Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey: Difference between revisions

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* [[Masquerade]]: As it turns out, the story takes place in the dystopian future where urban dwellers are separated into two social classes, the Daytimers and the Nighttimers, the latter's lifestyle involving demolition derbies known as Party Crashing.
* [[My Girl Is a Slut]] / [[My Girl Is Not a Slut]] : Played around with very complexly with Echo. {{spoiler|She is not a slut, but she makes a living off pretending to be one, telling her clients a story of sexual abuse and exploitation so horrible that they can't bring themselves to have sex with her and keep her on the payroll out of pity.}}
* [[My Grandson, Myself]]: By the conclusion of the narrative, {{spoiler|it's revealed that three characters are the same person from different timelines, one of which has been elevated to a superhuman level of power by raping his own mother and becoming a walking, breathing [[Time Paradox]], and the other two trying to stop this from happening.}}
* [[No Longer With Us]]: Inverted. {{spoiler|Rant's not dead. He's just in the past trying to stop himself from killing his mother.}}
* [[No Periods, Period]]: [[Averted Trope|Ha ha,]] [[Squick|you wish.]]
* [[The Nose Knows]]: Rant has a supernatural sense of smell, allowing him to divine people's health from their scent, and being able to be able to identify women by...[[Squick|well, see above.]]
* {{spoiler|[[Oedipus Complex]]}}: This does not even begin to describe {{spoiler|Green Taylor Simm's problems.}}
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[[Category:Small Genres and Unclassified Literature]]