Ranma and Akane: A Love Story: Difference between revisions

added ranma franchise template
(better choice of trope)
(added ranma franchise template)
(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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* [[Astral Projection]]: Ranma sends her soul out into another plane of existence to rescue Sayuri's soul in chapter 5. Quite against her express instructions, Akane comes along for the ride.
* [[Aura Vision]]: Ranma teaches this to Akane, who finds it overwhelming at first.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Ranma deliberately (or maybe not) projects this impression of herself to the boys assembled to battle Akane on the first morning she goes to Furinkan. (It's not entirely a ''false'' impression, either -- as she tells Akane several hours later, just six months earlier she would have gone ahead and slaughtered them all, laughing all the while.)
* [[Baseball Episode]]: The side story ''Interconnections'' is largely about an abbreviated three-inning game between the Furinkan (boys') baseball team and the former Furinkan girls' softball team, recently upgraded (by Ranma) to baseball, intended to prove to the boys' coach that the girls could play on the same level.
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: Twelve-year-old Ranma gets this way about "Kee-imoutosan" -- who's at least ten years older than her.
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* [[Death Seeker]]: Ranma, according to [[Word of God|an author's note]], has a death-wish. Nabiki's noticed this as of chapter 6.
* [[Disintegrator Ray]]: Ranma's "Butterfly's Kiss" attack.
* [[Disproportionate Retribution]]: Ranma acknowledges that the amount of damage she did to a boy named Takuichi Daikun, who had "earned" the position of lead for that morning's <s>challenge</s> attack on Akane, was far in excess of what was necessary, and will (rightfullyrightly) cause her trouble in the future.
* [[The Ditz]]: Strongly implied of Masuda Kee, a young prostitute Ranma met in Hong Kong, whom she describes as having been "badly in need of someone to tell her to come in out of the rain". Ranma also describes her as "enjoying her work too much to pay attention to business".
* [[Due to the Dead]]:
** In the second opening of the story, someone -- later revealed to be Ranma -- is giving a proper burial to a band of bandits whom he killed.
** The memorial service for the Furinkan students killed in Jei's attack.
* [[Eldritch Location]]: Everywhere Ranma and Akane end up during the rescue of Sayuri. Every location they visit is acknowledged to be a metaphysical and even metaphorical plane, and areis prone to reacting to their desires as well as mutating to challenge them. Some have very specific "physical" laws, such as The Starless Sea, where lies and falsehoods are simply not allowed''possible''.
* [[Epiphany (trope)|Epiphany]]: Akane finally realizes and accepts the full depth of her feelings for Ranma only when it seems that they have parted for the very last time. At the same time Ranma acknowledges her own feelings for Akane.
* [[Everyone Can See It]]: The depth of Ranma and Akane's feelings for each other after just a week or two are so obvious to everyone else that Nabiki not only deduced it before they did, she's convinced that they are lovers (which they aren't yet) and tries to catch them at it. In fact, just about everyone who's spent any amount of time with them is convinced they're physically intimate, and as of chapter 7 Kuno has put himself in charge of protecting their "secret and forbidden love" from anyone or anything that would threaten it.
* [[Everything Fades]]: Akane performs a kata with Isileth, opening herself up to a vision-like experience of the sword's history, and fights a series of battles with it; every foe she defeats is explicitly described as fading away as they fall.
* [[Eye Scream]]: A demon claws out one of Akane's eyes just after she gets Sayuri across the symbolic/metaphorical wall separating Hell from the mortal world.
* [[Extremely Short Timespan]]: The extant material -- starting with Ranma's arrival in Nerima and including the quantum leap in Akane's skills, the battle of Furinkan and an excursion into Hell -- all takes place in the course of about three weeks. And the first three chapters cover the first three days Ranma is in Nerima, one chapter to each day.
* [[Fanon]]: An odd mix of mostly accepted (Ranma stuttering when she says "cat", using the term "bonbori" for Shampoo's maces, numberednamed-and-namednumbered cries for Soun Tendo, Nabiki's moneymaking keeps the dojo afloat) and oddly averted ("Kyuumu" instead of the fandom-standard "Kimiko" for the name of the late Mrs. Tendo).
