record, since one needs a full name for registration purposes, Rance declared that his full name was [[Awesome McCoolname|Rance Super King]].
** Supposedly (on his character card), his last name is Claire, but even if that's true it's irrelevant as he never uses it anyway.
* [[No Pregger Sex]]: He loves sex, but he doesn't want any of his kids to be in the next generation. Hell, the first woman he even impregnated had an abortion causing him to take birth control seriously.
** He has some kids in Kikuchou Rance. While that game is considered non-canon, [[Canon Immigrant|some of the kids have been made canon with later games.]]
** He does have a son as revealed in Rance 6 thanks to his actions with him bounding the Devil [[Spell My Name with an "S"|Feliss]] and having sex with her on an unsafe day in Rance 5D. The name of the kid is [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Dark Rance.]]
** His second child is with {{spoiler|Isoroku}} as revealed in the epilogue of [[Sengoku Rance]].
** In Rance Quest, he has yet another child, {{spoiler|Reset Kalar}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Papa Wolf]]: His "no loli" rule especially applies to his daughter.}}
** [[Pervert Dad]]: {{spoiler|That didn't stop him from attempting [[Wife Husbandry]] on her before he realized Reset actually was his blood-related daughter. His reaction to the reveal is a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]].}}
* [[Pet the Dog]]: Although more of the time he is quite the [[Heroic Comedic Sociopath]], from time to time he does take actions to help those in need, much more often with little girls than adults or men. Kouhime and Alfra are good examples of situations when he put aside his usual nature and wholeheartedly helped others.
* [[Quest for Sex]]: His entire goal.
* [[Red Right Hand]]: Although he's not a villain, that [[Slasher Smile|big mouth]] [[More Teeth Than the Osmond Family|of his]] tells us that he's not exactly a perfect hero, either.
* [[Right Through His Pants]]: As said before, Rance usually doesn't care about the minor details.
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: Delivers a few of these to people who bring him and his secret country some troubles. [[Sengoku Rance|Ashikaga, Kensei, and Xavier found this the hard way.]]
* [[She's Not My Girlfriend|Sill Is Only My Slave And Nothing Else!]]: [[Everyone Can See It|Sure Rance, sure...]]
* [[Shoulders of Doom]]: To compliment his [[Badass Cape]].
* [[Signature Laugh]]: "Gahahaha"
* [[Sir Swearsalot]]: Badmouth is a battle skill in some of his games. Other than that, while he does swear somewhat more than the other people in the cast, it still isn't very often.
* [[Slasher Smile]]: His ''default'' smile.
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Sure, he's done some pretty impressive stuff, but his ego is twice as large.
* [[The Southpaw]]: Though it looks like he can use both hands, later games lean towards him using his left.
* [[Standard Hero Reward]]: Normally gained through [[Rape Is Love|non-standard means]]. Further played with since Rance usually runs away from these marriages.
* [[Stay in the Kitchen]]: Averted, strangely enough.
* [[Story-Breaker Power]]: He has an infinite level cap, gains experience easily compared to others in the world, and can increase the level cap of people he has sex with. [[Brilliant but Lazy|He's too lazy]] to put the first two to good use, though, and the third one just happens to coincide with his [[Quest for Sex|true goal]].
* [[Supporting Protagonist]]: Turns into this in all of the IF routes of [[Sengoku Rance]] except Kill the Monkey, which is basically just the same as the true route minus the demon army.
* [[Sword Beam]]: Even without Chaos, his Rance Attack is a sword beam by itself.
* [[Taught By Experience]]: Oh yes. The only reason why he is knowledgeable on killing demons permanently. And also the ton of crazy acts that he does.
* [[The Loins Sleep Tonight]]: In Rance Quest, he is cursed so that he cannot H anyone under level 35. [[Harem Seeker|Rance]] being [[Loveable Sex Maniac|Rance]], of course, he was almost [[Driven to Suicide]] because of it.
* [[Three-Way Sex]]: Has a ''foursome'' with the Mouri sisters in [[Sengoku Rance]].
** Also in [[Sengoku Rance]], he has shadow clone sex with Suzume, eventually becoming an ''elevensome''. Though the ninth one [[Rule of Funny|didn't really do anything]].
** That's nothing. In [[Rance II]], he has a ''''' {{spoiler|forty-onesome}}'''''. Technically, they were only manifestations of magical power, but still...
* [[The Greatest Story Never Told]]: For all the things that he has done in the Rance world, not a lot of people actually know him. Of course, they have their reasons like for Leazus, they never tell the existence of Rance due to Lia [[Clingy Jealous Girl|not wanting any more rivals than as is]], for Zeth, it's because they want to hide the truth to the public about what really happened to prevent panic. JAPAN may probably be the first one who would reveal the existence of Rance to the whole world.
* [[The Man Behind the Man]]: The secret ruler of Oda house in [[Sengoku Rance]].
* [[Tsundere]]: A rare male example to Sill Plain.
* [[The Unfettered]]: He will do pretty much ''anything'' to have sex with every beautiful woman in the world.
