Real Women Don't Wear Dresses: Difference between revisions

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Contrast [[Kicking Ass in All Her Finery]].
== [[Anime and Manga]] ==
* In ''[[Sailor Moon (Manga)|Sailor Moon]]'', the infamous [[Stay in The Kitchen]] remarks by Jadeite in the first season, where he takes [[The Worf Effect|Tuxedo Kamen out of the fight]] and then mocks the girls. Moon, Mercury and Mars responded with a [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] and an awesome [[Car Fu|Three Plane Fu]].
{{quote| '''Jadeite''': Can’t you do anything without the help of a man? Women are such foolish creatures in the end!<br />
'''Mars''': Hah! Only old men think that they’re better than women in these days! <br />
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** A recurring element in the [[Nasuverse]] is extremely powerful females (often most powerful in the series), both physically and mentally, with big responsibilities. Nonetheless, every single one of them wears either a dress, a skirt, a kimono, or some kind of dressy attire. The only exceptions are the Aozaki sisters and Rider in her casual clothing (though Aoko does wear a skirt as part of her school uniform in her younger days). The dresses do nothing to diminish their strength as a character though, and most have better things to worry about then what it is they are wearing and petty gender wars on dress codes, with the exception of Saber since her battle dress does provide her with protection.
* Subverted and averted ''as all hell'' with Roberta from ''[[Black Lagoon]]''. This woman is practically the embodiment of [[Badass]], wears her hair in braids, and has a maid dress on 95% of the time. And her motherly/sisterly love for [[Morality Pet|Garcia]], the child she takes care of, is one of her defining traits... [[Mama Bear|and one of the reasons]] ''[[Dark Action Girl|why]]'' [[Implacable Man|she is]] [[Made of Iron|so badass.]]
** Balalaika as well. The most powerful and badass woman in [[The Mafiya]] is a long-haired [[Lady of War]] who wears more often than not [[Hot Chick in A Badass Suit|a business suit with a long skirt]], and her feminine attire doesn't disminish her badassery either. Maybe the [[Good Scars, Evil Scars|scars have something to do with it]], or the [[Slasher Smile]]...
* Beautifully averted in ''[[Saiunkoku Monogatari]]''. Female lead Shuurei is able to be successful in a male-dominated society through brains and hard work, and she's allowed to be as feminine as she wants while she's doing it. When Shuurei prepares to take the Imperial Examinations in the hopes of becoming the first woman to qualify to hold government office, her erstwhile employer and sometimes mentor gives her the gift of a fully-stocked cosmetics case, to remind her to see her femininity as a strength.
* In ''[[Freezing]]'', it's interesting to try to apply this trope to the main character, Sattelizer L. Bridgette. As a child, she was {{spoiler|sexually abused by her half-brother}}, resulting in her having a [[Hates Being Touched|paralyzing fear of being touched]]. At her mother's deathbed, she was told to never give up and not take shit from anyone any longer, and a little later on she became a [[Super Soldier]] Action Girl. However, rather that this solving all her problems as per this trope, this in fact ''did not help at all'', as this did nothing for her fear and resulting in her savagely beating the crap out of anyone who came close to her, causing her to be feared and hated by all. It's only when she falls in love with a ''male'', [[Non -Action Guy|Aoi Kazuya]], the first guy to be nice to her, that she slowly starts to get over her problems and work on them.
* Averted with Izumi Curtis from ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (Manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'', who is one of the most terrifyingly badass characters in the manga despite dressing in an unelaborate feminine way and proudly describing herself as a "[[Housewife]]".
* Rico in ''[[Gunslinger Girl]]'' isn't used to wearing dresses. When she's forced to wear a dress in order to move unnoticed in an opera house in order to assassinate her target she says that a dress is "too loose." It may be more understandable in her case: she loathes the idea of being restrained in any way {{spoiler|since she's an ex [[Ill Girl]] who was in an hospital bed for years.}}
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** Charity Carpenter. A good catholic housewife who's popped out several kids by the start of the series, and is generally around to tend to the wounded when her husband brings his work home with him...until her daughter is kidnapped by faeries, and she puts on armor, grabs a sword and warhammer, and goes [[Mama Bear]] [[Storming the Castle|like you wouldn't believe]]. Also, she makes and keeps her husband's armor. And is his sparring partner.
* Rachel and Cassie are inversions of this trope in the ''[[Animorphs (Literature)|Animorphs]]'' series. Easily the toughest, most blood-thirsty, aggressive warrior of the entire group, but between her and Cassie, Rachel is by far the more womanly. At the beginning of the series (until it stops mattering), Rachel is described as a leggy, well-dressed, beautiful blonde who loves to go shopping and cares a great deal about outward appearances and often insists on improving Cassie's wardrobe and goes shopping for the entire group when clothes are needed on the fly. Cassie on the other hand is the more feminine in nature, broken-hearted for everything that ''breathes'', is the most hesitant to do battle and yet is the one who can't dress.
