Realm Exclusive Effect: Difference between revisions

Adding an example that can help describe the image above.
(Replacing the video with a gif that will show the trope off better.)
(Adding an example that can help describe the image above.)
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* As pictured above, ''[[Deltarune]]'''s [[Dark World|Dark Worlds]] can change Lightners' appearance with different clothes and give them magic and equipment. For Darkners, they turn into inanimate objects but can transform back when in another Dark World.
* ''[[Tokyo Xanadu]]'' has the Eclipse, an overlap of reality with the Spirit World where certain people can use armaments called Soul Devices to fight against creatures called [[The Heartless|Greed]].
* Played straight in ''[[Persona 4]]'' (as explained in canon with ''[[Persona 4 Arena]]''), where the characters can summon their Personas while in the TV World. The characters within the setting believe that they can only summon their Persona in that alternate dimension. After encountering the cast of ''[[Persona 3]]'' in the spin-off games, they discover that under heavy duress or using an Evoker they can summon their Personas in the real world too, albeit at a lower power level.