* [[Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist]]: Whether you like Rance or not, there's no doubt bad things happen to him simply for audience amusement value. {{spoiler|Except Sill being frozen.}}
* [[Victim Falls For Rapist]]: He expresses his love for women with his [[Unusual Euphemism|hyper weapon]], whether they want him to or not. Most of them don't want it at the start start, but, [[Victim Falls For Rapist|well...]]
** [[Black Comedy Rape]]: Especially when it [[Double Standard Rape (Female on Male)|happens to]] ''[[Double Standard Rape (Male on Male)|him]]''.
{{quote|You mean my '''ASS''' is in danger!?}}
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Him and Chaos. Doubles as an [[Intergenerational Friendship]] seeing as Chaos is at least a few thousand years old while Rance is twenty-three.
* [[Warrior Therapist]]: He's surprising good at helping others with their psychological problems, which is why he ends up being so charismatic despite his negative points.
* [[Weirdness Magnet]]: {{spoiler|Is seemingly able to attract other balance breakers to himself.}}
* [[Would Hit a Girl]]: Just ask Sill. Very rarely will he outright ''kill'' one, though.
== Sill Plain ==
=== Sill Plain ===
[[File:Sengoku Rance - Sill 4627.jpg|frame]]
{{quote|''[[White Mage|A magic user]] bought by Rance. A spell of obedience has been casted on her so she can't act against Rance's will. (By this time the spell has possibly lost its effect [[Happiness in Slavery|but]]..)''}}
Rance's "slave", [[Unresolved Sexual Tension|read as Rance's most cherished person.]] She travels alongside Rance wherever he goes and is pretty much with him after being bought as a slave. She still wears her slave collar even though that collar has no more effect on her due to Rance.
Tropes associated with Sill Plain:
* [[Eighties Hair]]: Referred to as "the fluffy-haired girl" by quite a few characters. And yes, that is a fro pick in her picture.
* [[Absurdly High Level Cap]]: Due to having sex with Rance multiple times, she has one of the highest level caps in the series.
* [[Badass Adorable]]: Oh hell yes!
* [[Battle Couple]]: With Rance as the attacker and Sill as the mage.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: She gets abused all the time by Rance. He still cares about her a whole lot.
* [[Combat Medic]]: She is not as powerful as other magic users in the series, but she can take care of herself in a fight.
* [[Detached Sleeves]]: Her outfit in [[Sengoku Rance]] has partially detached sleeves, as shown in her picture.
* [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?]]: Word for word to boot.
* [[Damsel in Distress]]: The plots of Rance III, Kichikuou Rance, and Rance VI start with her getting kidnapped. Note these are also the games where Rance ends up ''conquering countries''.
* {{spoiler|[[Dude, She's Like, in a Coma|Dude She's Like Frozen Solid]]: Delivered after a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] in [[Sengoku Rance]] by pushing Rance out of the way.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Fetal Position Rebirth]]: Actually more of a Fetal Position Refreezing, but the imagery is certainly invoked during the ending of Rance Quest Magnum.}}
* [[Happiness in Slavery]]: Anyone else in Sill's place would have left Rance already.
** That said, if you know what he saved her from, her [[Undying Loyalty]] makes a lot of sense.
* [[An Ice Person]]
* [[Informed Ability]]: We do see it in the previous Rance games but she can apparently do mind reading, and cooking as well. Her cooking ability, however, is instrumental in taking over the Tokugawa house.
* [[Leitmotif]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNbrdFKqmlc Sill's Theme]. A [[Dark Reprise|slower, sadder version of it]] plays {{spoiler|when we see her frozen after [[Sengoku Rance]].}}
** [[Nostalgic Music Box]]: The [[Dark Reprise]], [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQBwIjjU9kw Theme of Sill -orgole-].
* [[Love Martyr]]
* [[Playing with Fire]]: [[Calling Your Attacks|Take this! Fire blast!]]
** [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]: No, seriously.
* [[Morality Pet]]: The only person who can keep Rance in check whether he believes it or not.
** If she dies, Rance can potentially {{spoiler|become the most evil [[Evil Overlord|Demon King]] ever. The last [[Evil Overlord|Demon King]] deserving of that title had [[People Farms]]!}}
* [[No Ontological Inertia]]: {{spoiler|Her contraception spell stopped working once she got frozen.}}
* [[Older Than They Look]]: You may think she's just a teenager until you realize that she's 20 years old.
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]
* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Slave Collar]]: Keeps it on even when she doesn't need to.
* [[Stripperific]]: Back in the old Rance games; she averts this trope in [[Sengoku Rance]]. You could still see her old clothes if you play the Rance 2 remake.
** [[Go-Go Enslavement]]
* [[Sword and Sorcerer]]: Sill has the skills to be both the [[Glass Cannon]] in the Type I version and the Healer of the Type II version, but since Rance is plenty powerful and the lack of healer type characters in general, she is usually used as the Healer.
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]: Good at cooking and cleaning? Yes. Devoted? ''[[Happiness in Slavery|Very]]''. She was also from a noble family before being sold into slavery.
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