* [[Fantastic Fighting Style]]: Ranma's unnamed Art, which incorporates bare handed techniques, gunplay, sword, war fan and god only knows what other weapons, along with a ki mastery that verges upon (and sometimes actually ''is'') magic.
* [[Five-Finger Discount]]: Ranma, among her other skills, is a masterful pickpocket -- so much so that she was able to take Nabiki's money belt, count her take from the day, ''and'' put it all back on her, without Nabiki noticing.
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* [[Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress]]: Gravitational Cognizance is in play when Ranma forces Akane to fight on top of a fence for several minutes, during which Akane easily keeps her balance. She only falls off when they're done and Ranma actually brings her footing to her attention.
* [[Greasy Spoon]]: "Gally's", a tiny hole-in-the-wall burger joint tucked away inobtrusively in Nerima, run by Gally of ''[[Gunnm]]''. Given the burgers she's described as making, she clearly caters to [[Big Eater]]s.
* [[Hammerspace]]: Referred to as "jacket-space" in the story. Ranma has some manner of "hidden weapons"-style storage in which she keeps (at the very least) her sword, a pair of fans, an [[Hand Cannon|IMI Desert Eagle]], a kursari-gama, a bamboo flute and a guitar.
** By chapter 5, Akane has her own jacket-space, in which she has started to carry a few favored weapons.
** In part B of chapter 7, Yuka, Sayuri and Kodachi all pull telephone books out of nowhere to whap Hiroshi with when he makes an off-color comment.
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* [[If It's You It's Okay]]: After a few days of angsting over her attraction to Ranma (whom she's only known as female), Akane has an [[Epiphany (trope)|epiphany]] during the fight in Hell and basically says, "screw it, I love her!"
* [[In a Single Bound]]: Ranma makes a series of stupendous leaps over hordes of demons as part of the battle in Hell.
* [[In Spite of a Nail]]: Despite the radically different course her life has taken, Ranma still has a Jusenkyo gender curse, but has had it for much ''longer'' than in canon. It's explained that she went to Jusenkyo not(identified longby Genma as where she'd be "tested" in six years) to scout it out after partinggetting wayscontrol withof Genma,the Neko-ken -- while still prepubescent (which no doubt contributed to her apparent gender fluidity).
* [[In the Name of the Moon]]: Kodachi ''attempts'' to deliver such a speech in the midst of the fight with Jei, but all it does is [[Reality Ensues|allow him an attack of opportunity on her]] before she's halfway through.
* [[Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence]]: The low wall between the outskirts of Hell and the mortal world is ''almost'' this; it's hinted that despite appearing totally inanimate, it is a [[Threshold Guardians|Threshold Guardian]].
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: Averted between Ranma and [[Usagi Yojimbo|Miyamoto Usagi]], although not for lack of interest on Ranma's part judging from the account she gives the Tendo sisters.
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** Later, however, Kasumi witnesses Ranma and Akane using advanced ki/magical techniques to clean and repair the dojo after a particularly energetic and destructive training session and is stunned. She ends up imagining a school of "Domesticity Martial Arts" she could learn and use in her day-to-day life.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: The family name in the [[Nom-de-guerre]] Ranma is using -- "Bushiko" -- means "warrior child" in Japanese.
* [[Mentor Ship]]: Set up between Ranma and Akane. However, Ranma's choice of gender to present as in Nerima causes problems -- but eventually [[Character Development]] as well.
* [[Mismatched Eyes]]: After her astral body's left eye is damaged/destroyed during the battle in Hell in chapter 5, Akane Tendo's actual left eye becomes solid black with swirling clouds of red and gold -- and sometimes flashes entirely metallic gold.
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: Just about everyone who's realized that Ranma and Akane are in love with each other assume that they are also ''sexually'' involved. As of where the story cuts off, they haven't gotten anywhere close to that ("it's not time for this story to go [[Lemon|lemon]] yet", the [[Lemony Narrator]] says at one point).