* Similar to the Animorphs example is the ''Spy High'' series, where beautiful, blonde, fashionable Lori is arguably the most ruthless of the team, especially when provoked; whereas the less looks-conscious Cally is [[The Heart]] of the [[Five -Man Band]] and eventually wins the love of leading man Ben. Bex, the biggest [[Action Girl]] of the team, rejects feminine dress and looks completely; with punk clothes, many piercings, and short spiky [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|green hair]].
* In ''[[Tortall Universe|Song of the Lioness]]'', Alanna starts out hating the fact that she's a girl and wishing she were a boy, and part of her [[Character Development]] is coming to accept her femininity.
** In the fourth book, while she and Liam are snowed in at an inn, she basically decides "screw it" and puts on a nice dress. Liam is scornful of this "softness," which serves as an indication that their relationship isn't going to work out.
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** Played with in another episode. Hayley makes a video of Francine, mocking her status as a typical housewife who sews, cooks, and cleans. Francine is distraught and recieves a fake doctor's license, then works for the handicapped mafia. Things get out of hand, but once Francine takes care of things Hayley apologizes for claiming Francine couldn't do anything important.
* Deconstructed in ''[[Wonder Woman (Film)|Wonder Woman]]''. The Amazons are trained early in life to be warriors, but are secluded from mankind for centuries. Something Persephone calls Hippolyta out on near the film's climax. {{spoiler|Diana herself manages to find a balance towards the movies end. She moves to New York and is in a relationship with Steve, but she still maintains her status as an Amazon and fights crime whenever she's needed.}}
* Averted in ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'': we've got two [[Tomboy|tomboys]] of different flavors (one athlete and one workaholic), we've got three [[The Chick|girly girls]] - a [[Shrinking Violet]], a [[Genki Girl]] and [[The Fashionista]] - and we got [[Adorkable|Twilight Sparkle]] who can serve as counterpart for both groups. Neither are Applejack and Rainbow Dash permanently superior nor are Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie or Twilight weaker or stupid. They all have different approaches to something and it depends on the problem what will work (In Rarity's case the approach is passive-aggressive [[Cute but Cacophonic|whining]], proving that you don't have to be on the physical side to take action). Not to mention their [[Physical God|Physical Godess]] [[Every Thing Is Better With Princesses|Princess Celestia]] is very, very feminine. And, well, several thousand years old, lifts the sun every day and is noone to mess with in general.
** Series creator [[Lauren Faust]] herself is 100% opposed to this mentality in fact, stating that the reason why feminine characters come off badly is usually due to poor writing/direction.
** And let's not forget the occasional all-out brawls. [[The Fashionista]]? Mean left hoof. [[Genki Girl]]? Ends up parking the show on the [[Gatling Good]] page.
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* [[Avatar: The Last Airbender]] averts it, too. Yes, there are very masculine and kick-ass female characters like [[Boisterous Bruiser|Toph]] and [[Magnificent Bastard|Azula]], but then there're those like the [[Team Mom]] Katara and [[Genki Girl|the incredibly perky Ty Lee.]] There's also Suki, leader of the Kyoshi warriors, who makes a point of showing how her fighting out-fit is very feminine, and she's just as good for it. And ''all'' of these girls could probably kill you.
** Also averted in the sequel series. The first episode alone introduces the title character [[Blood Knight|Korra]] and [[Da Chief|Chief]] [[Badass|Lin Bei Fong]], both of whome are quite masculine, but also the [[Bookworm|Jinora]], [[Motor Mouth|Ikki]] and [[Parents As People|Pema]], who are girlier (and all related, incidently). We later get Asami, a girl who despite her beautiful looks and polite manners is an expert racer and fighter.
* Usually averted in ''[[The Avengers: EarthsEarth's Mightiest Heroes (Animation)|Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes]]''; [[The Wasp]] fights crime in a black and yellow dress, but still proves tough in battle. However, she spends a good portion of [[Ms. Marvel (Comic Book)|Ms. Marvel]]'s first episode griping about how [[Ant-Man]] always puts work and science ahead of returning her love for him. This builds up to Wasp interrupting a battle with a destructive robot to complain about Ant-Man's priorities. Ms. Marvel is still an ordinary Army major when this episode takes place, so she wears her uniform while investigating the night's potentially dangerous disturbance, and keeps a constant focus on eliminating the threat. She also advises Wasp to keep her jealousy at bay.
** Ms. Marvel wears a women's leotard when performing super-heroic duties, creating another aversion.