Ratatouille: Difference between revisions

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** Although since the most popularly taught second language in the UK is French (also the country's closest neighbour) as opposed to the USA's Spanish, it kind of makes sense that the creators would presume more UK viewers wouldn't need the text translating for them.
** Also, Gusteau's is called a five-star restaurant, rather than having to explain that for élite restaurants (e.g. Michelin Guide) the highest rating is three stars (almost all restaurants would get zero stars).
*** Also not really a case of assuming viewers are morons, and more a case of simple knowledge that the Michelin Guide rating system is not as well-known in America.
* [[Villainy-Free Villain]]: Anton Ego fits this trope to a T. He seems less interested in doing his job and more interested in acting on some bizarre vendetta against Gusteau's.
* [[Visual Pun]]: Skinner's humiliating ousting from the restaurant and subsequent creepy determination to prove that a rat is involved somehow ends up driving him in Seine.