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* [[Off with His Head]]:
** Ranma ends her "duel" with Kuno early in the story by demonstrating that she can easily take his head, but has the control to turn the killing blow into the barest touch against his neck.
** Only two days later, Ranma manages to decapitate Jei in the battle at Furinkan, but it doesn't "stick" -- [[Losing Your Head|Jei's head and body somehow reassemble themselves]] and he keeps fighting.
** Akane relieves more than a few demons of their heads in the process of getting Sayuri back to the mortal world.
* [[Older Than They Look]]: ''Strongly'' implied of Ranma. She is too accomplished and world-weary, too well-spoken and educated, with far too much history, to be the seventeen years old the calendar insists she is. Not when she has the means to [[Time Travel]] and dimension travel. ([[Word of God|An author's note]] confirms that Ranma's experienced ten subjective years of life and adventures in the five calendar years during which she had been traveling after getting the Neko-ken under control.)
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* [[Orphean Rescue]]: When Sayuri's soul is trapped in the wake of an encounter with a demonic enemy of Ranma's, Ranma and Akane storm the hell dimension where it's held in [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/179718/5/Ranma-and-Akane-A-Love-Story chapter 5]. Played with slightly in that Sayuri manages her own immediate escape from captivity within the demonic fortress where she's held, but the entire process -- and indeed her final return to the mortal/living world -- follows the outline of the classic Orphean Rescue.
** Ranma and Akane must effect an Orphean Rescue of themselves, after they get Sayuri out and are forced to escape the forces of Hell and the First of the Fallen by breaking through to The Starless Sea. Several times Ranma has to stop Akane from turning back, or even just pausing.
* [[Overly Long Name]]/[[Name That Unfolds Like Lotus Blossom]]: The full name of "The Dream of Jade" in Hong Kong is "The Dream of the Jade Pagoda of the Golden Door of Infinite Bliss".
* [[Painting the Medium]]/[[Unconventional Formatting]]: During Ranma and Akane's fall through/into/through The Starless Sea, the formatting of the narrative changes from conventional paragraphs to short phrases arranged in vertical stacks to give the sense of downward motion, and continues it over several pages to emphasize their [[I Fell for Hours|seemingly interminable fall]].
* [[Pinky Swear]]: After they survive Jei's attack on Furinkan, Ranma and Akane make a pinky promise to be friends forever.
* [[Playing with Fire]]: At the end of the side story "Training Sequence", Akane is able to conjure a flame into her hand (much to her own surprise) as a result of a training exercise. Sadly, this story takes place far too close to the end of extant main story material for us to see any developments based on it in the main plot.
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** In her fight with Kuno, Ranma makes it clear she could have easily decapitated him.
** When Ranma's enemy Jei attacks her at Furinkan, it results in considerable collateral damage, including the deaths of nearly twenty students.
** And when Kodachi involves herself in the fight with Jei, her attempt to deliver an [[In the Name of the Moon]] speech only [[Reality Ensues|gives the creature an opportunity to attack her]], resulting in a broken leg, a disfiguring injury and an extended hospital stay.
* [[Samurai]]: Even though he was Hong Kong [[Yakuza]], Ranma acknowledges that Kai was a samurai and respects his honor even while regretting that it set them against each other.
* [[Satan]]: "The First of the Fallen" shows up at the end of the battle in Hell. Ranma was half-expecting it during the fight and was hoping to [[Suicide Mission|go out in a blaze of glory attempting to take The First down with her]]. However, The First doesn't show until Akane's rescued Ranma from the battle, and she's no longer close enough to strike at him -- although the two of them are certainly within range of The First. They run.
* [[Seen It a Million Times]]: Invoked by the [[Lemony Narrator]], who applies it to the standard opening of a ''[[Ranma ½]]'' fanfic, which it then manages to summarize in ''fourteen words'' ("Rain. Postcard. Kitchen. Bed. Dojo. Bricks. 'FIANCE'?!' Girl. Panda. Fight. CLONG! GROWF! Knock. Ranma.") which cover most of the first episode.
