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Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey: Difference between revisions

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** Everything Neddy Nelson says.
** Reporting for Graphic Traffic, this is Tina Something...
* [[Can't Take Anything Withwith You]]
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: Many minor characters consistently ramble about grand conspiracies, paranormal activities and seemingly nonexistent technologies that may lead the reader to ignore them. {{spoiler|Most of them are spot on.}}
** There's a big example early on, when one of the minor characters goes on about a conspiracy theory {{spoiler|involving Jack the Ripper time-traveling to become his own father.}}
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* [[My Girl Is a Slut]] / [[My Girl Is Not a Slut]] : Played around with very complexly with Echo. {{spoiler|She is not a slut, but she makes a living off pretending to be one, telling her clients a story of sexual abuse and exploitation so horrible that they can't bring themselves to have sex with her and keep her on the payroll out of pity.}}
* [[My Grandson, Myself]]: By the conclusion of the narrative, {{spoiler|it's revealed that three characters are the same person from different timelines, one of which has been elevated to a superhuman level of power by raping his own mother and becoming a walking, breathing [[Time Paradox]], and the other two trying to stop this from happening.}}
* [[No Longer Withwith Us]]: Inverted. {{spoiler|Rant's not dead. He's just in the past trying to stop himself from killing his mother.}}
* [[No Periods, Period]]: [[Averted Trope|Ha ha,]] [[Squick|you wish.]]
* [[The Nose Knows]]: Rant has a supernatural sense of smell, allowing him to divine people's health from their scent, and being able to be able to identify women by...[[Squick|well, see above.]]
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