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* [[Shock and Awe]]: Ranma employs a number of electrical/storm/lightning effects as part of her art. Some of them are ''massive''.
* [[Signature Song]]: Garnet Rogers' [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV8Wvdohp4g "Summer Lightning"] -- according to the narration, Akane would eventually "come to regard it as the song closest to her understanding of Ranma's true heart". Ranma's performance of it in music class closes out part B of chapter 1, and both she and Akane sing it together and separately several times in the course of the extant material.
* [[Standard Hero Reward]]: High School version: Although it happens entirely off-screen, Sayuri's bravery in the face of Daken's first attempt to ambush Ranma and Akane at Furinkan earns her a very nice date with a very nice boy. Sadly, it coincidentally puts her in the wrong place to be the victim of a [[Trojan Horse]] gambit by one of Ranma's old enemies.
* [[The Stations of the Canon]]: Utterly averted, as the narrator notes at the beginning. ''Nothing'' in this story follows the usual conventions of a ''Ranma'' fic.
* [[The Storyteller]]: Ranma, and she's very good at it. Combined with her tendency to sing at the drop of a hat (not to mention her skill with a guitar), she approaches being a [[The Bard|bard]].
* [[Stunned Silence]]: [[Gunnm|Gally]] spins and stares at Ranma with a look of utter shock when Ranma informs her she's taken Akane as a student.
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* [[The Time of Myths]]: Invoked when the narration explains the backstory of the Invincibles. They ''ended'' the age of myth and legend, and ushered in the age of humanity.
* [[Time Travel]]: When her time in Hong Kong came to a tragic end, Ranma was given the Nanban Mirror (a canon time travel device from ''Ranma ½''). She's used it quite a bit over the past six and a half years, and has lived almost twice that, subjectively, thanks to both time travel and ''dimensional travel'' with it.
* [[Torture Always Works]]/[[Break the Cutie]]: Absolutely averted with Sayuri's torment at the hands of demons in Hell (a fact complained anoutabout at one point by their superior). Sayuri reaches a point where she is ''bored'' by her torture and is able to more or less ignore it while she plans what she'll do when she gets loose.
* [[Transgender]]: Ranma appears to be thoroughly genderfluid, treating her physical sex much like a choice of clothing. She's so unconcerned about it that she actually flips a coin to determine whether to use a male or female identity when settling down in Nerima. This is probably due (at least in part) to receiving her Jusenkyo curse before puberty and going through sexual maturation in both bodies at once.
** That said, it's also strongly hinted that she's pansexual, between an admitted attraction to a ''male humanoid rabbit'' and casually mentioning that she learned all about sex in a Hong Kong brothel.
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** If you visit the Wayback Machine archive linked above in the main text, you'll find that every chapter has at least a couple pieces of music associated with it (with now-dead links to MP3s).
* [[The Watson]]: Akane plays this role in the side story "Training Sequence", as Ranma spends most of the story explaining deeper and more complex elements of martial arts and its related disciplines than Akane was ever exposed to, as a necessary first step before expanding her training.
* [[Well, This Is Not That Trope]]:
* [[Well, This Is Not That Trope]]: After the first scene of Sayuri's torture in Hell, which starts with "A demon was raping her", another scene shortly afterward begins "A demon was torturing her ... no, wait; it was only her physical therapist." It turns out to be a passage about Kodachi in the hospital.
** After summarizing the usual start of a ''Ranma'' fic in fourteen words, and noting that you've no doubt [[Seen It a Million Times]], the narrator then flatly announces, "This story doesn't start like that."
* [[Well, This Is Not That Trope]]: * After the first scene of Sayuri's torture in Hell, which starts with "A demon was raping her", another scene shortly afterward begins "A demon was torturing her ... no, wait; it was only her physical therapist." It turns out to be a passage about Kodachi in the hospital.
* [[Written Sound Effect]]: The sound of Ranma's last strike in the canyon battle in Hell:
{{quote|The canonical sound-effect for this type of action is:
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